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      • Thaihabooks JSC

        We were founded in 2007. Thai Ha Books has been publishing nearly 1600 titles related to 7 main areas: Children, Parenting, Culture and Education, Healthcare, GreenLife, Buddhism, and Business.

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      • Dar Al-Ketab Al-Thaqafee

        The Cultural Book Publishing House | دار الكتاب الثقافي للنشر is a private,stand-alone institution, located in Jordan , est.1996. The book is a great responsibility, starting with its writing and making, through publishing and distributing it, and ending with acquiring and reading it, and in each of these cases, we need to be very careful of this responsibility. The author is primarily responsible for the subject and content of the book, an intellectual, emotional, literary responsibility, because the author who does not elevate his book to the reader in an ascending way, whether on the intellectual and emotional or literary and artistic levels, will constitute a scientific disappointment. The publisher is no less responsible for the author, the subject matter and the content, in addition to his responsibility for producing the book in a way that suits the book’s topic and importance. This is in addition to his media responsibility towards the book, so readers must be alerted and informed of the most creative methods and finest means about the book’s issuance, its importance and the importance of its topics, and enabling them to obtain and acquire it, and any failure to do so is a great disappointment.   Our philosophy for this work is based on the slogan “When we choose for ourselves what we publish, we choose for you what you read.” Based on our philosophy and our understanding of this, we created the Dar Al-Kitaab Al-Thaqabi and worked in this wide and wide field, bearing the hardship of this painstaking work, hoping that the Almighty would achieve the desired goal of our contribution to enriching the people Knowledge is a knowledge and expansion in providing all the valuable books they need, wishing the honorable readers to value this effort for them, whether from the author, publisher or distributor, and God is behind the intention.   Administration Bilal Ibrahim Al-Shaloul 00962-777776810

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2005

        Eine kleine Geschichte Indiens

        by Shashi Tharoor, Max Looser

        »Indien ist nur ein geographischer Ausdruck, es ist so wenig Land wie der Äquator«, sagte Winston Churchill über diesen riesigen Subkontinent. Shashi Tharoor unternimmt, wie er selber sagt, dennoch den Versuch, sich diesem Land zu nähern, in dem achtzehn Hauptsprachen und zweiundzwanzigtausend Dialekte gesprochen werden, das über eine Milliarde Einwohner unterschiedlichster ethnischer Herkunft hat, in dem die Mehrzahl der Menschen ihre Nahrung mühselig dem Boden abringt, während einige wenige raffiniertere Software entwickeln als woanders auf der Welt. Genauso informativ wie leidenschaftlich schreibt er über das Indien nach der Unabhängigkeit, über den heutigen pluralistischen Staat, »in dem man nichts für selbstverständlich halten darf«.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2006

        Die Erfindung Indiens

        Das Leben des Pandit Nehru

        by Shashi Tharoor, Peter Knecht

        Jawaharlal Nehru wurde 1889 in einer wohlhabenden und einflußreichen indischen Familie geboren. Seine Biographie schien klar vorgezeichnet: Jurastudium in England (Oxford) und dann Anwaltsberuf in Indien. Doch nach der Rückkehr aus England 1916 begegnet der bis dahin unauffällige Student dem charismatischen Mahatma Gandhi, dessen politische Einsichten und dessen Religiosität ihn faszinierten. Menschenwürde, Selbstbestimmung, Demokratie wurden die Ideale, für die Nehru, dem man den Titel "Pandit" ("Gelehrter") gab, fortan einstand. Shashi Tharoor erzählt den Werdegang Nehrus, das enge Vertrauensverhältnis zum Vater, Studium, Ehe und Geburt der Tochter Indira Gandhi, die Freundschaft zu Lord und Lady Mountbatten, die politische Arbeit als Präsident des Indischen Nationalkongresses und als erster Premierminister des Landes. Er schildert die Praktiken der Kolonialmacht, die doppelte Moral, mit der sie für die Verteidigung der Demokratie in den Zweiten Weltkrieg zog. Nehru und Gandhi gelang es, Millionen von Menschen zu bewegen und die Politik des Landes für Jahrzehnte zu bestimmen. Zusammen führten sie den gewaltlosen Kampf für Indiens Unabhängigkeit, einen Kampf, der erst 1947 gewonnen wurde. Doch weder Nehru noch Gandhi konnten die Spaltung des Landes in Indien und Pakistan verhindern: auch ein Preis der Unabhängigkeit. Vor dem Hintergrund der Auseinandersetzungen, die heute in Indien zwischen Hindus und Moslems stattfinden, stellt Tharoor die Frage, was aus Nehrus Vermächtnis geworden ist.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2006



        by Shashi Tharoor, Peter Knecht

        Seine Laufbahn scheint klar vorgezeichnet zu sein. Doch der junge Ashok Banjara, Sohn des Ministers für Textilproduktion, entzieht sich dem Lebensplan, den seine Eltern für ihn entworfen haben. Anstatt nach dem Besuch der Elite-Universität wie sein Vater die politische Laufbahn einzuschlagen, versucht er, seinen Traum vom großen Leinwandstar zu verwirklichen. Und tatsächlich: Während sich eine solche Idee normalerweise schnell erledigt, eröffnet sich Ashok trotz seiner offenkundigen Talentlosigkeit eine Traumkarriere als Bollywood- Star. Ashok dreht einen Erfolgsfilm nach dem anderen, und immer spielt er den jungen, aufrechten Kämpfer für das Gute. Dem Kinopublikum, das zwischen Rolle und Person nicht unterscheidet, gilt er als moralische Instanz. Sein Privatleben sieht hingegen weniger glänzend aus. Seine Frau, die Schauspielerin Maya, die für die ganze Nation das Ideal der Reinheit und Unschuld verkörpert, leidet unter den zahllosen Affären Ashoks, dessen größte Sorge darin besteht, sein Schwarzgeld sicher auf einem Schweizer Nummernkonto zu verwahren. Aus einer Laune heraus steigt er in die Politik ein, kandidiert für einen Parlamentssitz. Doch als er in einen Parteispendenskandal verwickelt wird, ist sein positives Image dahin. Er taugt gerade noch für eine Rolle in einem religiösen Monumentalfilm, in dem es um die Zerstörung der Welt durch den göttlichen Willen geht. Bei den Dreharbeiten kommt es, wie im Film selbst, zu einer Brandkatastrophe, und plötzlich steht Ashok wieder im Rampenlicht. Vom Aufstieg und Fall eines Filmhelden mit großen Ambitionen und zweifelhafter Moral erzählt Shashi Tharoor in diesem tragikomischen Roman über das Showgeschäft: Alles ist inszeniert, Drehbuch und Wirklichkeit gehen nahtlos ineinander über. Eine groteske Maskerade von Verführung und Intrige zwischen Macht und Privilegien, Politik und Medien – die Mega-Filmindustrie Bombays (»Bollywood«) als Metapher für die moderne Gesellschaft.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        May 2023

        B. R. Ambedkar

        by Shashi Tharoor

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2006

        Zwischen den Welten

        Geschichten aus dem modernen Indien

        by Cornelia Zetzsche

        Sie sind Hindus, Moslems, Parsen, Christen oder Juden, gehören zur höchsten Kaste der Brahmanen oder zu den Unberührbaren. Sie kommen aus allen Teilen Indiens, leben in Delhi, Kalkutta, Bombay, Bangalore, Mysore, Ahmedabad und anderswo, sind Pendler zwischen den Welten wie Vikram Chandra oder Expatriates wie Shashi Tharoor. Sie erzählen von Brahmanen und Muslimen, von Benares und Bombay, schildern das Leben in den Städten und auf dem Land, berichten von Emigranten und von Zurückgekehrten. Es geht um Hochzeits- und Beerdigungsrituale, um Straßen- und Büroszenen, Arbeitskämpfe und Religionskonflikte, um den Unabhängigkeitstag, die Teilung Indiens oder um ein Leben zwischen den Kulturen. Oft ist von der Einsamkeit im Milliardenland die Rede, und immer wieder steht die Familie als Spiegel der Gesellschaft im literarischen Fokus. Über 50 Autoren und Autorinnen, vielfach mit den höchsten Literaturpreisen Indiens ausgezeichnet, sind in diesem Band mit Erzählungen, Romanauszügen und Gedichten aus elf Landessprachen vertreten. K. Satchidanandan, Lyriker und Präsident der Sahitya-Literaturakademie, schrieb das Vorwort zu dieser Anthologie. Kurzporträts charakterisieren die Autoren und skizzieren den Kontext ihrer Arbeit im literarischen Leben und im indischen Alltag.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Key Questions in Clinical Farm Animal Medicine, Volume 1

        Principles of Disease Examination, Diagnosis and Management

        by Tanmoy Rana, Kanchan Arya, Sonam Bhatt, Ranbir Singh Jatav, Praveen Kumar, Anil Kumar, Vaishali Kumre, Vipin Maurya, Shashi Pradhan, K.S. Prasanna, Aditya Pratap, Sunil Punia, Neha Rao, Mitali Singh, S.Sivaraman, L. Sowmiya, D.Sumathi, S. Yogespriya, Jigyasa Rana

        Providing well over 1,500 questions to test your knowledge of clinical farm animal medicine, the book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction to the topic before providing relevant multiple-choice questions. Covering clinical veterinary medicine for common livestock species, this book includes questions about: - clinical examination; - electrolyte balance and fluid therapy; - diseases by body system, including respiratory, endocrine, cardiovascular, nervous, digestive and musculoskeletal. Including a full chapter introducing general concepts of clinical disease, this self-test resource for students provides a convenient and useful current source of information to anyone interested in learning, revising and assessing their knowledge.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        The Handbook of Zoonotic Diseases of Goats

        by Tanmoy Rana, Oluwawemimo Adebowale, Akanksha Agnihotri, Isha Agrawal, Vivek Agrawal, Anuja, M. Bhavya Sree, Shruti Bhatt, Suman Biswass, M.N. Brahmbhatt, Alok Kumar Chaudhary, J.H. Chaudhary, Shubhamitra Chaudhuri, Nidhi S. Choudhary, Pooja Dawar, Gaurav Charaya, Manaswini Dehuri, Anuj Kumar Dixit, Phelipe Magalhães Duarte, Z.B. Dubal, Nourhan Eissa, Negin Esfandiari, Meena Goswami, Pouneh Hajipour, Abbas Rabiu Ishaq, Saiful Islam, Supnesh Jain, Nirmala Jamra, G.P. Jatav, Ranbir Singh Jatav, J. Jayalakshmi, A.K. Jayraw, J. Jyothi, Jaysukh B. Kathiriya, Jasleen Kaur, Jitendra Kumar, Pradeep Kumar, K. Lahari Teja, Mahmuda Malik, Jinu Manoj, Hakim Manzer, Apoorva Mishra, Dwarikanath Mohanty, M. Reza Najafi, Simant Kumar Nanda, J.B. Nayak, Sumit Kumar Patel, Nishant Patel, Aditya Pratap, Indu Panchal, Salil Pathak, Shashi Pradhan, Natalia Pshenichnaya, Md. Tanvir Rahman, Saindla Rakesh, P. Ramadevi, Yudhbir Rana, Hafiz Muhammad Rizwan, Kabita Roy, Rajesh Kumar Sahu, Sonali Thakur, Manoj K

        Goats are the predominant domestic livestock, and certainly the predominant small ruminant, in most of Asia, Africa and the warmer parts of Europe. Important for meat, milk, fibre and leather production, their widescale production and husbandry allows many opportunities for the spread of disease between livestock and their keepers. Taking a One Health approach to the issue, this book provides clear, accurate and comprehensive coverage of the zoonotic diseases of goats. Including information on aetiology, the epidemiology and transmission cycle, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, and prevention and control strategies, the book: - Helps readers quickly locate information about the disease's severity, mode of spread, treatment, and safety precautions; - Discusses the importance of educating animal owners about the public health implications of zoonotic diseases; - Reviews bacterial, viral, parasitic, rickettsial, and fungal diseases. An invaluable resource for veterinary practitioners and public health experts around the world, this book also provides a useful reference for researchers and students of animal disease and human health.

      • Agriculture & farming
        September 2022


        Stress Mitigation in Subtropical Fruit Orchards

        by Shashi Kumar Sharma

        Subtropical regions are the areas experiencing hot summer and cold or frosty winters. Such regions lie between the temperate and tropical latitudes on the south and north of the equator. Under the NW sub-Himalayan conditions and in the adjoining plains, frost is a serious threat, especially for fruit crop cultivation. The cultivation of evergreen subtropical plants always remains under the threat of frost damage. Agricultural research has made significant advances in crop production practices but the technology for effective frost protection is still lacking. Scientists worldwide are working with enthusiasm, tenacity and dedication to keep up with this threat. This book is a collection of information developed by the author and by others across the globe on the management of frosty situations. It is an initiative for developing understanding amongst the masses about frost, frost-induced freezing and options which can be explored for mitigating its ill effects. Besides giving an overview of frost and its impact on subtropical fruit plantations, this book is an attempt to convey a simplified version of the information on orchard energy balance, mechanism of damage to plant tissues and biomolecular aspects of plant defence. Keeping growers perspectives in mind, the practical aspects and elaborations derived from open field studies have been duly considered while describing the frost sensitivity of crops, damage symptoms, frost prediction, delineation of frost-prone areas, and frost impact mitigation. The book is therefore a comprehensive narrative of theoretical and practical aspects of frost and its impact mitigation.

      • Geography & the Environment
        November 2007

        Thinking Inside the Box

        A Reader in Interiors for the 21st Century

        by Edward Hollis, John Gigli, Frazer Hay, Andrew Milligan, Alex Milton and Drew Plunkett

        Interiors is a slippery discipline. Among all designed artefacts, interiors themselves are uniquely ephemeral and hard to define. The practice of interiors is relatively unregulated. The history of interiors is patchy and contested. The theoretical basis of interiors is largely unexplored in comparison to those of other disciplines. How, therefore, might we speculate about the role, validity and purpose of interiors in the 21st century?Thinking Inside the Box is a reader designed to help students, academics, thinkers and practitioners of interiors do just that. Thinking Inside the Box is a collection of essays by prominent thinkers in the field of interiors, from Mark Taylor, co-author of ‘Intimus’ to Shashi Caan, the practitioner, and former head of interiors at Parsons, the new School of Design in New York. They address themes ranging from cushions, curtains, and feminism to the relationship between the interior and the enclave in the contemporary age of terror; from the regulation of the profession of interiors to the representation of the interior on the page and in history.   View book on Libri website

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2014

        Food and Nutritonal Security By Sustainable Agriculture

        Methods To Attain and Sustain

        by Bijesh Kumar Mishra, Sunl Kumar & Jagesh Kumar Tiwari

        This book contains s written by young enthusiastic scientists, teachers and researchers who are involved in research, teaching and extension of modern scientific agricultural principles and practices in different parts of India. Attempts have been made to cover various aspects of modern agriculture viz. genetic improvement of crop plants, modern methods in plant breeding, seed science, ground water resources management, integrated farming systems, horticultural crops, biological control for sustainable agriculture, underutilized fruit plants health enhancing foods, role of enzymes in food processing, bioinformatics and molecular diagnostics etc., but still many facets lingering due to vast nature of agriculture itself. The major aim of this book is to provide glimpse of important arena to enhance food and nutritional security in a sustainable way.

      • Physiology
        October 2011

        Physio-Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Vegetable Crops

        by M.K. Rana

        This book is aimed at providing systematic information on nutritional importance of vegetables in human nutrition, physiology, post-harvest technology, biochemistry and biotechnology of vegetables at a single source. The book contains very concise and precise information on physio-biochemical and biotechnological aspects of vegetable crops and also covers areas like resistance against diseases and herbicides and tolerance against drought and salinity and the physical aspects of quality, i.e., shape, size, texture, colour, tenderness, etc. It also contains the information on best possible solutions of problems faced by the students, scientists, growers and trade. The information given in this book is truly based on scientific records of scientists working on vegetables in various institutes. The book on physio-biochemical and biotechnological aspects of vegetable crops compiled for the students of postgraduate and postdoctoral programs is one such attempt to make them learn and understand the subject more precisely and motivate them o improve their knowledge in the field of physio-biochemistry and biotechnology of vegetables crops to meet the future needs. In addition, this book may be user-friendly to others who have the concern to expand their knowledge in the field of physio-biochemistry and biotechnology of vegetable crops and wish to fetch more remuneration from vegetable crops.

      • Business strategy
        September 2017

        Unleash Your Family Business DNA

        Building a family legacy that lasts generations

        by Reg Athwal

        Global family business advisor and authority Reg Athwal delivers the ultimate how-to guide, drawing upon his extensive global expertise and international research. Athwal shares with you the basics relevant to all first-generation entrepreneurs who are thinking about their next generation, combined with insights for well-established family firms who need to understand the pitfalls and legacy blockages that prevent 97% of family businesses from lasting beyond the 4th generation. In this book, you’ll learn: About your “DNA Profile” and how it impacts other family members, professional teams and your overall business How to build family structures and create the right job roles aligned to multi-generational challenges and your succession planning needs How to build a family vision and values charter

      • Agronomy & crop production
        June 2021

        Potato: Science and Technology in Sub-Tropics

        by Anand Kumar Singh,Swarup Kumar Chakrabarti, Brajesh Singh,Jagdev Sharma & Vijay Kumar Dua

        This book in its 20 chapters elaborates the latest scientific knowledge and technological achievements for development of potato in sub-tropics and also suggests the future strategies for likely adoption. It is our sincere belief that it would act as a compendium of potato research in the country and similar regions and researchers, students and other stakeholders will benefit from the compiled information in a big way.

      • Waste management
        June 2011

        Food Processing Waste Management

        Treatment and Utilization Technology

        by V.K. Joshi & Satish Sharma

        Food Processing Waste Management : Treatment and Utilization Technologies is a reference-cum-text book written in crisp and scientifically authentic language for teachers, scientists, researchers, students, industry managers, as well as all those who have a stake in food processing wastes management and utilization. It presents the latest information on the problems of wastes generated from various food industries. The contents have been divided into 14 s namely; Food Processing Industrial Wastes– Present Scenario, Impact of Food Industrial Waste on Environment, Grain Processing Wastes Management, Waste Utilization – Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry, Milk and Dairy Wastes Management, Meat Processing Wastes Management, Fish Processing Wastes Management, Spices and Condiments Industrial Wastes Management, Sugar and Jaggery Industrial Wastes Management, Fruit Kernel and Oilseed Processing Wastes Management, Utilization of Waste from Food Fermentation Industry, Food Processing Waste Treatment Technology, Hospitality Industry Wastes Management and Future Wastes Management – Nanotechnology. All the segments of Food Industry have been dealt with separately by specialists with respect to their wastes management technology. Special emphasis has been laid on the potential methods of utilization of the wastes for recovery of useful products and a supplementary means of checking pollution by their profitable utilization and disposal. The profitable utilization of the food industrial wastes would not only fetch extra profits to the industry but would also reduce the pollution load in the environment. The special feature of the book is that it covers different developments made right from the basic technologies generated for wastes management to the recent advancements and future areas of research to be done on the subject. Under undergraduate and post-graduate degree or diploma programmes of food science, food technology and postharvest Technology, fermentation technology, waste management as a subject is taught in almost all the agricultural universities in India as well as abroad .The book is expected to be very useful to the students of these disciplines. It is hoped that the treatise would be of immense value to all and would certainly open an insight into food waste management technology in the fast growing food processing industry.

      • Gardening
        October 2017

        Basics of Horticulture

        3rd Revised and Enlarged Edition

        by K.V. Peter

        The present revised edition has 16 chapters including 10 appendices. 42 scientists from seven Institutes, States Agricultural Universities and 2 organizations have contributed to the 3rd revised edition. A village market has now all kinds of vegetables, fruits, tubers and ornamentals which vouch for progress in the science and art of horticulture. Many educated youth are taking up Horticulture as a profession. Basic sciences like physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology and biotechnology, bioinformatics and economics are adding to the understanding of horticultural crops. New To 3rd Edition: 1. 5 chapters of floriculture and landscaping 2. Information on newly released varieties of all horticulture crops 3. Colour photographs 4. Updated data and references

      • Agriculture & farming
        July 2019

        Climate Change and Agriculture

        Causes,Impacts and Interventation

        by GSLHV Prasada Rao, VUM Rao & DVS Rao

        Natural change in climate is slow and takes millions of years; and it is known to have made our planet hospitable to live. The climate change is not limited to one country or a continent. It is occurring across the globe as evident from droughts in Texas and flooding along the Missouri River in the United States and along the Red River in Canada. Climate change drives many stressors and interacts with many non-climatic stressors which make it difficult to forecast outcomes in any general way other than existing threats to agriculture. Agroforestry increases a high level of diversity within agricultural lands which supports numerous ecological and production services that bring resilience to the impact of climate change mitigation and adaptation. Climate change risk management is difficult in annual cropping systems due to increasing uncertainty of inter-annual variability in rainfall and temperature. Mixing of woody trees with crops, forage and livestock operations provides greater resilience to the inter-annual variability through crop diversification and increased resource use efficiency. Deep rooted trees allow better access to nutrients and water during droughts and when appropriately integrated into annual cropping systems and extract from different resource pools that would otherwise be lost from systems. Agroforestry increases soil porosity, reduces runoff and increases soil cover, which improve water infiltration and reduces moisture stress in low rainfall years. During periods of excessive soil moisture, tree based systems keep soils aerated by pumping out excess water and offer an economic return. The book contains 36 chapters mainly on agroforestry practices found in India and its role in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

      • Agriculture & farming
        May 2016

        Climate Change and Plantations in The Humid Tropics

        by GSHLV Prasada Rao & C.S.Gopakumar

        Weather and climate play an important role in plantation crops production. While climate determines the adaptability of a particular crop in a region, weather determines the yield attributes of the crop. The global warming and climate change impacts on plantation crops are evident in the form of extreme weather events like floods, droughts, cold and heat waves and strong cyclonic winds, the frequency of which is likely to be more and more in the ensuing decades as noticed year after year around the globe in 1998, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2015. It is now a topic of concern and the plantations economy is in a threat in the ensuing decades due to climate variability. Decline in monsoon rainfall with number of rainy days, increasing ambient air temperatures (both day maximum and night minimum), decline in groundwater table, decline in wetland area and surface water resources, increasing number of forest fires and decline in forest area, increasing events of landslides during both the monsoon seasons, indiscriminate sand mining from river beds and unscientific land filling are the important climate change related issues in the Humid Tropics.

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