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      • Black Inc.

        An imprint of Schwartz Books, Black Inc. is a leading independent Australian book publisher of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We are passionate about diversity, inclusivity, social justice, new ideas and writing which informs, entertains and inspires. We are fiercely independent, but also strongly commercial. We publish local and international commercial mass-market titles under our Nero imprint, and children’s books under Piccolo Nero. Our La Trobe University Press imprint brings leading scholars and exports to deliver books of high intellectual quality, substance and originality. Schwartz Books also publishes the issue-defining journals Quarterly Essay and Australian Foreign Affairs.

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      • Poetry
        March 2010


        by Daniel Rojas Pachas

        Gramma parte de un enfoque muy diferente. Cuerpo sí, pero cuerpo inaugural y como tal se revela y se rebela. No la realidad como algo pensado por la mente, como decía Wallace Stevens. Mi experiencia del poeta norteamericano, mi lectura y reflexión sobre su poesía me abren caminos más vastos más allá del simple academicismo. Poesía por encima de todo determinismo enajenante. Decir que en la poesía está la verdad absoluta de la creación, no sólo es negar la incertidumbre que nos hace humanos, sino envolver las palabras que lo expresan con su propia iluminación cegadora que al final produce los mismos estereotipos que prostituía. De esta manera Gramma (o el poeta por y para ella) va tejiendo su realidad con todos los riesgos asumidos, pero desde un coloquialismo que va más allá de la simple letra y entra en el grafema como medio antediscursivo, acercándose a la poesía visual y a veces a la liberación del fonema de su atadura a la palabra. No una poética del silencio, sino del grito. La poesía no puede ignorar la incertidumbre pues esa incertidumbre es precisamente su motor.   Antonio Arroyo Silva

      • July 2019

        Orientaciones para la evaluación de riesgos y las reglas de decisión según la Norma UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017

        by Asociación Española de Abastecimientos de Agua y Saneamiento (AEAS)

        The UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standard includes a series of new features that require specific actions for its implementation by laboratories. This book aims to guide laboratories in the application of two of them: risk-based thinking and establishing rules for decisions applicable to the declaration of conformity for test results obtained. To do this, based on the requirements of the standard that these new developments address, the content of which is included, this book provides examples and alternatives for compliance with this standard.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2021

        La era de Casandra

        Una apología del no saber

        by David Casacuberta

        La era de Casandra cuestiona la actual moda ensayística de intentar reducir la complejidad de nuestra sociedad a algún principio abstracto y mal definido con el que se pretende explicar todas las facetas de nuestra vida, ya sea ofreciendo escenarios apocalípticos u optimismos ingenuos. Como alternativa, el texto propone una epistemología del no saber, de aceptar que no existen modelos que lo puedan explicar todo y resolver cada problema desde su contexto concreto y la incertidumbre inevitable. En un tono ameno y a veces irónico, se analizan así tendencias actuales como el neurocientismo y creer que puede entenderse toda actividad humana con solo examinar detalladamente nuestras neuronas, la cultura de la cancelación, pasando por las teorías que presentan el mundo digital como un entorno manipulador del que no podemos escapar.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Desde la universidad a la sociedad

        Selección de escritos / 2010 - 2015

        by Ignacio Sánchez D.

        La educación es prioritaria en el desarrollo de los habitantes de una nación. Es el factor que nos permite avanzar en igualdad y equidad. Por eso, el rector de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Ignacio Sánchez, ha querido dejar un testimonio de la mirada desde la UC a uno de los procesos más importantes de los últimos 40 años, como es la Reforma a la Educación Superior en nuestro país. Esta publicación reúne una selección de diferentes escritos realizados en la contingencia y en muchos momentos de tensión e incertidumbre vividos durante este primer período de su rectorado. Son opiniones, planteamientos y reflexiones vertidos en artículos, discursos, correos electrónicos y otros documentos, que aportan información significativa al momento de hacer un análisis histórico sobre estos cambios. Si bien estos escritos expresan una visión particular desde la rectoría de la UC de los hechos tanto internos como externos a la comunidad universitaria, este libro es también una invitación a compartir distintas visiones sobre la educación superior para que, en conjunto, podamos relatar una historia más amplia y diversa que sea un aporte al progreso de nuestro país.

      • Health & Personal Development
        November 2019

        How to make good things happen to you

        Understand your brain, manage your emotions, improve your life.

        by Marian Rojas

        The author offers a deep reflection, sprinkled with useful advice with an edifying aim, on the application of our abilities to achieve a full and happy existence. To this end, she brings together scientific, psychological and human points of view. This full and happy existence is achieved in the knowledge and optimization of certain areas of the brain. With this book we will learn to set goals and objectives, exercise our will, activate emotional intelligence, develop assertiveness, avoid excessive self-criticism and self-demands, and affirm our optimism.

      • May 2019

        Cuando tomábamos café

        by Sánchez, José Carlos

        The heart of Madrid becomes a stage that beats at every step of the protagonists of this story. A novel that perfectly stages the society of the last years of the Franco regime and the conquest for freedom of a generation of brave women who fought to make themselves heard. Matesa, the most convulsive case of corruption under Franco, shakes the political and social landscape in increasingly difficult times. Unaware of this reality, Adela, a young woman from high society, only has eyes for Carlos, a young musician she has known since childhood and who only cares about two things: living without ties and her best friend Constanza. When we drank coffee it is a novel that reflects the social idealism and cultural movement that begins to boil in the streets of Madrid in the hope of changing things. A song to freedom, to how to survive amidst so much uncertainty, but above all, to the efforts of those women and men who inspire us today to fight for our identity, not to give up and to be free to the last consequences.   El corazón de Madrid se convierte en un escenario que late a cada paso de los protagonistas de esta historia. Una novela que escenifica a la perfección la sociedad de los últimos años del régimen de Franco y la conquista por la libertad de una generación de mujeres valientes que lucharon por hacerse oír. Matesa, el caso de corrupción más convulso del franquismo, sacude el panorama político y social en unos tiempos cada vez más difíciles. Ajena a esta realidad, Adela, una joven de alta sociedad, solo tiene ojos para Carlos, un joven músico que conoce desde la infancia y al que solo le importan dos cosas: vivir sin ataduras y su mejor amiga Constanza. Cuando tomábamos café es una novela que refleja el idealismo social y movimiento cultural que empieza a bullir en las calles de Madrid con la esperanza de cambiar las cosas. Un canto a la libertad, a cómo sobrevivir entre tanta incertidumbre, pero, sobre todo, al empeño de esas mujeres y hombres que nos inspiran hoy en día a luchar por nuestra identidad, a no rendirnos y a ser libres hasta las últimas consecuencias.

      • July 2020


        La senda tras el covid-19

        by Carlos Hernández Millán

        Exploración filosófica de la posverdad

      • Personal & social issues
        December 2019


        by Martínez, Elena

        A novel for young people, for families, for everyone, about bullying, abuse, racism and those who feel different at school. Motivational youth novel.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        El arte de la cháchara - La poética de lo abigarrado en las novelas de Enrique Lihn

        La poética de lo abigarrado en las novelas de Enrique Lihn

        by Daniel Rojas Pachas

        La trilogía sobre la retórica del poder, que Enrique Lihn nos ha legado, fue creada bajo el signo del bufón y la podemos entender como literatura plural y abigarrada. Antonio Cornejo Polar señala en torno a estos dos conceptos: "corresponde a una especie de supradiscurso multiétnico que acumula, sin sintetizarlas, sus hondas y extensas contradicciones".  En ese tenor, Enrique Lihn señala en uno de sus versos, dedicados al ocio increíble del que somos capaces: “el estilo que por lo cierto no es el hombre / sino la suma de sus incertidumbres”.  En busca de la contradicción inherente, el autor chileno crea realidades ficcionales, que se apartan de lo documental y privilegia generar efectos de enmascaramiento y una comunicación que se da en términos de una combinación de estados neuróticos y paranoides. Habla que remite a un marco de censura y vigilancia, al punto de extremar el locus horridus propiciado por un poder corrupto e irrefrenable. Se trata del reino en que prevalece la palabra vacía e impotente que surge de la censura. Daniel Rojas Pachas nos entrega en este ensayo, una visión profunda y crítica de la narrativa, de uno de los escritores chilenos más importantes del siglo XX.

      • July 2016

        Santo de palo

        by Mario Salazar Montero

        Kurzinformation ISBN 978-3-9525331-1-6 Titel “Santo de palo”. Mario Salazar Montero. Novela Existe sin duda alguna gente honesta en este mundo y en esta vida; gente admirable en quien confiar las vicisitudes íntimas y las incertidumbres, gente reconocible sin necesidad de alharaca de su parte, mortales comunes y corrientes, guiados por su propia experiencia, intuición y sufrimiento. Existe también desde luego otro tipo de consejeros, siempre en busca de reconocimiento, urgidos y ansiosos por obtener una aureola de bienhechores certificados, cueste lo que cueste, carentes de escrúpulos. A algunos entre estos últimos la suerte y la vida les sonrien, encuentran cómplices y adeptos, viven y mueren apestando a santidad comprada: son los inútiles “Santos de palo”; otros, menos afortunados, reciben a tiempo un merecido. Si el lugar geográfico donde los personajes que encarnan estas dos opciones de ayuda al prójimo es un pueblo a orillas del Océano Pacífico donde viven y conviven con sus protegidos o sus sometidos, un rincón perdido en las selvas tropicales de Suramérica, empobrecido y abusado, la selva no tiene en cuenta detalles de nacionalidad a la hora de castigar a su manera una santidad falsificada. Mario Salazar Montero. Geboren in Kolumbien, Südamerika. Lebt seit vielen Jahren in der Schweiz. Schriftsteller und Ingenieur. Hat mehrere Romane und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Spanisch und Deutsch. Mehr zum Autor und seinem literarischen Werk unter

      • Sin fronteras

        Y otros relatos

        by Gustavo Cuervo

        Emotion, risk, pain, love, patience, heat, joy... The sensations that unexpectedly assail the open-minded traveler who travels the world off the beaten track, are the basis of these unique stories. Fantastic landscapes as a stage, and its people as actors, help the author to weave his feelings with a simple and passionate prose. True stories that will undoubtedly delight many sofa travelers, but also many action travelers. The remote Tibet, the developed North America, the wild Africa, the Europe of the Iron Curtain or the young Australia, are the extraordinary continents that penetrate the soul of the author while the wind reaches his face, at the same time he discovers the world. An exciting reading that captures and invites the journey without prejudice, without borders, a reading with a moral, with the tricks of an expert adventurer and, above all, with the purest essence of the greatest adventure, life.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        March 2018

        2001 Punto Cero

        by Carlos A. Colla

        Welcome to a luminous journey, at times hilarious, that crosses the misery and dissects the hypocrisy of an abandoned society that struggles to emerge from the abyss. In a Buenos Aires besieged by violence and poverty in the worst economic and ethical crisis in contemporary Argentina, the lives of a select few are shipwrecked in a country that is crumbling. Prostitutes, unemployed workers and cartoneros merge in a ravaged city, pierced by anarchic holes of poverty, evictions and unemployment. Thanks to an unknown fate, the protagonist, disenchanted and responsible for his family, advances between the absurdity of the crisis, in a forward flight, without rest or contemplation, to try to recover a destiny torn from the roots. What could be the destination of such a particular transit?

      • Literary Fiction
        May 2021

        Outside of time

        by Silvia Bardelás

        "Destiempo is a song to the fight for internal revolutions and the desire to free ourselves from the vital ropes that bind us." - Armando Requeixo. Diario cultural. Radio Galega   Destiempo illuminates the we as the truly human space. An older woman asks her grandson to come back to Galicia from the United States to spend the summer with her. She wants him to attend a kind of social fight that she is carrying out with her friends. They look for action as the only thing that can give meaning to their lives. Silvia Bardelás mixes different generations that share the same problem: the weight of a standardized world, full of discourses, oblivious to vitality. The possibility of feeling alive and real again makes everything move in an unstoppable way. The story is a coming and going of past and present, of ideas and actions that reveal the silent social power and the inner need to feel free. Destiempo (Outside of time) is a community novel. Beyond individuality, beyond the group is the we, which can only emerge genuinely when individuals become singular beings, when they become aware of the myths, the ideology, the discourses that have dominated their lives and those of their ancestors.   The narrator puts the focus on the interrelation. He lights up scenes where the characters discover themselves through others.

      • Children's & YA

        Animal Emotionary

        For boys and girls in times of crisis

        by Paloma González and Juan Francisco Bascuñán

        What do two laughing chimps, an embarrassed puppy, an envious cat and two monkeys that hug each other with gratitude, have in common? They all show us emotions, those that are present throughout our lives, but that we don’t always know how to recognize. This book seeks to introduce children to this mysterious world, with photographs of animals that usually arouse their interest, accompanied by short texts that can help them recognize the emotions they feel and understand in what kind of situations this happens. Recognizing their own emotions will help them to know themselves better and also those around them. At the end of the book, the emotions addressed in it are briefly explained, so that adults can better accompany children in the discovery of their emotions, in “normal” times, but especially in times of crisis.

      • 2021

        La bruja de Berchtesgaden

        by Beatriz Osés

        Intrigue, mystery and humour amidst paranormal events with the most eccentric characters you can imagine. A call from Inspector Roth takes Albert out of his criminology studies in Amsterdam and brings him back to Bremen. Two teenagers have died and, given the characteristics surrounding the crimes, his collaboration would be very opportune...

      • Horror & ghost stories, chillers (Children's/YA)
        November 2019

        Sebastián y los metamorfos

        by Alvaro Vanegas

        Sebastian was an ordinary young man until an accident left him orphaned and near death. From that moment on, a new family, supernatural powers, and immortality

      • Fiction


        by Alvaro Vanegas

        Ivan, a banker and frustrated musician, suddenly finds himself in the middle of a horde of angry zombies. Now his only goal is to meet his wife, but communicating with her is impossible and getting where she is is very difficult when thousands of people want to kill him and turn him into their breakfast. Virus is an urban history that deals bluntly with human nature and whose vertiginous rhythm doesn't allow the reader to take their eyes off its pages.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        March 2020

        Shadows of the past

        by Miguel Ángel Puente

        Son of an Iranian father and a Spanish mother, Fa’iq Shabazz is a child from Cadiz who suddenly sees his pleasant existence shocked by his parents harrowing death. This fact completely transforms his life and conditions his future forever. Forced to leave for Iran, where he will be taken care of by his paternal uncle, the new reality he will have to live shapes a personality completely different from that of the child he once was. His anger dominates his mind and body, and numb to the suffering of others, he quickly throws away every stage of his life in the middle of the Iranian army and ends up being one of the most lethal secret agents the world has known. Fed up of obeying other’s orders and taking a decision as little meditated as rash, which almost costs his life, he decides to become a soldier of fortune to end up being the organizer of the biggest terrorist attack in history: the 11-S attack. Back in Spain and after a severe disease, he’s taken care of by an old Spanish priest and university professor who shapes a person totally different from the former one. However, little after getting married, his past comes back haunting him, revealing little by little a surprising scenario full of spurious plots and hidden interests, which has not much to do with the scenario he believed he had lived. Reality and fiction mixed in this exhilarating thriller that aims to unveil some of the mysteries behind the 11-S terrorist attack.

      • Philosophy

        Anthropology of Christian Vocation

        From Person to Person

        by Juan Manuel Cabiedas

        The question regarding how to guide one’s own life is among the most pressing and serious questions. Both in its sacred understanding, as referring to a trascendent call, and in its lay conception, that connects the feeling of happiness to one’s self-fulfillment, the word vocation expresses the right way that a person follows to succesfully lead his or her own life. This may be the reason why, when talking about vocation, the word echoes all the elements that make up the identity of the human being: corporeity and spirituality, intelligence and sensitivity, conscience and freedom, personal biography and collective history. Without vocation, the personal being is doomed to treat oneself and to be treated with indifference.

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