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      • Canongate Books Ltd.

        Canongate is an independent publisher: since 1973 we’ve worked to unearth and amplify the most vital, exciting voices we can find, wherever they come from, and we’ve published all kinds of books – thoughtful, upsetting, gripping, beatific, vulgar, chaste, unrepentant, life-changing . . . Along the way there have been landmarks of fiction – including Alasdair Gray’s masterpiece Lanark, and Yann Martel’s Life of Pi, the best-ever-selling Booker winner – and non-fiction too. We’ve published an American president and a Guantanamo detainee; we’ve campaigned for causes we believe in and fought court cases to get our authors heard. And twice we’ve won Publisher of the Year. We’re still fiercely independent, and we’re as committed to unorthodox and innovative publishing as ever. Please find the link to our latest Rights Guide with digitial content here: Rights Guide and our Canons Guide here: Canons Guide

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      • Y todo por una canción

        by Biadiu Llorente, Marta

        Desalentada por un nuevo engaño amoroso y por la reciente muerte de su querida abuela, la insípida y desesperanzada vida de Sara se ve sacudida cuando una canción, una popular habanera, irrumpe en su vida de forma casual y enigmática una tarde de verano. Sara no entiende por qué se estremece cada vez que escucha la popular melodía, pero sí recuerda que sonreía cada vez que su abuela se la cantaba. Ya no hay marcha atrás, la canción parece perseguirla allá donde va y acaba formando parte de su existencia. Sara decide a toda costa seguir las huellas de la canción emprendiendo un viaje  hacia las raíces más hondas del pueblo cubano en búsqueda de un secreto sellado entre abuela y nieta, un secreto transmitido al filo de los años y que ahora ella tratará de esclarecer sorteando toda clase de obstáculos y vivir así la historia más apasionante de su vida.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2019

        Nosotros, Colombia… Comunicación, paz y (pos)conflicto

        by Sergio Roncallo-Dow, Juan David Cárdenas Ruiz, Juan Carlos Gómez Giraldo

        Peace seems to have been elusive in Colombian history. The ups and downs in the negotiation processes, the unfulfilled promises, and the political polarization have made Colombia a nation in a state of continuous crisis and that, in spite of itself - to take up the old Bushnell phrase - has managed to stay afloat and, above all, do not lose hope for a stable and lasting peace.   There have been numerous attempts to build it and they seem to have been unsuccessful, especially because a good part of the collective representation that we have of them has been built from the media apparatus that, in the case of our country, has been at the service of power and that it has resulted in skepticism that, especially since the 1990s, has tended to transform into a strong polarization. With this book, we want not only to think about peace and (post) conflict from communication but to remind (us), once again, that we can still be we.

      • Biography & True Stories
        December 2016

        Musas, mecenas y amantes.

        Mujeres en torno al Surrealismo

        by Victoria Combalía

        What do these six women have in common, apart from having lived in an extraordinary world and era? They are better known as companions of the male protagonists of their time - Man Ray, Max Ernst, Samuel Beckett, André Breton, TS Eliot or Jean Cocteau, among others - than for their own works. However, they were much more than a name on a caption or a handsome face adorning parties and literary salons.

      • Children's & YA
        April 2021


        by Antonio Ramos Revillas

        Efraín’s life —complicated and with shortcomings— continues impassive, until one day his Mum is violently taken by the police. He and his brothers, Fredy and Marcos, will have to look for all the ways to release her from a cruel system that labels and discriminates them. To build a future for their family, they will have to be cautious of asking help from the wrong people, as any false step could entangle them with the cartels of his neighborhood.

      • Children's & YA


        Federico García Lorca for kids

        by Author: Federico García Lorca / Selection and editing by Marta Mearin / Illustrations: Carolina Monterrubio

        Cuando sale la luna (When the moon rises) is an anthological selection of poetry and a play by the great Spanish writer Federico García Lorca. This selection has been specially designed to bring his poetry and drama closer to the world of children and young people, making it accessible to a greater number of boys, girls and young people so that they can discover his work, get to know it and enjoy it. Precisely because of this, some modifications have been made that seek to avoid macho expressions (socially accepted at the time the book was written) and to bring the characters of the play closer to children and young people today. The beautiful illustrations play with the poet’s words, bringing imagination and humor.

      • Football (Soccer, Association football)
        February 2020

        Rivalidades crónicas

        10 ciudades europeas a través de sus derbis

        by Jordi Brescó and Pau Riera

        Football shapes cities, and derbies turn them upside down. Two friends travel to ten European cities (Istanbul, Belfast, Belgrade, Sheffield...) to narrate and photograph them, and use football as their gateway and common thread. Because the king of sports is an instrument as effective as any other to delve into the political, social, economic and cultural reality of a place.

      • Children's & YA


        by Ngügï wa Thiong’o / Illustrations: Antonia Lara

        Ngügi wa Thiong’o (Kenya 1938) is one of today’s leading African writers and has been nominated for the Nobel Prize several times. The story originally aimed to reconnect African children with their language, knowledge and history, in a continent marked by colonialist rule that largely erased their culture. In this sense, its main theme of rescuing the traditional knowledge of dominated cultures, especially their connection with nature, makes this book contain a universal message that goes beyond time and frontiers. In these times of deep social changes this story acquires maximum relevance for the world of children and youth. Njamba Nene and the Flying Bus, originally written in gikuyu and translated into English in 1986, has been specially translated and illustrated for this edition of Planeta Sostenible.

      • Personal & social issues: disability & special needs (Children's/YA)
        June 2015

        MyaGrace quiere hacer música

        Una historia real que promueva la inclusión y la autodeterminación

        by Jo Meserve Mach, Vera Lynne Stroup-Rentier, Mary Birdsell, Karen Diaz Anchante

        Todos en la familia de MyaGrace hacen música. MyaGrace toca el piano, pero no es lo mismo. Ella quiere unirse a su familia cuando están haciendo música. ¿Cómo va ella a resolver esto? Afortunadamente, MyaGrace conoce a la persona indicada para ayudarla.

      • Children's & YA
        May 2020

        Déjame soñar contigo

        by Arianna Saurith Fernández

        Keaton Austin Wood's addiction to alcohol has taken everything away from him: family, friends, aspirations, and even a part of his life. He is an uninhibited young man who falls deeper every day into an endless pit from which there is no apparent way out, until he meets Luna de Africa Ross, an innate artist with a beautiful smile, and her godmother at the Lovely Parks help center. Together they will learn the true meaning of love, friendship and second chances when they are wrapped in a touching story in which dreams do come true.

      • 2021

        El síndrome de Bergerac

        by Pablo Gutiérrez

        I was an average girl like any other. I was going to class, I argued with my parents, I loved my friends unconditionally and, from time to time, I would fall in love with someone I shouldn't have, as happens to everyone else. There was nothing novelistic about me, nothing heroic that deserved a handful of pages, and that is why this story will not be about my parents or my colleagues or my lovers; it will not be about the routine of a high school student who is bored at school... This story will have only one main character and that character will be a nose. A famous, disproportionate nose. The nose of a hero born in Bergerac and named Cyrano.

      • Children's & YA

        Heart & Seoul

        by Silvia Aliaga, Tatiana Marco, Inma Moya

        Paula is a young dancer who's newly arrived in the Korean capital. A few weeks ago she got a curious job offer and abandoned everything to settle in Seoul. She?s about to immerse herself in the world of K-POP, the Korean pop music phenomenon that is triumphing around the world. Cris is a young British girl with a terminal disease who journeys to Seoul with a single goal: to give back a necklace to a K-POP superstar whose path crossed with hers in England. She has something important to tell him.   Jay is that superstar, a member of the band R*E*X. He's lost touch with his old friends and the future of the group is in danger. Being a K-POP idol isn?t as wonderful as it looks in the videoclips.When the fate of these three strangers intersect, their lives will change forever.   The novel that fans of K-POP have been waiting for.

      • February 2022

        Seek and Find: Middle Age

        by Ruth Martinez / Somnins

        The ideal book for history lovers! It contains a lot of interesting information that can be found by looking closely. Perfect for boys and girls who want to travel to the past. A large, sturdy cardboard book with hundreds of details and lots of humor to have fun and learn. Seek and Find is a successful series to discover the most important moments of our past. Be fascinated by these two characters: Marcia and Rita, and have fun with these amazing seek-and-find books.

      • May 2023


        by Nina Avellaneda

        Souza lays carpet in apartments and Luiza is an actress; their lives are dominated by precarity, failure, and sacrifice. After a chance meeting they feel a mutual interest. It’s hard to say if they fall for each other because that’s not how they move through the world. Still, this is a story, and Souza and Luiza are the gravitational center of a narrator writing about them while sitting in a crowded cafe; she’s interested in exploring people, feelings, but principally, the art of fiction.Souza is a refreshing work situated between ambiguity and voraciousness, it’s exquisite and subtle, intelligent and poetic, and Nina Avellaneda is an author to keep a close eye on.

      • Cinematographic

        by Gema Sirven, Ana Pez

        "Cinematográfico is a riotous cavalcade through the fascinating story of cinema, from its beginnings to the present day. In just forty pages, images and text use the language and techniques of film - laced with a refreshing dose of irony and surprise - to give young readers a precise account of the history of film." Bologna Children's Book Fair 2020 - Jury How can children’s books tell the story of cinema? An invitation to get children to discover the fascinating world of cinema, its key protagonists, the different techniques and crafts of film making as well as the many possibilities for this media in the future.

      • Interactive & activity books & packs


        by Sofía Guerrero Zepeda, Juan Francisco Bascuñán Muñoz, Loreto Salinas Retamal

        This bilingual Spanish-Mapuzugun story, based on the Mapuche tradition, tells the story of Nawel, a boy who was raised by the animals of the forest in southern Chile, learning their language and also that of the non-living elements of nature, such as wind, thunder and water. The puma gets sick from drinking water contaminated by waste from the city and Nawel is called in to solve the problem, by teaching its inhabitants to take care of the environment, which ultimately means a healthier life for themselves. The book also presents an attractive game with illustrations of different animals and a mini dictionary that teaches the names of the animals in Mapuzugun.

      • May 2017

        Cat Power

        La toma de la Tierra

        by Cecilia Palmeiro

        Rorro the cat (of extraterrestrial origin) writes about a character named “Godmother,” a shopping center goddess, connoisseur of international lovers, queer militant, and synthetic drug partier who he unscrupulously calls “CONICET Bureaucrat,” and who he outs as a thief, judging himself as the author of the book, Desbunde y felicidad: attributed to the top critic Cecilia Palmeiro. Rorro’s project? Taking over Earth to invent The Clowder Future.  The book’s plot is insane, full of designer orgies, semi-legal trips under the guise of research grants, and hangovers as frequent as the dicks Godmother runs through. But it’s also a radical critique of how humans live, a catty, feminist investigation.  María Moreno

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        June 2019


        by Martín Lombardo

        Once upon a time… the Tell universe, a universe that is presented to us in multiple intertwined dimensions, and in which the characters intersect in paths of thought and action. In a transition between written language and visual language, the novel reconstructs the relationship between life and art, so that the action breaks down into reality and warns us that we live in it. On the one hand, we are introduced to a 60 years-old filmmaker who revisits his life. Despite not having the last name Tell, he wonders if he is a descendant of the mythical Swiss hero, William Tell. On the other hand, there is a young man trying to piece together an endless puzzle in which, in exchange for a fee, he finds himself aroused by his own desires. And also, there is a mysterious feminine presence around which all stories are forged, as the origin and end of the real and the mythical. Read, see, and dare to ask yourself: Am I a Tell?

      • Adventure
        April 2020

        Yumi and her Band

        by J. Olloqui

        Yumi is ten years old. She wants to be a drummer in a rock band to be rich and famous. Now I play drums in a band with my friends. We're not famous yet, and I don't understand why, because we're so cool. Apart from my band, I have Alimaña, who's my best friend, although he's pretty dumb. Besides, my parents spend their lives scolding me, my older sister has a disease called adolescence, and my little brother is a criminal mind locked up in the body of a two-year-old. A children's book similar to Diary of a Wimpy Kid. This book won the November 2021 Spanish National Pop Eye Award in the category of children's and young adult literature.This title is one of the 9 children's titles selected by the panel of German experts for the "Buchtipps unserer Experten" section as being the most suitable for translation and marketing in German-speaking countries on the portal in 2021. New Spanish Books ist ein Projekt des spanischen Außenhandelsinstituts ICEX in Kooperation mit dem spanischen Verlegerverband FGEE. Es soll Verlagen aus dem deutschen Sprachraum den Zugang zu neuen Büchern aus Spanien erleichtern und ihnen eine Entscheidungshilfe bei der Auswahl übersetzungswerter Titel geben. New Spanish Books is a project of the Spanish Foreign Trade Institute ICEX in cooperation with the Spanish publishers' association FGEE. It is intended to make it easier for publishers from the German-speaking world to gain access to new books from Spain and to help them decide which titles are worth translating. A second volume entitled "Yumi and her Band. Vermin Superstar" has also been published (ISBN: 978-84-121692-7-0).

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