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        Everything has a good side and a bad side. Life doesn’t always let us see both. Sometimes from bad things we get good things. But it also happens the other way around, from good things we get bad things. Life can be as cryptic as a stone. Sometimes tripping over one can save your life. That is the Secret Language of Stones.

      • LUCERO


        Lucero is a lovely criature who has never left the forest until a flood and his curious friend Spicchio convince him to undertake an adventure in search of the sea. This way they will know the world and people with good and bad intentions that will guide him and finally transform him.

      • POPPY


        This new-born elephant is particular, small and orange colored. Her mom called her Poppy. The other moms were worried because she was different, and pushed Poppy away. Her mom backed her, and together began their new way.

      • LEO & LISA



        The world has changed. There’s just one city left standing: The One & Only City. Leo is an inventor who uses recycled materials. Lisa is the test pilot. They believe that beyond the walls of The One & Only City there is life, but classmates bully them, the teacher ridicules them and the city’s tycoon pursues them. However, Leo and Lisa are willing to do anything to prove them wrong.



        Zombies are real, in nature they are everywhere, only they live on a different scale. There are fungi, plants and parasitic worms specialized in taking over the bodies and minds of different insects through very refined methods. In this twenty cases of possession you will know of cicadas devoured by mushrooms, crickets to drowned by worms, ants impaled by mushrooms, worms that invade snails’ eyes to draw attention of birds to be eaten by them…



        Two brothers describe reality in a different way. One of them uses  eyesight. The other one uses the rest of the senses. Thus, their world is richer.



        A book about how to heal, how to believe, how to learn from failure, how to stand up again… About dreams, smiles, thankfulness…

      • Historical fiction

        A Lantern at Noonday

        by Roger Butters

        Ancient Rome, during the troubled joint reign of the Emperor Caracalla and his hated brother Geta. The authorities are puzzled by a series of prostitute murders in the notorious Subura district. Quintus Celer, a chariot-racing trainer whose own racing career was cut short by injury, is instructed to investigate by the young aristocrat Gaius Numerianus, anxious to clear his name after being unjustly suspected of the murder of his wife, one of the victims. Other leading characters, most of whom appeared in the prequel The Noblest Roman, are Gaius’s feisty sister Lucilia and her latest husband, the enigmatic Titus Sinopean, the Emperor’s trusty advisor and greatest friend Marcus Granua, and Granua’s cousin, the notorious tavern brawler and tribade Flavia Rufina. Quintus’s enquiries lead him not only deep into the seedy Roman underworld, but the even more lethal environment of imperial power politics, before the surprising truth is revealed. An epic historical novel, set in Rome 211-212 AD, during the reign of the Emperor Caracalla. Sequel to The Noblest Roman, by Roger Butters, published by Janus Publishing Company Limited, London 2009. Approximately 121,000 words.

      • Children's & YA
        March 2020

        Famous Last Words

        by Mónica Beltrán Brozón

        Published for the first time in 2000, this collection includes fourteen short stories of one of the most renowned Children’s and YA Mexican books author. These tales provide a sarcastic and critic point of view, through which the protagonists confront the big system, sometimes coherent and other chaotic, that conforms life and death. This new edition represents the publisher’s interest to retrieve a collection that due to its author’s style and spirit, remains fresh and attractive for young readers.

      • Education

        Identity, Learning and Support in Virtual Environments

        by Tettegah, S.

        Virtual worlds and other virtual environments offer an adaptable context for applied and situated learning experiences. In this book, educators, instructional designers, librarians, administrators and scholars reflect on how to leverage constructivist, authentic, collaborative and complex interactive educational experiences through the use of these multisensory environments. Explore the intersection of presence, personal and group identity, culture, immersive learning experiences, multiuser virtual environments(MUVEs) and massive multiplayer online roleplaying games (MMORPGs) with eleven multidisciplinary researchers. The examples range from K-12 to university educational experiences and highlight critical information from a variety of MUVEs, such as Second Life, Active Worlds, There, and several MMORPGs, including Ultima Online, Everquest and the World of Warcraft.

      • Photography & photographs
        January 2019

        Learn to take photographs like a professional

        by Martí Sans

        Behind product photography lies a world of infinite possibilities, a world beyond that of those bland catalogue photographs taken against a white background. This book brings together all the main techniques used in product photography – from basic to advanced – showing readers all the tools that are available to them, helping both amateurs andprofessionals improve their craft in the studio.A complete guide on product photography written in simple language that will help you learn about and perfect your photographic technique.

      • The Traveller's Tales

        by Brad Florescu

        A witty collection of tales from around the world, retold for nowadays children. The fabulous illustrations of Ștefan Georgescu add a magical touch to each and every tale. The second volume in the series Tales Around the World.

      • Children's & YA
        May 2020


        by Michele Cocchi

        Tommaso is 16 years old, and hasn’t left the house for 18 months – in fact, he barely leaves his room. He is what psychologists refer to as hikikomori: literally “pulling inward, being confined”. One day, he suddenly abandoned basketball, school, and all his hobbies, and now spends his time watching old NBA matches and playing video games. There is one game in particular which determines the structure of his days, and has become his only means of socialisation. The game is called Us: a multiplayer game where teams of three players carry out 100 challenges per year, one each day. The team that completes the challenge first, while staying united as a group, wins. Tommaso’s avatar, whose head is a skull, is called Logan. His other team members are Rin: a girl who resembles a Japanese manga character, and Hud: a character straight out of a shooter game. These three do not know each other – according to the rules of the game, they are not allowed to discuss their private lives – but they soon become friends. Every day, Us provides them with a “historical” mission. They will fight either for the victims or for the perpetrators – for example, as part of the Colombian FARC, with the German Nazis, or in support of Mandela in South Africa. Every day, they must work out how to reach the end of the mission while surrounded by the horrors of the twentieth century. Every day, they will have someone to save and someone to kill. They will soon discover that history can be brutal, and that it’s not always possible to be the hero.

      • April 2019

        Migrazioni e modernità

        Una lettura generativa

        by Emanuele, Iula

        This book starts with an upside down turn of perspective. If a sense must be searched and found in the phenomenon of human mobility, we cannot content ourselves with the knowledge of a possible future for migrants in their country of arrival. We could rather ask whether these people give a future and open up new understandings to the societies they come to. This turn is the cornerstone offered by a “generative thinking” to the debate on migration.

      • Poetry by individual poets
        May 2011


        by Heather McHugh

        An exquisite series of poems that explore living and dying.

      • 2017

        De synthèse / The Imago State

        by Karoline Georges

        A story of luminous lucidity, the kind that can free the consciousness and thrill the soul, De synthèse shines a light on the end of a filial relationship. It is told from the point of view of an image-obsessed woman reunited with her family just as her mother enters a terminal phase following a long period of suffering. It’s a story about the body, about disappearance, about reflections, about composition and decomposition. Winner of several literary awards. To learn more about this title, click here:

      • 2020

        Dance Factor

        by Aurora Marsotto

        When the dance teacher announces that she’s entered her students in the Young Dance Competition, everyone is thrilled! Well…, almost everyone. Alice is twelve and, even though she’s done ballet for five years, she’s never gotten over her stage fright. Of course, what happened last year – when she turned right and everyone else turned left… right there… right in front of everyone… – only made things worse! So, just forget it! There’s no way Alice is going on stage! That is, unless Leonardo, who’s just joined the class, can change her mind…

      • The Arts

        A Bible in Ivory

        Mediterranean art in 11th century Salerno

        by Valentino Pace

        In the late 11th century, one of the greatest historical and artistical times in Campania, in the South of Italy, a significant role was played in this sense by Alfano, the Archbishop of Salerno. He personally committed the episcopal throne inside the Cathedral, with the intention to catch the eye of anyone who entered as a symbol of the ultimate devotion. Of this work, with scenes from the Old and New Testament, only 67 ivory plaques still remain. The throne was realized in ivory, a precious material which can be considered inferior only to gold. Working with ivory required advanced skills from the artists, who had to know how to extract the thin layers from an elephant tusk before being able to delicately carve a scene. Possibly planned and executed for the Cathedral of Amalfi, it is the most extensive series of ivory panels to an artifact that predates the Gothic Era. They prove to be an artistic production that, due to the valuable nature of its material and the quality of its execution – not to mention the inherent interest of its narrative sequence –, is without comparison.

      • Tantalum's rule

        by Claudio Forti

        Una luce penetrante. Un uomo confuso recuperato dalla polizia. E tante, troppe cornacchie.  Norman Barclay è un dirigente di successo, uso a tutti gli agi di New York, ma da quattro anni non dorme più. Le sue notti sono devastate dal ricordo ancora vivido di quella luce e alleviate solo dalle inebrianti prostitute di Madame Trilly. L’improbabile equilibrio è rotto da un uomo grigio e misterioso: John Smith. Così anonimo da non lasciare alcuna traccia di sé, se non un enigmatico biglietto da visita: ‘Professor Jeremy Kalwinsky, psicopatologo della memoria’.  Sarà un secondo biglietto, lascito di una coinvolgente notte d’amore, a spingere Norman a cercare l’aiuto di Kalwinsky per sbarazzarsi dei ricordi che lo tormentano. Insieme al sollievo dell’oblio arriverà però una inattesa discesa negli inferi dei dimenticati. Qui Barclay scoprirà una grigia verità ben più inquietante dei ricordi...

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