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      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        February 2017

        Jackie Chan:Never Grow Up, Only Get Older

        by Jackie Chan, Zhu Mo

        This is an autobiography of Chinese Kongfu star Jackie Chan. The book is a true recording of this international superstar’s growth and life experience for the last 50 years. It tells us the legendary actor’s stories, and also reflects a fantastic acting age.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        The Sicilian Woman's Daughter

        Four generations of mafia women

        by Linda Lo Scuro

        "If you loved My Brilliant Friend, The Godfather and Montalbano, you'll love this utterly gripping novel about women in organised crime in Sicily." Most victims of the mafia are the Sicilians themselves. The role of women both as perpetrators and victims has been grossly overlooked. Until now. As the daughter of Sicilian immigrants, in her teens Maria turns her back on her origins and fully embraces the English way of life. Notwithstanding her troubled and humble childhood in London, and backed up by her intelligence, beauty and sheer determination, she triumphantly works her way up to join the upper middle-class of British society. There she becomes a bastion of civility. But a minor incident wakes up feelings of revenge in her like those lurking in Maria's Sicilian origins. As she delves deeper into her mother's family history a murky past unravels, drawing Maria more and more into a mire of vendetta.

      • Biography & True Stories
        April 2019

        Unseen Worlds

        Adventures at the Crossroads of Vodou Spirits and Latter-day Saints

        by Marilène Phipps

        All rights available for her second book House of Fossils.   The extraordinary life of Marilène Phipps begain in Haiti—the magical island of African Vodou gods who followed their devotees on the slave ships, and the world's first black republic—the singular cultural context and exotic milieu of the Caribbean, where hell and paradise can transfix us daily. In this powerful memoir, we enter the lives of a family who are both descendants of European aristocrats and African slaves. We meet Phipps's godfather, the rebel leader Guslé Villedrouin, and we relive her experiences with Vodou priests and spirits, a cold-eyed pope, a charismatic Muslim astrologer, Catholic monks and exorcists, American Mormon bishops, scholars and missionaries. Through it all, we are stirred by the antithetical feel of entitlement and destitution, barbarism and lyricism, infinity and insanity. The 2010 earthquake in Haiti brings a collapse to Phipps's world, but is also the start for her to find modern answers to the ancient questions, "Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?"

      • Fiction

        The Love of Singular Men

        by Victor Heringer

        During a hot Brazilian summer, Camilo meets Cosme, and the two discover a new kind of tenderness. Something changes the course of events, and the darkness of that summer will impact Camilo’s life forever. In the heat of one of the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro, Camilo grows up amidst football matches, conversations about macumba and whispers about his father’s past. As a teenager, his family members become the legal guardians of an unknown boy who is godfathered by his dad, a doctor in the 1970s. Camilo doesn’t like him at first, but he then starts to get close to him. The foster kid tragically dies during an assault soon after he had moved in with Camilo’s family. As Camilo gets older, his past haunts him daily, dictating the course of his life. The story, apparently simple, is developed with a Machadian like grandeur by Victor Heringer. Through a fluent and malleable prose, combined with a derisive vision of life, the author demonstrates full mastery in the construction of scenes and characters, all the while touching the reader with his delicate and tender perception of reality.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2021

        Dream House

        by Laura Dockrill

        A drawing is worth a thousand words. Rex has gone to stay with his godfather, Sparky. Rex doesn’t say much but that’s OK because Sparky is always on hand with a cup of tea to enjoy on the sofa, set up outside like an outdoor living room. Rex has his sketchbook, and he draws how he feels even if he can’t talk about it. And in Sparky’s garden, hidden under the canopy of the willow tree, is the Dream House: a lovingly created space just for Rex, to dream, to play, to think, to be. A place he’s loved all his childhood. But to go inside now Rex must summon his strength for revisiting the ghosts of his past . . . A touching tale of a boy accessing his feelings through drawing and reconnecting with the world after grief, told through Laura Dockrill’s delightful, vivid storytelling. Fully illustrated throughout. For fans of Meg Rosoff, Neil Gaiman and Jillian Tamaki.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        I Know Love Better Than You

        by Andrea D'Agostino

        Vincenzo lives in Sicily in the Eighties. Though only twelve years old, he is sexually precocious and pursues whichever of his female cousins he can get his hands on. His father is a labourer who works in various parts of mainland Italy and comes home for the weekend now and again. One day, however, he doesn’t come back, and Vincenzo’s life starts to change. Opposite Vincenzo’s home is a church, where a handsome new priest, Father Calogero, has just been appointed to the parish. One of Vincenzo’s grandmothers falls under his spell, and asks him to be the godfather at Vincenzo’s confirmation. After a show of reluctance, Father Calogero agrees. While everyone celebrates after the ceremony, Father Calogero offers Vincenzo a summer job as his assistant and since the next day Vincenzo spends every day in the church. Father Calogero showers Vincenzo with presents, becomes increasingly affectionate and intrusive, and abuses him._x000B_The sexual violence becomes a monotonous routine, broken only by the arrival of Salvatore, a former victim of Father Calogero’s abuse. The adult Vincenzo is overwhelmed by remorse and guilt, he is a social outcast, living a hand-to-mouth existence. Vincenzo grows closer to his grandmother, and suddenly some kind of redemption seems possible. But pain gnaws away at him, and the past comes back, demanding closure

      • Thriller / suspense
        March 2003

        The Hostage

        by Duncan. Falconer

        When an undercover operation monitoring the Real IRA goes horrifically wrong, British Intelligence turn to the one man who can get their agent out: Stratton, SBS operative with a lethal reputation. It's a dangerous race against time: if the Real IRA get to the Republic before Stratton gets to the Real IRA, his colleague is as good as dead.;But the battle in the Northern Ireland borders is just the beginning. For there can only be one way the Real IRA knew about the British agent: someone within MI5 is tipping them off. A surveillance mission is mounted in Paris to identify the mole but ends in disaster: Hank Munro, US Navy SEAL on secondment, is captured. Munro's wife Kathryn is distraught, and her priest Father Kinsella is very supportive. Kinsella, though, is not the holy man he seems, and Kathryn becomes an unwitting part of a deadly Real IRA plan, a terror attack the likes of which London has never seen ...;When Hank is inadvertently kidnapped by terrorists on an SBS 'safe op', Kathryn returns home to America, only to be manipulated by a priest and secret IRA godfather into playing a political role in the negotiations for Hank's release. Unknown to her she is to have a key part in the most destructive terrorist assault in Irish Republican history, one that holds the fate of hundreds of thousands of Londoners in its hands.

      • August 2021

        A Kind of Family


        by Jo Lendle

        We don't choose the times we live in nor the times that shape us. Neither did Lud and Alma. Lud, who was born in 1899, and his brother Wilhelm revere Bach and Hölderlin, and share the same unattainable ideals. Wilhelm, who joins the Nazi party early on, measures others according to its standards; Lud measures himself by them, which torments him for the rest of his life. Alma lost her parents when she was a child, and her godfather Lud – who is only a few years older than her – and his housekeeper become a kind of new family for her. Lud is a pharmacology professor specialising in sleep and its induction, and while he spends his days at the university Alma is left home alone, unable to stop thinking about him. When he starts researching poison gas, he doesn't tell her about it. His struggle with his lofty ideals grows ever more desperate – for he can't get Gerhard, the man alongside whom he fought in the First World War, out of his head. Taking us on a journey from the days of the German empire to National Socialism, the early days of the GDR and post-war West Germany, Jo Lendle's scintillating novel is the story of a family falling apart, of guilt, of the meaning of science, and of the subtle difference between sleep, anaesthesia and death. It is the story of a German family – which just so happens to be his own.

      • Adventure
        January 2014

        King's Crusade

        Seventeen Book 2

        by AD Starrling

        The exciting, action-packed follow-up to Soul Meaning and the second installment in the award-winning supernatural thriller series Seventeen. The perfect immortal warrior. A set of stolen, priceless artifacts. An ancient sect determined to bring about the downfall of human civilization.When a team of scientists unearth scriptures older than the Dead Sea Scrolls in a cave in the Eastern Desert mountains in Egypt, a mystery lost to the tides of time is uncovered. Heading the expedition is Crovir noble Dimitri Reznak. But the discovery is spoiled by evidence of looting and half the priceless artifacts Reznak has been seeking for centuries have disappeared.Alexa King is a covert agent for the Crovir First Council. When she is approached by her godfather for a mission that could help elucidate the enigma of her lost past, she finds herself delving into the dangerous and shadowy world of secret religious societies. Assigned by Reznak to assist her is Zachary Jackson, a gifted human and Harvard archaeology professor.In their search for the missing artifacts, King and Jackson travel from North Africa to the doors of Vatican City itself, where they unveil a centuries-old plan that aims to shatter the very structure of civilized society.With the help of Reznak and a group of unexpected allies, they must stop the enemy and uncover the astonishing truth behind the missing artifacts and King's own unearthly origins before all is lost.

      • Fiction

        Accidental Hitman

        by A.W. Wilson

        “Hitmen don’t worry about what their underwear’s like, but then proper hitmen don’t poo in their pants.” When Tom White’s dead-end life is blighted by his neighbour’s parties Tom’s aversion to face to face confrontation leads him to an unusual action: he kills the noise pollutant. Unknown to Tom, the neighbour was a target for Stan Costanza, head of a powerful criminal enterprise. Costanza’s heavies are more adept than the police at tracking Tom down and in a farcically comic meeting become convinced that Tom is a skilled lone assassin “one of them ones with the eastern mystical influences”. They offer him another hit and Tom, too scared and perhaps too flattered to decline, takes the job, and the next. Colin, Tom’s best friend, shares Tom’s macabre moral compass and rides shotgun on his assignments, leading to a series of comedy set-pieces but inevitably into darker waters as the reality of their actions takes hold, causing the pair to fall out. Tom catches the interest of Laura, the barmaid in his local pub, and becomes torn between his desire for the long-term object of his affections and the need to keep his nefarious activities from her. When the impossibly beautiful Stephanie arrives, Tom assumes she is a high-ranking member of Costanza’s operation and takes the contracts she assigns. Stephanie doesn’t tell him that her father was murdered by Stan Costanza in a criminal coup d’etat. Stephanie is orchestrating a turf-war between two rival gangs using Tom, along with some of Costanza’s own people, as a key piece in her game to avenge her father’s death and regain her birthright. By the time he realises that he is an unwitting double agent, Tom is being pursued by two police forces and both gangs. As the net closes around him he has no option but to ‘fess up to Laura, make peace with Colin and leave his fate in the hands of Stephanie. Costanza meets his arch-rival, Joe Barrett, for a sit-down to discusstheir mutual problem - namely Tom White - but this is actually Stephanie’s final push. She shows her cards to the hapless crime-lords, including the fact that she has turned most of their own men against them. In a final showdown, Stephanie kills both men and takes what is rightfully hers. But what of Tom? Wanted for murder he badly needs a fresh start. Stephanie uses her valuable connections to set up a new life for him, Laura and Colin under the cloak of the witness protection program in the USA. They have a new home, new names and Tom has a new job, one that makes good use of his talents and protects his anonymity: an executioner for the state of Texas. Accidental Hitman is a thriller but features large doses of comedy in the rapport between the characters, the first-person narrator’s musings on modern life and the farcical situations Tom and Colin bumble into as they carry out their murders-to-order. All rights are available.

      • January 2020

        Scenes of a Reclusive Writer & Reader of Mumbai


        by Fiza Pathan

        "I am a recluse and I love books more than I love people." - So begins Fiza Pathan, the self-proclaimed Reclusive Writer and Reader of Mumbai. In this charming collection of personal essays, Fiza recalls important phases of her life, along with the books she was reading at the time and where she read them. Revealed along the way are Fiza's personal struggles, from the father who didn't want a girl child to the years she believed she wanted to be a nun to the college friends who shamed her for gaining weight.Her greatest victories are found here as well, among them the publication of her first story, the request to autograph her most popular book by an author she admired, the start of her own publishing company, and the acquisition of her very own office-cum-writing hut. Within her stories, you'll meet Fiza's beloved Mama, editorial partner (and uncle) Blaise, many other uncles and aunts, the librarians of her youth, and plenty of book salesman. All the people who have helped Fiza along her path to books, books, and more books. You'll also take a taxi with Narayan, Fiza's "Man Friday," to visit her favorite haunts, from libraries to kiosks to boutiques to vendors who pile their offerings on the sides of the road, and you'll learn the plots of her favorite comics, religious writings, medical thrillers, horror stories, activist writings, and so much more.Fiza believes that every one of the books she has read has helped her become the person - and the writer - she was meant to become. Scenes of a Reclusive Writer & Reader of Mumbai is her life in books!

      • Fiction

        The Psychedelic Traveller

        Short Stories

        by ANTHONY JAMES

        A collection of short stories from adventures and fantastic imaginings aroud the world.  Each story is set in a different country, from Brazil to Siberia, from new Zealand to India. Each story is a cameo in itself, each one of a different mood, be it playful, or dark, of conflict or good humour. Stories will remind those who travel widely of the pitfalls and opportunities and remind all the readers that there is nothing more wonderful than this wonderful world and the ppeople in it.

      • Fiction
        May 2021


        by Rodrigo Blanco Calderón

        Proof of the chaos and misery that plague Caracas are the hordes of dogs that roam the streets, abandoned by the millions of Venezuelans who flee the country. That’s why Ulises, who’s flat broke and teaches in a modest cinema workshop, agrees to create a foundation to rescue dogs in need. Ulises is unwittingly dragged into an odyssey of family entanglements, dangers that have him doubting the people around him—where suddenly no one is what they seem—and mysteries surrounding the most famous, patriotic dogs in Venezuela. With a masterful hand and refined sense of humour, Rodrigo Blanco has produced a mystery, not without parodic elements, packed with references to cinema, literature, and dogs. Simpatía is like a tragicomic fresco, sometimes grotesque, of Venezuela today. There’s an ironic, irreverent take on some of the country’s most mythical figures, from Simón Bolívar to Hugo Chávez, and a sharp, hilarious reflection on inheritance and identity.

      • March 2019

        GRIMM I

        A powerful return to the horror and unpredictability of the original folk tales, stunningly illustrated by John Kenn Mortensen.

        by Benni Bødker, Kenneth Bøgh Andersen & John Kenn Mortensen

        The horror-masters, Benni Bødker, Kenneth Bøgh Andersen and cult illustrator of monsters, John Kenn Mortensen, have joined forces to create a refreshing retelling of the Brothers Grimm’s fairy tales, returning to their original horror.   The gentlemen take us into the gruesome, bloody and creepy universe of the original stories giving us a vivid glimpse of the dangerous world of the past. Packaged in a beautiful hardcover edition, this is brilliant family entertainment from about 12+.   Fairy tales included in GRIMM I are: "Hansel & Gretel", "The Singing Bone", "The Story of a Boy who went Forth to Learn Fear", "Rapunzel", "Godfather Death", "The Robber Bridegroom", "Fitcher’s Bird", "The Gift of the Little People", "The Girl without Hands", "Little Red Riding Hood".

      • July 2017

        Hell and the Mercy of God

        by Adrian J. Reimers

        If God is truly merciful and loving, perfect in goodness, how can he consign human beings created in his own image to eternal torment in hell? God’s goodness seems incompatible with inflicting horrible evil upon those who oppose his will and defy his law. If to this paradox we add the metaphysical requirement that God be perfect in goodness, the eternal evil of hell seems to be contradictory to God’s own nature.Catholic philosopher Adrian Reimers takes on these challenges in Hell and the Mercy of God, drawing on relevant sources from Aristotle to Aquinas, from Dante to Tolkien, from Wagner to John Paul II, along with Billie Holliday, The Godfather, and the music of George Gershwin. He presents a philosophical theology, grounded in Scripture, of the nature of goodness and evil, exploring various types of pain, the seven capital sins, the resurrection of the body, the meaning of mammon, the core meaning of idolatry, the psychology of Satan and those who choose his path, and the moral responsibility of the human person.These reflections illuminate the intelligibility of orthodox Catholic teachings on the goodness of God and the reality of hell. Hell is not an arbitrary imposition set up for human rule-breakers but a continuation of a freely chosen way of life manifest even in this world. Examples from history, art, and contemporary culture lead the author to conclude that anyone who does not believe in the reality of hell is not paying enough attention. And yet, mercy and hope remain triumphant, because, just as Christ off­ers entrance into paradise to the “good thief” Dismas on the cross, God continues to o­ffer repentance and salvation to all who live.

      • Reconnection: A Third Visit to The Café on The Edge of The World

        by John P Strelecky

        The latest title in this best selling series from John P Strelecky author of over 3 million books sold which have now been translated into 33 languages. His first book The Cafe on The Edge of The World (aka The Why Cafe)  was first published in 2003 and remains at No 1on the Spiegel Taschenbucher bestseller list and  has remained in that position throughout 2018, 2019 and 2020. and where he has three other titles in the top 10 books.

      • Fiction

        Simon & Schuster Australia

        by Books From Australia

        Simon & Schuster Australia is part of the CBS Corporation and is a major force in today’s publishing industry, dedicated to bringing an extensive range of books, in all formats, into the hands of readers. Simon & Schuster Australia publishes and distributes a variety of books in Australia and New Zealand across a range of genres including fiction, non-fiction and children’s books under our local and international imprints. These include Atria, Free Press, Gallery, Howard, Pocket, Scribner, Simon & Schuster and Touchstone. Simon & Schuster Australia also acts as the local sales and distribution partner for: 4 Ingredients, Berbay Publishing, Big Sky Publishing, Black Library, Cider Mill Press, Elliott & Thompson, Fox Chapel Publishing International, Gallup Press, Hazelden, Hunter Publishers, Inner Traditions, Insight Editions, Manuscript Publishing, Pegasus Books, Printers Row, Regan Arts, Rockpool Publishing, Smith Street Books, Ventura Press, Viz Media, Waterhouse Press, Weldon Owen and Wild Dog Books.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2014

        The Boy who Spat in Sargrenti's Eye

        by Manu Herbstein

        On 13 June 1873 British forces bombarded Elmina town in the Gold Coast (now Ghana) and destroyed it. To this day it has not been rebuilt. Later that same year, using seaborne artillery, the British flattened ten coastal towns and villages – including Axim, Takoradi and Sekondi. On 6th February, 1874, after looting the Asantehene’s palace in Kumase, British troops blew up the stone building and set the city on fire, razing it to the ground. 15-year old  Kofi Gyan witnesses these events and records them in his diary. This novel, first published soon after the 140th anniversary of the sack of Kumase, tells his story.  Several historical characters feature in the novel: the Asantehene Kofi Karikari, the war correspondents Henry Morton Stanley and G. A. Henty and the war artist of the Illustrated London News, Melton Prior, who employs Kofi as his assistant. The novel is illustrated with 70 black and white images, mainly from the Illustrated London News of 1873 and 1874 The image on the front cover is of a solid gold mask looted from the Asantehene’s palace. It now resides in the vaults of the Wallace Collection in London. The Boy who Spat in Sargrenti’s Eye is one of three winners of the 2013 Burt Award for African Literature in Ghana. The Burt Award for African Literature recognises excellence in young adult fiction from African countries. It supports the writing and publication of high quality, culturally relevant books and ensures their distribution to schools and libraries to help develop young people’s literacy skills and foster their love of reading. The Burt Award is generously sponsored by the Canadian philanthropist, Bill Burt, and is part of the ongoing literacy programmes of the Ghana Book Trust and of CODE, a Canadian NGO which has been supporting development through education for over 50 years. The Burt Award includes the guaranteed purchase of 3000 copies of the winning books for free distribution to secondary school libraries.

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