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      • Health & Personal Development


        Lectura de emergencia

        by Eduardo Jáuregui

        “Play!” is an action guide, a practical fun book, written by Eduardo Jáuregui, unique in its method, brilliant in its thinking, agile like the wind and charismatic. It gives the reader tools for realizing projects and plans, be it an enterprise, a social welfare or a work of art. Jáuregui is the author of the international bestseller “Conversations with my cat”, translated into 13 languages. For comercial non-fiction lists.

      • Health & Personal Development

        This is Your Life

        by Cai Kang-Yong

        Live for Yourself swept the No.1 bestseller of major bookstores. The second book, This is Your life will teach you to be just right and enjoy the refreshing interpersonal relationship!   In his previous book Live for Yourself, Kang-Yong compared emotional intelligence to three things─ sunshine, breeze, and water drop. Sunshine is “understanding," and Live for Yourself talks about how to become understanding. Breeze is "just right". In This is Your Life, Kang-Yong talks about how to be "just right" in EQ through interpersonal relationships. ".   The "just right" in interpersonal relationships is to find suitable and appropriate conditions for ourselves, so that we can live more comfortably. You have to live comfortably without anyone explaining any reason. That is because, this is your life.   There is a bar that makes people linger, there is an overzealous bar owner, an outdated famous host, a handsome bartender, a man who can make delicious eggroll, and a mysterious old witch. They will bring their life stories with which you and I both seem to be familiar, but have never thought of the solutions.   How to make friends: - Making friends is not as same as buying things. You’ll choose a flawless washing machine or diamond ring, but you wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who is flawless. - When some people complain that their friends are too realistic, it is because they themselves use realistic standards to measure friendship. - There is no standard template for living, only scripts that suit us. - Be a reflector. Making friends interesting and they won’t leave you. - When you want to increase self-confidence, comparing your strengths with others. When you want to increase fighting will, comparing your weaknesses with others. - What makes you comfortable is friendship; what makes you anxious is connection.   How to satisfy parents and be yourself at the same time: - Who will emotionally blackmail us? If we feel that we owe someone, we will be blackmailed by them. - If you really can’t bear not knowing your parents, or don’t love them, there is an Ah Q mentality way, but it is very useful. It is to imagine an ideal parent in your heart. - Separate your parents' expectations from your own wishes, and measure your limited mental strength and make an assignment that is not compromised. - Satisfying parents’ expectations in small matters is to reserve bargaining chips and hope that parents can respect your own wishes in major matters.


        Celestial Saints Take on Your Daily Dilemmas

        by Viv Croot

        This is the ultimate self-help guide, featuring a saint for every occasion or problem. Choose from our celestial selection of saints who can help with 21st-century life’s dilemmas: from dental pain to career path gain. A potted history of each saint accompanies explanations of their significance, martyrdom and associated symbolism. Find the right saintly solution in this saints-on-the-go guide.

      • June 2022

        Emma Likes it Quiet

        by Dóra Gimesi, Mari Takács

        It is precisely two weeks, three days and ten minutes since Emma started school. She is a silent child who stands out among her classmates as being different, but deep down, her heart is full of love. Emma is extremely sensitive to noise and feels frightened when she has to speak in front of others. Her only friends are the animals at the oceanarium hospital where her parents work. Dóra Gimesi tells us a tender, moving tale about a little girl finding her voice and the courage to help her friends. A lyrical storybook with stunning illustrations.

      • October 2021

        Your Immune System: 50 Key Questions & Answers

        50 Key Questions and Answers

        by Catherine Whitlock

        What happens when a virus enters the body? How does the immune system’s ‘memory’ work? How does your diet influence your immune response?This book is a one-stop (and very timely) shop for all your questions about immunity, explaining how the immune system works, what factors influence it and how you can take positive action to support it. We all want to look after our health and keep disease at bay, but now, more than ever before, a spotlight is being shone on how we can best do that.


        Discover the Hidden World of the Chemical Messengers in Your Body

        by Catherine Whitlock

        Say Hello to the millions of hormones in your bloodstream that regulate the function of our cells and organs. This book looks at what they are, where they are made and what they do. It examines the key functions of the body in which hormones are involved and explains signs of deficiency or imbalance. It also offers practical lifestyle and dietary advice on how you can help your hormones to keep your body healthy and ‘in synch’.

      • Memory improvement & thinking techniques
        August 2012

        Have You Seen My…ummm…Memory?

        by Miller Caldwell

        Everyone has had the frustrating experience of putting something down and then forgetting where. Although there are many factors that contribute to the ability to remember; it is also a simple fact that some people are better at remembering than others. Outside influences like stress, hormone problems, or even the side –effects of medications can make people absentminded and forgetful. But what if your memory is simply getting progressively worse? Are you frequently embarrassed at not being able to remember someone’s name? Have you ever driven away from a petrol station and genuinely forgotten to pay? Are these episodes of memory loss driving you to despair? If so, then this book by Miller Caldwell is not only going to amuse and entertain you, but it will provide you with many serious tips and selfhelp exercises that will help you train your brain all over again! Mr Caldwell begins by explaining his own diagnosed condition called mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and the frustration he felt at having to retire early because of shortterm memory loss. He explains in simple terms how the human brain processes our thoughts and then stores them in preparation for recall. He explains how in most people, sharp thinking and reasoning skills are unaffected by shortterm memory decline and suggests that, if an older person learns information in the right way, he or she is just as likely to remember it as a younger counterpart. Each helpful tip and suggested exercise comes with an anecdote from Caldwell's many varied and fascinating life experiences, including how he almost married the wrong woman! Presented in a delightful and straightforward format, this book will be an invaluable companion to those of us who are just a little bit forgetful or, equally, to those in the early stages of dementia. Oh, and just in case you forget, the charming cover illustration of an elephant with a knot in its trunk will remind you to pick up a copy of your own.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Great Person

        by Hamka

        Great Person exposes Hamka’s way of thinking about personalities, particularly within Indonesian society. One of the emerging problems nowadays is value and moral ignorance in all education levels. Individuals need to comprehensively develop in body, mind, soul, and dreams. This best-seller book provides us information about tips and techniques to develop and become a great person. Offering valuable inputs for Indonesians to become great people. The book is suitable for readers who are willing to learn about how to make someone have a good personality.

      • Self-help & personal development

        Turning Dreams into Reality

        Change your Mindset and Effortlessly Achieve your Dreams

        by Yuval Tabib

        Turn Your Dreams Into Reality is based on the PMCR (Physics of Magnetism Created Reality) method, developed by Yuval Tabib, which adopts evidence from quantum physics and shows how each of us can create the reality we want with just our thoughts. We all strive to succeed in all areas of life and in the shortest possible time. But the biggest obstacle that holds most of us back is our difficulty to persevere — in our attitude, our plans, and our dreams. This book offers simple, practical, and well-paced tools, to be implemented for just a few minutes at the beginning and end of each day. It guides its readers to work independently on their own and gain direct insights into matters such as how to change thoughts and awareness, how to use positive thinking, and how to relate to others and be loved by those around us.

      • Children's & YA
        November 2021

        Are your emotions like mine?

        by Chitwan Mittal, Shruti Hemani

        A girl and her lion friend are the stars of this book about feelings. After experiencing a range of emotions, the two friends learn that the best way to deal with them is to FIRST take a deep, deep breath! Magical illustrations, simple text and a universal theme, make this book perfect to read aloud to toddlers (2+ years) and an excellent addition to your picture book collection. You and your child will cherish it forever!

      • Health & Personal Development
        July 2021

        Step by Step

        Why Walking Helps Us Think and Live Better

        by Walter Orioli

        Walking is an activity we often undervalue and underestimate, thinking of it just as a way of getting from one place to another. It’s time to reconsider it. How do you consciously walk? What’s the difference between walking from home to the office and hiking surrounded by trees? How do you process a trip after you’re back home, to be left with new feelings and creative ideas? All these questions can find an answer in Step by Step, the new guide to walking therapy by Walter Orioli. Because walking is not just physical: it involves feelings, thoughts and senses, and it’s time we bring back its spiritual dimension to have a better relationship with our body and the environment. The book features 4 different itineraries as told through the eyes and heart of the author: the Camino de Santiago, the Francigena Way, the St. Francis Way and the Wayfarer Path. Walking starts two different processes in our bodies: the organism is in motion and the muscles are toned, at the same time meditating comes easy and natural. This handbook helps you re-think walking as a simultaneous process for mind and body. The book suggests a three-steps approach to the experience of walking: how to prepare the trip before you take it; how to enjoy it to the fullest; and how to process the feelings that spring from a walk and turn them into art.

      • Self-help & personal development
        May 2021

        How to Mend a Broken Heart

        by Ziella Bryars

        ‘Did you hear, Amy has heartbreak?! What bad luck to catch it right at the end of winter.’   Based on a series of conversations between Ziella and her neuroscientist best friend, this witty and warm self-help book outlines the physical impact a relationship break-uphas on our bodies and how understanding this can help us heal.   A past sufferer of heartbreak herself, Ziella passes on what she learned from her best friend about how a broken heart can affect our sleep, our immune function, our musclesand our digestion; how a person choosing to leave you is represented in the brain in the same way as physical pain; how the brain processes loss; the neurological impactof rejection; and anger as a stage of grief – plus tips for counteracting heartbreak and moving on to acceptance.


        The Hidden Communities that Live in your Gut and Other Organs

        by Catherine Whitlock & Nicola Temple

        Meet Your Bacteria explores the multitude of bacteria that live on and in different parts of your body. It explains what effect they have — good and bad — and offers advice on promoting those you want to keep and getting rid of those you don't want. It covers the whole body, as well as pregnancy and birth and how your children’s bacteria set them up for life. And fascinating research into topics such as the way the human microbiome varies across the globe. Catherine Whitlock is a science writer with a BSc in Biological Sciences and a PhD in Immunology. She is the co-author of Meet Your Hormones.

      • Health & Personal Development

        So be happy now

        How to reinvent your life after burnout

        by Riccarda Kolb

        The most joyful burn-out recovery book!My book is written as a helping hand for people who feel that they want more happiness in their life and want to take small steps towards change, towards living a great, wonderful life instead of constantly feeling sad, tired, and sick.I wanted to create a colourful and happy book, because the burnout books that I found when I was sick myself were too serious and told me that I had to change my job, my lifestyle, and basically everything. But as I was sick I felt that I needed something else, I needed someone to help me take thesmall steps and to invite glimpses of sunlight into my life. /Riccarda KolbThe most joyful burn-out recovery book! By Riccarda Kolb, yoga teacher, coach for stress prevention, energy mentor, author, and owner of the Yoga Studio KarmaKarma in Dusseldorf, Germany.The book includes some yoga thoughts and asanas, but it is not a yoga book at all. It is a book for support and for letting go, for not being too hard to yourself. A book for anyone who wants to learn how to flow and to trust in the universe and in life.Each chapter consist of a story, Riccarda’s learning from this story, and her recommendation for the reader based on the story. Also included are music tips and little quotes, and a lot of inspiration for each day.

      • Be Better Bit by Bit

        The Ultimate Guide to Unlock the Best Phase of Your Life

        by Nishith Goyal

        If you are looking to cook a super-productive life but miss the right ingredients or the recipe, the good news is that  you have picked up the right book. In Be Better Bit-By-Bit, Nishith Goyal lays in front of you the age-old wisdom of small and consistent improvements delivered in his sharp and provocative style. Through this book’s elegantly simple approach, you could uncover the secret philosophy of success and kick-start the best phase of your life. Drawing from his own experience as a marathon runner and balancing a busy corporate job with running the Be-Better-Bit-By-Bit Club, Nishith delivers a compelling argument for a new way of life - a better life.  This book is both empowering and at the same time liberating, with elements like self-awareness resulting in positive results, mindfulness and its connection with daily exercising, journalling as a self-improvement tool, and ways to harness your true potential and achieve big. Be Better Bit-By-Bit will have a revolutionary effect on your career, your relationships, your finances, and your overall life.

      • Budgeting & financial management
        August 2012

        Trusts a Practical Guide

        by Terence O'halloran

        Within the genre of financial selfhelp, ‘Trusts A Practical Guide’ is an invaluable and rare resource for financial experts and members of the public alike who need a reference work on a subject that is, on the face of it, complex but which undeniably affects many people’s lives at one point or another. Whatever your occupation or background, you are almost certain at some time to need some understanding of this subject, whether in your own financial planning or in advising those around you – and this guide is particularly helpful when dealing with a relative’s probate or the complex issues arising from an inheritance.After thirtyfive years at the top of his profession, FSA member Terry O'Halloran writes passionately and informatively, not only about his subject but also about the importance of spreading the word to others. He has seen many times first hand the benefits of wellorganized and implemented financial planning on people’s lives. More poignantly, he has seen what can happen when such matters are left to chance.Using famous historical characters, placing them in recognizable situations and using real life case histories, he explains the organization and procedure of Trusts simply and easily bringing his subject alive by putting it in a perspective that is easily assimilated by the layman. Terry O'Halloran clearly explains the intricacies of Trusts and confronts their realities with reallife examples such as a family case involving a number of exwives, a business partnership that goes very expensively wrong and even the attempted murder of a director and removal of the wouldbe assassin (as a Trustee). Building the full picture from simple steps, the author explains the merits or otherwise of trusts and their uses with life assurance and pension products. “Trusts are the most important adjunct to life assurance, business protection, estate planning and pension provision. A basic understanding is essential,” he insists. After searching in vain for a book for his own use, the need for a reference book on this subject was clear. “I needed a reference book that I could refer to during the working day but which would also be simple enough for any of my clients to understand. So I wrote one – in fact I had to write it because there was simply nothing suitable in existence. Moreover, I use it all the time. My own copies are dogeared from use.” “I believe,’ Trusts’ is a practical tool for the professional’s everyday use and a good guide for the layman.

      • Feel me

        by Silviya Krumova

        With love ... for love. The love of ourselves, of the beloved one, of art. Love that can't just be read - it is felt. “Feel Me” is not a book - it is an universe of emotions. Silviya Krumova`s words smell of vanilla and a warm home, ready to shelter us - to teach us that love is allowed to be written only by people with a pure soul.

      • Health & Personal Development
        October 2020

        Optimism and Health

        What science knows about the benefits of positive thinking

        by Luis Rojas Marcos

        Learning to feel and think positively is a highly profitable investment to overcome pessimism and live healthy and happy. In this book, psychiatrist Luis Rojas Marcos details the ingredients that distinguish the optimistic from the pessimistic disposition. He explores the forces that forge our temperament, identifies the most damagin poison to optimism, describes strategies to promote a positive disposition, and examines the influence of optimism in relationships, health and work. He ends with an analysis of the most valuable quality of our optimism: its enormous and proven usefulness in dealing with adversity in life.

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