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      • minibombo

        Minibombo makes picture books characterized by clear images and solid colours, telling stories with a short text or no text at all. The books aim to create a participated reading process between adults and children and require a bit of creativity and cooperation on their part. Minibombo loves to explore different types of communication. This is why some of its paper stories have become the starting point for creating digital applications. The apps refer to the original stories in the books and develop them further by exploiting a different code. All the minibombo apps are available worldwide on the App Store and Google Play. Minibombo started in Reggio Emilia, Italy, in 2013. Since its beginnings, it has been highly appreciated both by readers and operators in the sector and has been awarded several prizes which have helped make its books known among a wide public. Its books are translated in more than fourteen counties worldwide.

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        September 2017

        Traveling with Creation: A Study of Art History in the Late Ming Dynasty II

        Traveling with Creation

        by Li Anyuan

        As a special historical stage, the late Ming Dynasty has distinct characteristics of the times in politics, economy, culture, and art. Literati doctors regard the revival of Song culture as their humanistic ideal. In this context, various arts and techniques have made considerable progress, and the feature of literati intervention    particularly evident, which has improved the aesthetic appeal of the late Ming's art of creation spiritually. This collection of 24 papers gathered at the conference, and discussed themes from the fields of literature, calligraphy and painting, opera, gardens, furniture, sculpture, etc.

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        November 2016

        Traveling with Creation: A Study of Art History In the Late Ming Dynasty I

        Traveling with Creation

        by Li Anyuan

        As a special historical stage, the late Ming Dynasty has distinct characteristics of the times in politics, economy, culture, and art. Literati doctors regard the revival of Song culture as their humanistic ideal. In this context, various arts and techniques have made considerable progress, and the feature of literati intervention    particularly evident, which has improved the aesthetic appeal of the late Ming's art of creation spiritually. This collection of 24 papers gathered at the conference, and discussed themes from the fields of literature, calligraphy and painting, opera, gardens, furniture, sculpture, etc.

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        September 2014


        by Prosper Mérimée, Larissa Bertonasco, Kristian Wachinger

        Die Begegnung der stolzen und leidenschaftlichen Zigeunerin Carmen mit Don José, der ihr rettungslos verfällt und sie schließlich tötet: das ist einer der bekanntesten Stoffe der Weltliteratur und zugleich Vorlage für die erfolgreichste Oper aller Zeiten, »Carmen« von Georges Bizet. Zahlreiche Verfilmungen machten die Figur endgültig zum Mythos. Die meisterhafte Erzählung von Prosper Mérimée ist auch für den, der die Geschichte zu kennen glaubt, eine Entdeckung. In der schnörkellosen, modernen Übersetzung von Kristof Wachinger erstrahlt die widersprüchliche Figur der Carmen, ihre unbändige Freiheitsliebe, ihre Unerschrockenheit und ihr respektloser Witz, in einem neuen faszinierenden Licht. Die bekannte Illustratorin Larissa Bertonasco setzt die besten Szenen einfallsreich ins Bild.

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        Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

        by Yuan Liaofan

        It is the family instruction of Yuan Liaofan, a scholar of Ming Dynasty. The book is based on Confucianism, focusing on clarifying reforms, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and the learning of living in the world.

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        Biography of Yuan Chonghuan


        Yuan Chonghuan, a famous military strategist, statesman, and writer in the late Ming Dynasty. In the battle against Houjin, the victory was deeply frightened by Houjin monarchs. He was killed by Emperor Chongzhen due to a command error during the Jisi change. The book collects various historical materials and conducts detailed research and description of his magnificent life and era. It is an authoritative biography of Yuan Chonghuan.

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        April 1993

        Sie sind Kühe, wir sind Schweine

        Roman. Aus dem Spanischen von Erna Pfeiffer

        by Carmen Boullosa, Erna Pfeiffer

        Carmen Boullosa wurde 1954 in Mexiko Stadt geboren. Ihr erster Gedichtband erschien 1976. Vier Jahre später schrieb sie mit Vacío ihr erstes Theaterstück, auf das weitere Theaterarbeiten folgten. 1987 wurde ihr erster Roman, Mejor Desaparece, veröffentlicht, mit dem sich Carmen Boullosa einen Namen als junge literarische Stimme Lateinamerikas machte. Mit ihrem zweiten Roman Son vacas, somos puercos hatte sie 1992 in Mexiko einen durchschlagenden Erfolg. 1993 erschien die deutsche Fassung Sie sind Kühe, wir sind Schweine im Suhrkamp Verlag. 1996 folgte die Übersetzung Die Wundertäterin des 1993 erschienenen Romans La Milagrosa. Ihr Roman Duerme erschien 1998 unter dem Titel Der fremde Tod in deutscher Übersetzung. Insgesamt hat sie über zehn Romane veröffentlicht und gilt als eine der bedeutendsten Schriftstellerinnen Mexikos. Carmen Boullosa erhielt 1992 das Guggenheim-Stipendium und hielt sich zwischen 1995 und 1996 als Stipendiatin des Künstlerprogramms des DAAD in Berlin auf. 1997 wurde sie mit dem Anna-Seghers-Preis ausgezeichnet.

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        The Imperial Kiln Gold Brick

        by Zhou Zhenlin, Jin jin

        Gold bricks produced by the imperial kiln in Suzhou in eastern Jiangsu Province are not actually made of gold. The smooth, shiny bricks are big and square. They got their name from their quality, the tedious manufacturing process and the high cost involved. The bricks, which have long been used to build imperial palaces, are a specialty of Lumu, a small village near Yangcheng Lake in Suzhou. In the early 15th century when the Forbidden City began to be constructed, the bricks made in Lumu were recommended to the Ming government (1368-1644). Central government officials assigned to Lumu found the yellow earth in Lumu was especially good to make bricks. Besides the special material, the advanced firing technique and the strict firing procedures of the Lumu kiln also contributed to producing the high-quality gold bricks. Thus the Lumu kiln was named the Imperial Kiln by the Ming emperor.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2014

        Zhang Zhidong(Annotated Edition)

        by Tang Hao Ming

        This book which re-appears legendary life of Zhang Zhitong, a key representative of Westernization Movement in Qing dynasty, belongs to Tang Haoming’s long historical novel series. The book combines political struggles in history with historical narratives as a unity. In the book, the writer’s deep thinking to history and culture, the insights to potential rules and secrets of the changes of history and the life are appropriately revealed.

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        Selected paintings and calligraphy of Hunan since Ming and Qing Dynasties

        by Guo KaiLang

        Calligraphy and painting art, as an important component of Chinese national culture, its development can be said to have a long history; South noodles vegetable is located in the Chaoguo to the south, the mountains are beautiful. The scenery Xuan people, there is a long history of brain, humanistic foundation. Deep cultural heritageCalligraphy and painting art, as an important component of Chinese national culture, its development can be said to have a long history; South noodles vegetable is located in the Chaoguo to the south, the mountains are beautiful. The scenery Xuan people, there is a long history of brain, humanistic foundation. Deep cultural heritage

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2012

        Symbols of Jiangsu: The Ming Tomb

        by Zhang Daoyi

        Symbol of Jiangsu is devoted to twelve most representative and iconic symbols of Jiangsu culture. The texts are accompanied by pictures, bringing out an analysis of the past and present of Jiangsu culture. This series will present to readers all over the world a panoramic view of Jiangsu culture and help them deepen their understanding of traditional Chinese culture.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2015

        Collected Poems of Han Dong

        by Han Dong

        Han Dong is one of the most influential poets in contemporary China. Full of deep sympathy and insight into humanity, Han Dong’s poems shows modernism, and stand out with a folk style.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2019 - December 2024

        Zhenguan governance

        by Wu Jin,Teng Shuai,Li Ming

        Government of Zhenguan was a political, economic and cultural prosperity situation during the reign of Emperor Taizong in the early Tang Dynasty. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty used Taoism to rule the country, which made the society stable. Because of its time title of "Zhenguan" (627-649), it was called "Zhenguan governance".

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015

        Learning Qin with Me

        by Liu Zhenyu, Deng Hong

        As a gem of Chinese culture, qin (7-stringed zither) became a representative of human oral and intangible heritage at the UNESCO World Heritage Conference in 2003. Its popularization rests on the popularization of introductory textbooks. Qin can help the coordination of hand and mind, activate the human brain and enhance memory. It can also sharpen people’s hearing and bring joys to people. The invention of this musical instrument has made the Chinese people cleverer and the ancient Chinese civilization ahead of other world civilizations, leaving behind precious treasures. Learning Qin with Me is a systematic introductory textbook. It includes an introduction of qin, its cultural continuity and change, its basic knowledge, and its basic fingering, scales, works and songs accompanied by it. The textbook also contains an introduction of the traditional Chinese gongchi musical notation. The qin works and songs appear in numbered musical notation, staff, and qin tablature. As it is very difficult to typeset qin tablature, this is the only qin introductory textbook with qin tablature at present. The book is also attached with a demonstrative CD.

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        July 2014

        Ministers of the Great Qing Dynasty

        by Wang Yuewen

        This novel, through the creation of a group of ministers of the Qing Dynasty represented by Chen Tingjing, reflects the difficult choice of the officials in their personality, morality and behavior in a unique historical background, and recreates the situation of the officialdom some 300 years ago. On the basis of historical materials, the author presents the image of the celebrated upright, lenient, competent and iron-handed Minister Cheng Tingjing. Chen Tingjing, originally named Chen Jing, became a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations at the age of 21. As there were two candidates named Chen Jing, Emperor Shunzhi changed his name to Chen Jingting. From the moment he entered the officialdom, he was involved in constant confrontations with Mingzhu and Songgotu whose power later became second only to that of the emperor, and in open or secret struggle with Emperor Kangxi’s confidants such as Xu Qianxue and Gao Shiqi … In the 53 years of his official career, he consecutively served as Emperor Kangxi’s tutor, minister of the Ministry of Works, the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Revenues and the Ministry of Penalty, Grand Secretary of the Imperial Library, and editor-in-chief of Kangxi Dictionary before he died in post and was crowned with eternal glory. The plot of the novel is both lucid and heavy, giving enlightenment and caution to people of today.

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