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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2010

        Bounded rationality in decision-making

        How cognitive shortcuts and professional values may interfere with market-based regulation

        by Helle Nielsen, Mikael Anderssen, Duncan Liefferink

        Challenging standard economic models, this book shows how farmers tend to use cognitive shortcuts in their decision-making and how their professional pride frequently outweighs profit considerations. This indicates that environmental regulation based on economic incentives may not be as effective as economic theorists and ex ante policy analysts maintain. Rather than assuming that regulations respond to incentive-based policies, this book examines the ways in which they do. Bounded rationality in decision-making has typically been studied in a laboratory setting, but this book uses original empirical research to demonstrate how bounded rationality plays out in the real world, examining the responses of Danish farmers to fertiliser regulation and their decision-making processes. The book will be of interest to a broad range of scholars within the fields of public policy, public administration, political science, behavioural economics and sociology. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2010

        World Bank Group interactions with environmentalists

        Changing international organisation identities

        by Susan Park, Mikael Anderssen, Duncan Liefferink

        This book shows how environmentalists have shaped the world's largest multilateral development lender, investment financier and political risk insurer to take up sustainable development. The book challenges an emerging consensus over international organisational change to argue that international organisations (IOs) are influenced by their social structure and may change their practices to reflect previously antithetical norms such as sustainable development. This important text locates sources of organisational change with environmentalists, thus demonstrating the ways in which non-state actors can effect change within large intergovernmental organisations through socialisation. It combines a theoretically sophisticated account of international organisation change with detailed empirical evidence of change in one issue area across three institutions. The book will be of interest to academics, postgraduate and upper undergraduate students in international relations, international political economy, environmental politics, development and globalisation studies and geography as well as policy makers, international bureaucrats and development practitioners. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2006

        Environmental policy-making in Britain, Germany and the European Union

        The Europeanisation of air and water pollution control

        by Rüdiger K. W. Wurzel, Mikael Anderssen, Duncan Liefferink, Martin Hargreaves

        Environmental policy has become an increasingly important area of European Union (EU) policy-making and the source of political conflict between Britain and Germany. This book explains why national conflicts have arisen and how they are resolved at EU level by focusing on the Europeanisation of air and water pollution control in particular. Wurzel argues that Anglo-German divergences are best explained in terms of ecological vulnerability, economic cost and capacity, political salience and environmental regulatory styles. Focusing on two very important and media-exploitable issues - car emissions and bathing water regulation - this book challenges the conventional wisdom that Britain has shown a clear preference for environmental quality objectives while Germany championed uniform emission limits. Acceptance of the concept of ecological modernisation plays a vital role in the adoption of more progressive environmental standards. ;

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        March 2009

        Caroline Schlegel-Schelling

        Ein Lebensbild in Briefen

        by Sigrid Damm, Caroline Schlegel-Schelling, Sigrid Damm

        Unter den Frauen der Romantik war Caroline Schlegel-Schelling (1763–1809) eine der faszinierendsten Persönlichkeiten. Eine »politisch-erotische Natur« nennt sie Friedrich Schlegel. An der Seite Georg Forsters erlebte sie die Mainzer Republik, als Ehefrau August Wilhelm Schlegels die Jenaer Frühromantik. Ihr Haus wird zum literarischen Zentrum: Novalis, Brentano, Tieck, Tischbein, Friedrich Schlegel, Goethe und Fichte sind dort ebenso zu Gast wie der junge Philosoph Schelling, dessen Frau sie 1803 wird. Ihre hinterlassenen Briefe sind Zeugnis eines ungewöhnlichen Lebens, das widerspruchsreich, erfüllt und unerfüllt war. Sigrid Damm hat die schönsten Briefe der Caroline Schlegel-Schelling ausgewählt und entwirft in ihrem Essay einfühlsam und voller Sympathie das Porträt einer Frau, die ihr Leben in historisch aufgezwungenen engen Grenzen zu gestalten wußte, die sich schon früh weigerte, im »Hauptzweck des Weibes« für sich den Hauptzweck des Lebens zu sehen.

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        February 2003

        Claude Simon

        Adventures in Words

        by Alastair B. Duncan

        Introducing novels by the Nobel Prize for Literature author, Claude Simon, this text gives emphasis to peaks in his literary achievement: "The Flanders Road" (1960), "The Georgics" (1981) and "The Acacia" (1989). Alastair Duncan traces the development and recurrence of major themes, such as war, time and memory, and the constantly renewed inventiveness of Simon's manner. Duncan illustrates and comments on the various critical approaches which have been made to the novels over the years, from phenomenological interpretations, through structuralism to the autobiographical and psychobiographical approaches of the 1980s and 1990s. The text includes a chapter on Simon's most recent works ("Le Jardin des Plantes" 1997 and "Le Tramway" 2001).

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2005

        Britain in the European Union Today

        Third edition

        by Duncan Watts, Bill Jones, Colin Pilkington

        Duncan Watts, the author of three previous books on the European Union and Britain's relationship with it, has produced a new account of this 'uneasy partnership'. This edition is based on the original by Colin Pilkington and provides a review of how European Unity has been handled by British governments and politics. The contents has been updated to include all new developments including the proposed new consititution and the euro-elections of 2004. Additional material aslo considers the role of pressure groups within the Union and the approach adopted by British Lobbyists. As an up-to-date edition of a well established text, this book will be essential reading for students and teachers interested in the relationship between Britain and Europe. ;

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        May 2001

        Spectaculum 72

        Vier moderne Theaterstücke

        by Jon Fosse, Roland Schimmelpfennig, Else Lasker-Schüler, Dea Loher, Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel

        Jon Fosse: Der NameDer Vater redet am liebsten gar nicht, die Mutter spricht vorzugsweise von sich, also über ihre Krankheit, die hochschwangere Tochter besucht nach langer Zeit die Eltern und möchte sich gerne aussprechen, hat sich aber mit ihrem Freund einen großen Schweiger ausgesucht - bleibt ihr Jugendfreund Barne. Mit ihm scheint die Familie zum Leben zu erwachen.Else Lasker-Schüler: Arthur Aronymus und seine VäterDas Stück spielt um 1840 in Westfalen und zeigt, wie eine jüdische Familie, der Gutsbesitzer Moritz Schüler mit seinen dreiundzwanzig Kindern, mit der wachsenden Pogromstimmung in der christlichen Umgebung konfrontiert wird.Dea Loher: Klaras Verhältnisse Klara sucht eine echte Lebensaufgabe, einen Platz im Leben. Bei ihrer Reise durch die bundesrepublikanische Wirklichkeit begegnen ihr die unterschiedlichsten Begierden und Sehnsüchte - eine tragikomische Gratwanderung zwischen hochfliegenden Wünschen und banalen Abgründen.Roland Schimmelpfennig: Die arabische NachtSiebter Stock, Wohnung 32: Wie von einer unbestimmten Sehnsucht getrieben, treffen sich hier in dieser »arabischen Nacht« Franziska, Fatima, ihr Freund Kalil, der Hausmeister Lomeier und Karpati, der Voyeur.

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        Grandpa's Star

        A Consolation Book for Children and Parents

        by Julia Weißflog, Steffen Ortmüller, Daniel Wende

        Saying goodbye to a loved one is always hard. Jon, the little hero of this story, serves as an example of how children can deal with the pain of loss. When Jon’s grandfather dies, he becomes a star. Jon decides to look for his grandfather’s star to say goodbye, and begins a journey through space and through his own grief. He soon realises that this is no easy search. His feelings alternates between disappointment, euphoria, anger, and sadness. Fortunately, the man on the moon explains to the little astronaut the special  nature and uniqueness of the stars for the relatives on earth. Only there do the stars twinkle and shine for grandchildren, children,  and everyone else who misses the deceased. Jon finally understands that his grandfather is dead, but is not simply gone, because in his memory, in his thoughts, and in the starry sky his grandfather is still there and makes his star shine for everyone who thinks of him.   For: • children (ages 6–12) who suffer from the fear of losing a close family member or who  have lost a family member• parents, relatives• therapists

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025


        The social art of influence

        by Mikael Klintman

        A smart, incisive toolkit for understanding how the framing of information influences the way we think about it. In today's chaotic media landscape, working out who and what to believe is a daunting task. Lies and misinformation are only part of the problem - often the way a story is presented has just as much effect on us as what the story is. In Framing, sociologist Mikael Klintman offers a cutting-edge toolkit for exposing and analysing the rhetoric that saturates our everyday lives. Combining insights from the social sciences, economics and evolutionary biology, he lays out a four-part approach to understanding how information is 'framed' for us, built around the key elements of texture, temperature, position and size. Demonstrating this approach through an array of real-world examples, from climate change denial to the subtle messaging of caviar ads, Klintman reveals how canny communicators mislead us without relying on overt deception. At the same time, he probes the deeper evolutionary and cultural roots of our susceptibility to frames.

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        The Arts
        April 2024

        Hyde Park

        by James Shirley

        by Eugene Giddens

        Hyde Park (1632) is one of the best-loved comedies of James Shirley, considered to be one of the most important Caroline dramatists. The play showcases strong female characters who excel at rebuking the outlandish courtship of various suitors. Shirley's comic setting, London's Hyde Park, offers ample opportunity for witty dialogue. This is the first critical edition of the play, including a wide-ranging introduction and extensive commentary and textual notes. Paying special attention to the culture of Caroline London and its stage, the volume unpicks Shirley's politics of courtship and consent while also underlining the play's dynamics of class and power. A detailed performance history traces productions from 1632, across the Restoration to the present day, including that of the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1987. A textual history of the play's first quarto determines how it was printed and what relationship Hyde Park has to other texts by Shirley.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        May 2022

        Hyde Park

        by James Shirley

        by Helen Ostovich, Eugene Giddens

        Hyde Park (1632) is one of the best-loved comedies of James Shirley, considered to be one of the most important Caroline dramatists. The play showcases strong female characters who excel at rebuking the outlandish courtship of various suitors. Shirley's comic setting, London's Hyde Park, offers ample opportunity for witty dialogue and sport - including foot and horse races - across three love plots. This is the first critical edition of the play, including a wide-ranging introduction and extensive commentary and textual notes. Paying special attention to the culture of Caroline London and its stage, the Revels Plays edition unpicks Shirley's politics of courtship and consent while also underlining the play's dynamics of class and power. A detailed performance history traces productions from 1632, across the Restoration to the present day, including that of the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1987. A textual history of the play's first quarto determines how it was printed and what relationship Hyde Park has to other texts by Shirley from the same publishers.

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