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      • Trusted Partner
        Film theory & criticism
        December 2000

        100 years of European cinema

        Entertainment or ideology?

        by Diana Holmes, Alison Smith

        Cinema provides entertainment, but it also communicates a set of values, a vision of the world or an ideology. From its beginnings more than a century ago, European cinema has dealt with the tension between these two functions in a variety of ways: at the extremes, dictatorial regimes have sweetened the pill of ideology with the sugar of entertainment. Meanwhile, spectators have persisted in seeking out, above all, the pleasure film can provide. Now available again in paperback, this book explores the complex relationship between entertainment, ideology and audiences in European film, through studies that range from the Stalinist musicals of the 1930s, to cinematic representations of masculinity under Franco, to recent French films and their Hollywood remakes. Diverse and entertaining, this study is addressed to students of film - especially French, German, Russian or Spanish - and to those readers and academics interested in both the history of cinema and in European culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2007

        Sherlock Holmes' Buch der Fälle


        by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Hans Wolf

        Das rätselhafte Verschwinden eines jungen Soldaten, der Diebstahl eines Krondiamanten, ein Mordanschlag auf Sherlock Holmes – die zwölf letzten Geschichten um den Londoner Meisterdetektiv sind ein Feuerwerk an Spannung und verblüffenden Wendungen.

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        The Arts
        April 2010

        Jacques Rivette

        by Douglas Morrey, Diana Holmes, Alison Smith, Robert Ingram

        Jacques Rivette is perhaps the best-kept secret of French cinema. A founding figure in the New Wave, and at the centre of the Cahiers du cinéma team, he developed into one of the most unusual and adventurous French directors of the last sixty years, yet his work remains little-known in comparison with his contemporaries, and this study is the first in English to look at the full span of his career. Starting with his decisively influential film criticism of the 1950s, it moves from the New Wave through the complex, experimental films of the 1970s to the challenging, playful dramas which ensured his visibility during the following two decades, and ends in the present, including Rivette's most recent films, Histoire de Marie et Julien (2003) and Ne touchez pas la hache (2007). The book takes a thematic approach, offering detailed discussion of key elements of Rivette's film world, including games, conspiracy and jealousy, as well as a study of what Rivette's cinema adds to our understanding of key theoretical concepts in Film Studies such as narrative, space and adaptation. There are many close analyses of sequences from Rivette's films including Paris nous appartient (1961), Céline et Julie vont en bateau (1974) and La Belle Noiseuse (1991). ;

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2011

        Die neuen Abenteuer des Sherlock Holmes


        by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

        Die Verfilmung der Abenteuer des Sherlock Holmes entwickelte sich 2009 zu einem sensationellen Kinoerfolg, der weltweit Millionen von Zuschauer in die Kinos lockte. 2012 kämpfen Sherlock Holmes und sein Freund Dr. Watson weiter gegen den skrupellosen Verbrecher Professor Moriarty. Unter der Regie von Guy Ritchie lassen sich Robert Downing Jr. und Jude Law als grandioses Ermittlergespann erneut auf halsbrecherische und gefährliche Abenteuer ein, um den Schuldigen zu finden …

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2008

        Terrorism and democratic stability revisited

        by Jennifer S. Holmes

        Can terrorism and state violence cause democratic breakdown? Although the origins of violence have been studied, only rarely are its consequences examined. In this detailed comparative study of Uruguay, Spain, and Peru, Holmes claims that to understand the consequences of violence on democratic stability, terrorism and state responses to terrorism must be studied together. This extensively revised and expanded second edition takes advantage of new historical sources, an extended time span, and new theories that have emerged since the original publication. In addition to adding new data sources in the Peruvian and Spanish cases, the time period covered has been expanded from the late 1990s to early 2007, allowing a more comprehensive treatment of the consequences of state and non-state violence on democratic stability and the prospects for stability. The literature reviews have been significantly revised and updated and an entirely new chapter covers the special case of Spain, which faces both a domestic and an international threat. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2007

        Die Abenteuer des Sherlock Holmes


        by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Gisbert Haefs

        Baker Street 221b: Geheimnisvolle Besucher erscheinen bei Sherlock Holmes und haben Merkwürdiges zu berichten… Erst die kriminalistische Präzision des Meisterdetektivs bringt Licht in zwölf verworrene Fälle.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2007

        Die Memoiren des Sherlock Holmes


        by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Nikolaus Stingl

        Unerwartete Ereignisse machen diese elf Geschichten um den berühmten Meisterdetektiv und seinen Helfer Dr. Watson zu einem besonderen Lesevergnügen. Sherlock Holmes berichtet von seinem ersten Fall und verwickelt sich in ein verhängnisvolles Kräftemessen mit dem Verbrechergenie Professor Moriarty.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2010

        Jean Cocteau

        by James S. Williams, Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram, Susan Williams

        This is a comprehensive, original and accessible account of all aspects of Jean Cocteau's work in the cinema. It is the first major study in English to appear for over forty years and casts new light on Cocteau's most celebrated films as well as those often neglected or little known. Jean Cocteau is not only one of French cinema's greatest and most influential auteurs whose work covered all the major genres but also an experimenter, collaborator, theorist and all-round ambassador of film. This lucid account provides a complete introduction to Cocteau's cinematic project in the context of his entire oeuvre, detailed analysis of individual films, and a thematic engagement with all his cinema from a range of interdisciplinary perspectives. The Cocteau that emerges is at once a materialist filmmaker and visionary who is committed to realism in all its guises and reveals the wonder and mystery of what he called 'the cinematograph'. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2007

        Die Rückkehr des Sherlock Holmes


        by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Werner Schmitz

        Drei Jahre sind seit dem vermeintlichen Tod von Sherlock Holmes vergangen – da steht der Detektiv plötzlich leibhaftig im Arbeitzimmer seines alten Freundes Dr. Watson. Neue rätselhafte Fälle warten auf ihn…

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        July 2012

        Negotiating the auteur

        Dominique Cabrera, Noémie Lvovsky, Laetitia Masson and Marion Vernoux

        by Julia Dobson, Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram

        This book provides the first detailed analysis of the work of four important contemporary directors whose work falls between the reductive labels of 'auteur cinema' and 'popular cinema'. Their work is contextualised within this timely investigation into the shifting relationship between the privileged status of the auteur and questions of genre, gender and cinematic production in France today. This important contribution to understanding the shifting landscapes of contemporary French film identifies an essential intermediacy in the films of these directors, which works to undo a series of dominant oppositions, generic template and contestation, public collectivity and personal intimacy, to offer a new perspective on the location of the political in contemporary French cinema. The four chapters provide detailed critical analysis of films by Dominique Cabrera, Laetitia Masson, Noémie Lvovsky and Marion Vernoux, and present common thread including the possible construction of social intimacy, the political demystification of romance narratives and the role of nostalgia, to argue that their work uses popular genres in order to challenge dominant cultural representation that resonates beyond the immediate parameters of contemporary French cinema. This book will be of interest to researchers working in French and European cinema, to students of Film Studies and French and Francophone Studies, and to film enthusiasts. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2014

        Die drei Königinnen. Ein neuer Fall für Sherlock Holmes

        by Anthony Horowitz, Lutz-W. Wolff

        Zunächst scheint es sich um einen Einbruch zu handeln, als ein junger Mann erschossen aufgefunden wird und der Hausherr die Tat gesteht. Aber dann wird der Fall immer rätselhafter: Was hat es mit den drei verschwundenen Queen Victoria-Figürchen auf sich? Und wieso haben die Nachbarn nichts gehört? Inspector Jones von Scotland Yard sucht in seiner Verzweiflung Rat bei Sherlock Holmes, und dank der bewährten Unterstützung durch Dr. Watson gelingt es dem Meisterdetektiv in kürzester Zeit, die verwirrenden Puzzleteile zu sortieren und dem staunenden Inspektor ein kaltblütiges Verbrechen zu enthüllen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        August 2001

        Bertrand Blier

        by Sue Harris, Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram

        The most complete study of Blier's work to date, Harris traces the director's career from the early 1960s until the present. Outlines the forms, themes and style which dominate in Blier's work, and challenges the many labels that have been used to describe both the corpus of films and the man himself. Provides an original and controversial discussion of Blier's alleged 'misogyny', and invites the reader to understand the scatological and corporeal aspects of Blier's filmmaking in terms of long-established traditions of popular dramatic culture. Brings to light the comic mechanisms underpinning Blier's films and identifies strategies which navigate through one of the most entertaining and disconcerting bodies of work of recent years. The first book on Blier published in English. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2013

        Sherlock Holmes in Rio


        by Jô Soares, Karin Schweder-Schreiner

        Rio de Janeiro, Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Zunächst ist nur die kostbare Stradivari verschwunden, die Kaiser Dom Pedro seiner Geliebten geschenkt hat – ein peinliches Malheur, nicht mehr. Um das wertvolle Stück wiederzubekommen, empfiehlt Schauspielerin Sarah Bernhardt, die gerade ein glänzendes Gastspiel in Rio gibt, ihren Freund Sherlock Holmes. Kein großes Problem für einen Detektiv seines Kalibers ... In Brasilien angekommen, stürzen sich Sherlock Holmes und Dr. Watson sogleich in die Lustbarkeiten der Belle Époque und erleben die sinnlichen Freuden der Tropen am eigenen britischen Leib. Was den Meisterdetektiv nicht daran hindert, sich vor den Einheimischen und Normalsterblichen mit seiner verblüffenden Kombinationsgabe zu brüsten. Als in den Straßen Rios aber ein Serienmörder umgeht, wird auch ihm die Einsicht beschert, dass südlich des Äquators begangene Verbrechen nicht mit einem »Ganz einfach, Watson« zu lösen sind … »Sherlock Holmes in Rio« ist ein schwungvoller und fesselnder Roman, mindestens so sehr satirische Gesellschaftskomödie wie konventioneller Krimi – »ein prickelndes Divertimento, das keine weiteren Ansprüche erhebt.« (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2013

        Sherlock Holmes in Rio


        by Jô Soares, Karin von Schweder-Schreiner, Karin von Schweder-Schreiner, Karin Schweder-Schreiner

        Rio de Janeiro, Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Zunächst ist nur die kostbare Stradivari verschwunden, die Kaiser Dom Pedro seiner Geliebten geschenkt hat – ein peinliches Malheur, nicht mehr. Um das wertvolle Stück wiederzubekommen, empfiehlt Schauspielerin Sarah Bernhardt, die gerade ein glänzendes Gastspiel in Rio gibt, ihren Freund Sherlock Holmes. Kein großes Problem für einen Detektiv seines Kalibers ... In Brasilien angekommen, stürzen sich Sherlock Holmes und Dr. Watson sogleich in die Lustbarkeiten der Belle Époque und erleben die sinnlichen Freuden der Tropen am eigenen britischen Leib. Was den Meisterdetektiv nicht daran hindert, sich vor den Einheimischen und Normalsterblichen mit seiner verblüffenden Kombinationsgabe zu brüsten. Als in den Straßen Rios aber ein Serienmörder umgeht, wird auch ihm die Einsicht beschert, dass südlich des Äquators begangene Verbrechen nicht mit einem »Ganz einfach, Watson« zu lösen sind … »Sherlock Holmes in Rio« ist ein schwungvoller und fesselnder Roman, mindestens so sehr satirische Gesellschaftskomödie wie konventioneller Krimi – »ein prickelndes Divertimento, das keine weiteren Ansprüche erhebt.« (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2018

        Laurent Cantet

        by Martin O'Shaughnessy, Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram

        Laurent Cantet is of one France's leading contemporary directors. In a series of important films, including Human Resources, Time Out, Heading South, The Class and Foxfire, he takes stock of the modern world from the workplace, through the schoolroom and the oppressive small town to the world of international sex tourism. His films drive the hidden forces that weigh on individuals and groups into view but also show characters who are capable of reflection and reaction. If the films make their protagonists rethink their place in the world, they also challenge the positions of the viewer and the director. This is what makes them so worthy of study. Combining a fine eye for detail with broad contextual awareness, this book gives an account of all Cantet's works, from the early short films to the major works. Martin O'Shaughnessy is a leading international writer on French cinema, especially in film and politics.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        February 2007

        Mathieu Kassovitz

        by Will Higbee, Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram

        Mathieu Kassovitz is arguably the most important filmmaker to have emerged from French cinema in the past two decades. As a director, his work often engages with highly controversial socio-political issues whilst still managing to attract and connect with a popular audience - and, above all, with a youth audience. He is also one of the few contemporary French filmmakers who is capable of productively engaging with Hollywood, in terms of cinematic style, narrative and genre, yet still retaining his own identity as a French filmmaker. In addition to his directorial successes, Kassovitz has also achieved considerable critical and commercial success in France as a screen actor. His films - whether directed by or acted in, or both - show an astonishing variety, from his early Métisse (1993), his break-through, La Haine (1995) through to Jeunet's Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (2000), Astérix et Obélix: Mission Cléopatre (2002) and Gothika (2003). Will Higbee's study is the first to explore of one of the most fascinating characters in French cinema. ;

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