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      • Trusted Partner
        Animal husbandry
        September 2000

        Modelling Nutrient Utilization in Farm Animals

        by David E Beever. Edited by John P McNamara, James (Jim) France

        This book describes current research in modelling nutrient use in farm animals, from cellular to ecosystem level. The chapters are developed from papers presented at a satellite meeting of the 9th International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology, held in South Africa in October 1999.Excellent papers from a top list of contributorsEditors of great reputationCovers the current topics of interest

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal husbandry
        April 2006

        Nutrient Digestion and Utilization in Farm Animals

        Modelling Approaches

        by Edited by Ermias Kebreab, Jan Dijkstra, André Bannink, Walter J J Gerrits, James (Jim) France

        This book brings together the papers presented orally or as posters at the Sixth International Workshopon Modelling Nutrient Utilization in Farm Animals, held in Wageningen, The Netherlands, 6 - 8 September2004. The purpose of this book is to present current research in modelling nutrient digestion andutilization in cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry and fish.The book is organised into six sections that cover a range of topics and modelling approaches; theseare (i) absorption and passage; (ii) growth and development; (iii) mineral metabolism; (iv) methodology;(v) environmental impact; and (vi) animal production and feed evaluation. Deterministic, stochastic,empirical and mechanistic modelling approaches are described.This book will be of significant interest to researchers and students of animal science, particularly thoseconcerned with nutrition modelling.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1998


        Die 500 besten Rezepte aus aller Welt

        by Bunzel, Susanne / Vorwort von Gamba, Mario; Illustriert von Obi, Lucia

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1996

        La Pasta - Nudeln

        Von Tagliatelle, Gnocchi und anderen Teigwaren

        by Italienisch Bunzel-Harris, Susanne

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2010

        Pasta per due

        So schmeckt die Liebe

        by Buchholz, Simone

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2008

        Pizza, Pasta und Gemüse

        Kochen kann ich auch. Kopiervorlagen für Kinder

        by Philippi, Jule

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal husbandry
        October 1998

        Response in the Yield of Milk Constituents to the Intake of Nutrients by Dairy Cows

        by P C Thomas, David E Beever, P J Buttery, J C MacRae, J D Oldham. Edited by Geoffrey Alderman.

        This report reviews the energy and protein requirement systems for dairy cows currently used in Britain and presents a new approach, along with the outline of a model for its implementation. Current systems give little consideration to the responses of the animal to changes in the nutrient supply, or to interactions between dietary constituents in their effects on digestion and metabolism. Neither do they predict any effect on the partition of nutrient use between milk and body, or changes in the yields of milk fat, protein and lactose, which determine the commercial value of the milk. Therefore the systems, although not inaccurate, lack relevance to the current needs of UK milk producers. Models which embody concepts of nutrient supply and utilization are reviewed and their development as viable alternatives is considered. It is concluded that a new diet formulation system for dairy cows should aim to predict voluntary feed intake, the partition of nutrient use between milk production and tissue deposition, and the short and long-term of effects of nutrition on fat, protein and lactose yields. The physical and biological characteristics of the cow must also be recognized and incorporated into any model for response prediction. The report is also published in Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews - Series B: Livestock Feeds and Feeding. It is an authoritative review for advanced students, research workers and advisors in animal nutrition and in dairy science and technology.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal husbandry
        January 1980

        Nutrient Requirements of Ruminant Livestock

        by Agricultural Research Council Working Party

        This work discusses the nutrient requirements of all forms of ruminant livestock.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2012

        Das Glück ist eine gute Pasta

        Wie ich die Liebe zum Essen nach Bella Germania brachte

        by Brunetti, Luigi; Eichhorst, Sabine

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2023

        Pasts at play

        Childhood encounters with history in British culture, 1750–1914

        by Rachel Bryant Davies, Barbara Gribling

        This collection brings together scholars from disciplines including Children's Literature, Classics, and History to develop fresh approaches to children's culture and the uses of the past. It charts the significance of historical episodes and characters during the long nineteenth-century (1750-1914), a critical period in children's culture. Boys and girls across social classes often experienced different pasts simultaneously, for purposes of amusement and instruction. The book highlights an active and shifting market in history for children, and reveals how children were actively involved in consuming and repackaging the past: from playing with historically themed toys and games to performing in plays and pageants. Each chapter reconstructs encounters across different media, uncovering the cultural work done by particular pasts and exposing the key role of playfulness in the British historical imagination.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal husbandry
        December 1993

        Energy and Protein Requirements of Ruminants

        by Edited by Geoffrey Alderman

        This book is an officially authorised advisory manual that implements the recommendations on the energy and protein requirements of cattle, sheep and goats made by the AFRC Technical Committee on Responses to Nutrients (TCORN) since its establishment in 1982. TCORN has produced a series of numbered reports including No. 5 in 1990 on ‘Nutrient Requirements on Ruminant Animals: Energy’ and in 1992, No. 9 ‘Nutrient Requirements of Ruminant Animals: Protein’. The former recommended, with only minor modifications, the adoption of the AFRC’s 1980 Technical Review’s full recommendations on energy requirements of ruminants, while the latter recommended the adoption of a protein system based on Metabolisable Protein as the unit. Opportunity has been taken to include material from TCORN Report No. 8, 1991 on the ‘Voluntary Intake of Silage by Cattle’ and from an unpublished TCORN Report on the ‘Nutrition of Goats’. The current volume presents these recommendations in a practical form designed for use by advisors, farmers, lecturers, research workers and students concerned with the nutrition of ruminant animals. The manual includes 45 tables of requirements (incorporating agreed safety margins) and 29 example diets.

      • Trusted Partner
        Farm & working animals
        December 1997

        Nutrition of Goats

        by Edited by AFRC Technical Committtee

        This report is a comprehensive review of published information on the body composition and digestive physiology of temperate zone goats, the composition of their products, meat, milk and fibre, their voluntary feed intake, and their associated energy, protein, mineral and vitamin requirements. The systematic approach is similar to that of earlier reviews of ruminant nutrient requirements published by the Agricultural Research Council in 1980 and 1984, which are factorial in nature. In particular the energy and protein requirements are expressed in terms of Metabolisable Energy (ARC 1980, AFRC 1990) and Metabolisable Protein (AFRC1992), using the models for cattle and sheep as appropriate. The requirements for calcium and phosphorus have been calculated utilising the factors specified in a separate AFRC report published in 1991. The report also identifies areas where there is a lack of research data specific to goats, recourse having to be made to published data for sheep (particularly for voluntary feed intake and the nutrient requirements of pregnancy) or cattle, as most appropriate. The review has 49 tables covering all aspects of the subject, and is fully referenced. It represents an authoritative review for advanced students, research workers and advisors in animal nutrition.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Silent Killers

        How Big Food Risks Our Health

        by Wilfried Bommert, Christina Sartori

        Addiction from the supermarket The most powerful drug cartel of the 21st century sells pizzas, chocolate bars and mixed sweets. The promise: a quick and happy snack at low cost. The truth: this “food” isn’t nutritious, but is addictive and fattening, while bringing bumper profits for the investors. “Big Food” is becoming more powerful, but the costs due to the consequences of obesity now risk overwhelming global healthcare services. Obesity ranks as a killer before smoking or high blood pressure. A direct analysis of a man-made epidemic that is dominated by a few large companies and kept going by multiple profiteers. Their motto: “Teach the world to snack.”

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2020

        Pasts at play

        by Rachel Bryant Davies, Barbara Gribling, Anna Barton

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        November 1996

        Driven By Nature

        Plant Litter Quality and Decomposition

        by Edited by Georg Cadisch, Ken E Giller

        Biological management of nutrient supply to plants is intrinsically more complex than the provision of nutrients as inorganic fertilizers. We need to know whether the nutrients released are retained or lost from the system, whether rates of decomposition can be manipulated to improve nutrient use efficiency, and how the various fractions of plant residues translate into pools of organic matter in soil. Only then can predictive models for nutrient release, plant uptake and soil organic matter dynamics be truly tested and validated. This book brings together contemporary ideas on the characterization and manipulation of plant quality and especially its role in soil organic matter formation and nutrient cycling. It contains work from the leading workers in both temperate and tropical systems. There are also contributions describing work outside decomposition in soil ecosystems, such as the work of plant biochemists and animal nutritionists, as research in these areas has provided many ideas and concepts used in plant quality analysis. A wide range of topics is covered from investigations at the molecular level through to management options for farmers in relation to optimising biological management of crop residues. The work presented in this volume is valuable to all those researching and managing the supply of nutrients to plants. It is important reading for soil scientists, plant physiologists and crop scientists.

      • Trusted Partner
        Forestry & silviculture: practice & techniques
        December 1997

        Agroforestry for Soil Management

        by Edited by Anthony Young

        Agroforestry refers to land use systems in which trees or shrubs are grown in association with agricultural crops, or pastures and livestock. From its inception, it has contained a strong element of soil management. Well-designed and managed agroforestry systems have the potential to control run-off and erosion, maintain soil organic matter and physical properties, and promote nutrient cycling. By these means, agroforestry can make a major contribution to sustainable land use. The previous edition of this book, entitled Agroforestry for Soil Conservation (1989), was based on indirect evidence from agriculture, forestry and soil science. The present work provides a new synthesis, drawing on over 700 published sources dating largely from the 1990s. These include both results of field trials of agronomy systems, and research into the plant-soil processes which take place within them. Soil conservation in its narrower sense, the control of erosion, is treated alongside other equally important aspects of soil management, such as nutrient cycling. The new edition summarizes the present state of knowledge and indicates needs for research. It is essential reading for all concerned with agroforestry, whether as students, research scientists, or for practical purposes of development. It is also of interest to soil scientists, agronomists and foresters. Anthony Young was for nine years a Principal Scientist with the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya. He was previously Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, from which he received the degree of Doctor of Science. He was a joint author of the FAO standard texts on land evaluation and land use planning. Besides these, his other books include Soil Survey and Land Evaluation (1981) and Land Resources: Now and for the Future (1998). He is now Honorary Research Fellow in Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia.

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        Domingo Por La Tarde En El Parque Kilinski

        by Arieh Stav

        Domingo Por La Tarde En El Parque Kilinski  por  Arieh Stav Había rumores, un olor a miedo en el aire. Y, sin embargo, ocurrió todo con rapidez increíble. Los soviéticos abandonaban la ciudad y los alemanes estaban en sus puertas. Mera Stollar agarró a su bebé y huyó. A partir de aquél día, su vida se convirtió en una odisea de huída y supervivencia. Gracias al aspecto ario de su hijo (siempre y cuando no le bajaran los pantalones…), su ingenio y sabiduría, huyeron de la ciudad después del exterminio de sus habitantes judíos. Sin documentos, la madre y el niño deambularon entre las callejuelas de la Polonia ocupada haciéndose pasar por refugiados polacos hasta que llegaron a Varsovia. En el camino, vivieron con el constante temor de captura, hambre, frío, enfermedad y la crueldad e indiferencia de la gente, pero hubo también casos de compasión y clemencia. Su fuga está acompañada de muchos peligros y amenazas. Una familia cristiana los echa a la calle por haberse persignado con la mano izquierda. Un delator ucraniano los entrega a la policía, lo que significa ser transportados a Treblinka. El tren es bombardeado y, el primer día de la Liberación, Mera es declarada culpable de colaborar con el enemigo alemán, un pecado que es penado con una sentencia de ejecución. DOMINGO POR LA TARDE EN EL PARQUE KILINSKI también relata la historia de Rójele, encarcelada por un par de botas, de Stiepan el policía ucraniano cuyo amor por Vera no evita que mate a toda la familia de ella, de Lieber, protegido por el cadáver de su padre en las fosas de la muerte de Susenki, de Sonia la conversa, a quien el crucifijo que llevaba colgado del cuello no la salvó, de la abuela Yadzia, la polaca que estaba dispuesta a sacrificar su vida por Libi, a quien amaba como su propia nieta, de Alex e Irena, las dos artistas de circo ucranianas que irónicamente estaban bajo la protección de Mera y de Rudolf, el paracaidista alemán cuyo galanteo y amor por Mera provocaron la desilusión.  Arieh Stav nació en 1939 en Rovno, Polonia en aquel entonces y hoy día Ucrania. En 1951 emigró a Israel junto con su madre. Se educó en el kibutz Givat Haim, sirvió en el ejército de Israel como paracaidista y fue miembro del kibutz hasta 1963, cuando lo dejó y se mudó a Tel Aviv. Estudió psicología, filosofía y drama en la Universidad de Tel Aviv. Arieh Stav es el director del Ariel Center for Policy Research, una organización apolítica dedicada a la investigación exhaustiva y al debate de asuntos políticos y estratégicos que incumben a Israel y al pueblo judío. Stav es el editor de Nativ, a periódico bimestral sobre política y arte y es autor y editor de muchos libros y estudios de investigación. Tradujo al hebreo y publicó numerosos volúmenes de poemas épicos escritos a lo largo de los tiempos y en un gran número de idiomas.

      • Trusted Partner
        Botany & plant sciences
        January 2013


        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Edited by Bruce Schaffer, B Nigel Wolstenholme, Anthony W Whiley.

        Although avocado has been cultivated and consumed for more than 9000 years near its centre of origin in Latin America, world production and trade has increased dramatically over the past few decades. The avocado is now a widely traded fruit between warmer and colder countries as a result of the global community becoming increasingly aware of the versatility and nutritional value of this crop. For the past decade, the world avocado industry has been going through a period of rapid technological change and innovation. The dietary value of "the most nutritious of all fruit" is also receiving more attention. This fully updated new edition of the successful 2002 book will provide a comprehensive review of avocado production, science and technology.

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