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        The Sky Always Bright--Short and Medium Works Collection

        by "Dream Round 2020" Theme Literary Essay Activity Office

        This book is a collection of short and medium works in the series, including short and medium stories, short and medium reportage, prose, poetry and children's literature. These works are rich in the characteristics of the times and the breath of life. They show the moving deeds of Hunan's targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation, and demonstrate the spirit of people's struggle towards a well-off society. The theme is clear and prominent, the tone is positive, portraying and praising the most beautiful people and typical models participating in poverty alleviation and development, praising the true feelings of the world and transmitting positive social energy.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        June 2024

        Round our way

        Sam Hanna's visual legacy

        by Heather Nicholson

        Sam Hanna (1903-96), a pioneering filmmaker from Burnley, Lancashire, was dubbed the 'Lowry of filmmaking' by BBC broadcaster Brian Redhead in the 1980s. The well-meant label stuck, even though it misses the variety of Hanna's remarkable output. Hanna's intimate glimpses into the lives of strangers enable us to imagine the possible stories that lie behind the images. Away from mid-century exponents of documentary filmmaking and photography, Hanna shows us humanity and a microcosm of a world in change, where his subjects are caught up in issues far beyond their grasp that we, as onlookers years later, encounter and see afresh. Written and curated by historian Heather Norris Nicholson, Round our way combines stills, essays and archive photography to document Hanna's unique visual record on film, particularly in northern England, but also further afield, during decades of profound change.

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        January 1986

        Atta Troll

        Versuch einer Analyse

        by Heym, Stefan

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        Atta Troll

        Ein Sommernachtstraum

        by Heinrich Heine, Bernd Kortländer

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2022

        Nordic Gothic

        by Maria Holmgren Troy, Johan Hõglund, Yvonne Leffler, Sofia Wijkmark

        Nordic Gothic traces Gothic fiction in the Nordic region from its beginnings in the nineteenth century, with a main focus on the development of Gothic from the 1990s onwards in literature, film, TV and new media. The volume gives an overview of Nordic Gothic fiction in relation to transnational developments and provides a number of case studies and in-depth analyses of individual narratives. It creates an understanding of this under-researched cultural phenomenon by showing how the narratives make visible cultural anxieties haunting the Nordic countries, their welfare systems, identities and ideologies. Nordic Gothic examines how figures from Nordic folklore function as metaphorical expressions of Gothic themes and Nordic settings are explored from perspectives such as ecocriticism and postcolonialism. The book will be of interest to researchers and post- and- undergraduate students in various fields within the Humanities.

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        Children's & YA

        World Runner (2). The Hunted

        by Thomas Thiemeyer

        Tim, who with Annika and Malte has qualified for the second round, is confronted with the biggest challenge of his running career: he, his friends and their arch rivals Jeremy, Darius and Vanessa must form a team that will perform perfectly together. How well they succeed will be judged by millions of spectators, because every moment of this competition will be broadcast live by the media company Global Games. The decision as to who wins has long since ceased to be a matter of ability. Whether the prize is worth the challenge is open to question.

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        June 2015

        Round and Fatty

        Parent-Child Stories

        by Zhen Guoguo

        Imaginary plots and humorous dialogue enable children to think about the meaning of dreams. The work includes a group of little characters in an amusement park. They have their own small dreams, which make them happy and joyful. Only the park manager’s steps can make them quiet again.

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        August 2019

        Snöfrid aus dem Wiesental (2). Das wahrlich sagenhafte Rätsel der Trolle

        by Schmachtl, Andreas H.

        *** Der zweite Snöfrid-Band mit großer Schrift und kurzen Kapiteln zum Selbstlesen für Kinder ab dem 2. Lesejahr *** Eigentlich weilen Snöfrid und der wunderkleine Kauz Björn gerade in den Ferien … stünden da nicht plötzlich drei kleine Nörli vor Snöfrids Tür. Und sie haben etwas wahrhaft Ungeheuerliches zu berichten: Ein furchteinflößender Schatten entführt zu nächtlicher Stunde ihre Schafe - ein Schatten, der aussieht wie Snöfrid selbst! „Hm“, brummt Snöfrid und steckt mal wieder mitten in einem atemberaubenden Abenteuer, in dessen Verlauf ihm ganz und gar ungeahnte Dinge seiner eigenen Snöfrid-Familie zu Ohren kommen …

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        September 2003

        Die Lust am Rauchen

        Geschichten und Gedichte vom blauen Dunst

        by Mario Leis

        Diese Anthologie bietet eine Zusammenstellung von Rauchzeichen und Tabakspuren in der Literatur: vom Lob des blauen Dunstes bis zur Einführung in die Kunst, sich das Rauchen abzugewöhnen. Thematisch gegliedert in unterschiedliche Kapitel, werden alle Aspekte des lustvollen Lasters augegegriffen - nicht zuletzt geht es dabei um das oft beschworene Verhältnis zwischen Tabakkonsum und Kreativität. Berücksichtigt werden ferner die verschiedenen Formen des Tabakgenusses: Zigarre und Zigarette, Pfeife, Haschisch und Schnupftabak. Und natürlich fehlt auch nicht die Streitschrift des flammenden Nichtrauchers. Mit Texten von Charles Baudelaire, Walter Benjamin, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Günter Grass, Mechtilde Lichnowsky, Thomas Mann, Francis Ponge, Joachim Ringelnatz, Einar Schleef, Italo Svevo, Friedrich Torberg, Thaddäuas Troll, Kurt Tucholsky, Mark Twain und vielen anderen.

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        Dark Colors in the Mirage Forest

        A Book for Children Whose Parents are Mentally Ill

        by Azimeh Maleki, Franziska Beham, Maike Böning, Ann-Kathrin Korfmacher, Markus Stracke, Sabine Wangenheim

        This story is about a bird called Avi and his best friend, the troll Muri. The two live in the Mirage Forest and walk together to the forest school. But one day, Muri is acting differently for some reason. Avi does not understand what’s wrong with his friend and a  big argument breaks out between the two of them. Their teacher, Ms. Bolle, manages to get Muri to open up. Muri explains that he is worried about his father. The man is in very bad shape and Muri does not understand what exactly is going on with him. With the help of Ms. Bolle and the owl as an emotional expert, the two learn what a mental illness is and that it is affecting Muri’s father’s feelings, thoughts, and behavior. The aim of this book is to make it easier for affected children to understand their current situation. It teaches them that they are not alone and shows them how to cope with whatever is worrying them.   For: • children of elementary school age (between 6 and 12 years) who are suffering   because of the mental illness of a parent• parents, relatives• therapists

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