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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2019 - December 2024

        The Classic of Mountains and Seas

        by Chen Mingzhen

        Shanhaijing is a book that records ancient Chinese mythology, history, geography, plants, animals, minerals, products, witchcraft, religion, medicine, folk custom and nationality. The cultural phenomena reflected in it are all inclusive. In addition to the abundant mythological materials, it also involves many academic fields, such as philosophy, aesthetics, religion, history, geography, astronomy, meteorology, medicine, animals, plants, minerals, folklore, ethnology, geology, oceanography, psychology, Anthropology Wait a moment. Under the condition of underdeveloped ancient culture, science and technology and transportation, Shanhaijing is a wonderful book with the most myths recorded in China, and also an ancient encyclopedia.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Processes that Shape the Earth, Third Edition

        by Sophia Chen and David M. Thompson, Ph.D.

        On Earth, nothing is still. Mountains rise and fall. Tides ebb and flow. Even the continents themselves are on the move. Beneath the surface, a restless engine powers earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the shifting of continents. Above ground, the sun causes the wind to howl, rain to pour, rivers to churn, and oceans to swell with waves. Processes That Shape the Earth, Third Edition surveys these forces and the ways they sculpt the planet. The modern theory of plate tectonics is introduced, along with other pertinent topics in physical geology. Several chapters add relevant historical context, presenting readers with fascinating discussions of Earth's origin, its history over billions of years, and the recent changes that have resulted from human activity.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010

        Bouvard und Pécuchet


        by Gustave Flaubert, Erich Wolfgang Skwara

        Eine Erbschaft ermöglicht es dem hageren Junggesellen Pécuchet und dem kleinen, korpulenten Witwer Bouvard, ihren ungeliebten Kopistenberuf an den Nagel zu hängen und sich aufs Land zurückzuziehen, um ganz der Verwirklichung ihrer Interessen zu leben. Zunächst versuchen sie sich in Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau, was sie zur Schnapsbrennerei und Konservenherstellung führt. Als das mißlingt, suchen sie Rat in Lehrbüchern über Chemie; die Lehre von den Atomen führt sie zur Anatomie, danach wenden sie sich der Geologie zu, der Geschichte, Literatur, Gymnastik, Ökonomie, Theologie, sie versuchen sich als Pädagogen, Heiler und Liebende. Mit unersättlichem Wissensdurst werfen sie sich von einem Gebiet aufs nächste, mißachten in ihrem gemeingefährlichen Eifer Geduld und Erfahrung und verzweifeln angesichts widersprüchlicher Lehrmeinungen. Flauberts Helden sind gefangen in einem Dilemma, das heute aktueller denn je ist: Ein Wust an Informationen verstellt ihnen den Blick aufs Wesentliche.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Marine Sciences, Revised Edition

        Notable Research and Discoveries

        by Kyle Kirkland, Ph.D.

        Marine Sciences, Revised Edition details the explorers and scientists who are expanding the frontiers of marine science. This comprehensive resource includes the study of the geology of the sea floor, the chemical and physical properties of the water, and the life that teems in and around it. This revised edition now covers the role humans play in polluting marine life and water supplies, and ultimately accelerating climate change, making this edition a must read. It also ties in a selection of various reports, offering students insightful information on the methods and applications of oceanography. Chapters include: The Ocean Depths—Exploring the Seabed Mid-Ocean Ridge—The Largest Single Volcanic Feature on the Planet Creatures of the Deep Sea Tsunami—Killer Waves El Niño and Weather Harmful Algal Blooms—"Red Tides" Human Impacts: Pollution and Climate Change.

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        Fertilizers & manures
        January 1998

        Plants that Hyperaccumulate Heavy Metals

        by Edited by Robert R Brooks

        Plant species which can accumulate high concentrations of heavy metals have been known for over one hundred years. However, until the last twenty years their potential went largely unnoticed by scientists. The term hyperaccumulation was first introduced by the author (and colleagues) in 1977. This renewed interest, together with heightened environmental awareness and the discovery of the phenomenon in many more species has since stimulated research into a number of novel scientific and commercial uses. This book brings together for the first time in one volume all the relevant ecological information on hyperaccumulators and describes the new disciplines, methods and uses for them which continue to be explored. These include the removal of heavy metal pollutants from soils and waters (phytoremediation), the identification of ancient human settlements (phytoarchaeology), mineral exploration, the revegetation of degraded land and the exciting possibility of the commercial extraction of heavy metals from crop plants (phytomining). This book is essential reading for plant ecologists and physiologists who have an interest in hyperaccumulators, environmental consultants specialising in land restoration, and exploration geochemists. It will also be of great interest to professionals, lecturers and advanced students in environmental science, geology and soil science.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Metals and Metalloids, Second Edition

        by Monica Halka, Ph.D., and Brian Nordstrom, Ed.D.

        While scientists categorize the chemical elements as metals, nonmetals, and metalloids largely based on the elements' abilities to conduct electricity at normal temperatures and pressures, there are other distinctions that are taken into account when classifying the elements of the periodic table. The post-transition metals, for example, are metals, but have such special properties that they are given their own classification. The same is true for the metalloids. Metals and Metalloids, Second Edition presents the current scientific understanding of the physics, chemistry, geology, and biology of these two families of elements, including the post-transition metals and metalloids. Examining how these elements are synthesized in the universe, when and how they were discovered, and where they are found on Earth, this newly updated, full-color resource clearly details how metals and metalloids are used by humans, as well as the resulting benefits and challenges to society, health, and the environment. Metals and Metalloids, Second Edition provides readers with an up-to-date understanding regarding each of the post-transition metals and metalloids and where they may lead us.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals, Second Edition

        by Monica Halka, Ph.D., and Brian Nordstrom, Ed.D.

        Scientists categorize the chemical elements as metals, nonmetals, and metalloids largely based on the elements' abilities to conduct electricity at normal temperatures and pressures, but there are other distinctions taken into account when classifying the elements in the periodic table. The alkali metals, for example, are metals, but have such special properties that they are given their own classification. The same is true for the alkaline earths. Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals, Second Edition presents the current scientific understanding of the physics, chemistry, geology, and biology of these two families of elements, including how they are synthesized in the universe, when and how they were discovered, and where they are found on Earth. With information pertaining to the discovery and naming of these elements as well as new developments and dilemmas, this newly updated eBook examines how humans use alkalis and alkaline earths and their benefits and challenges to society, health, and the environment. Lithium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are only a few of the topics covered in this full-color resource. Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals, Second Edition provides students and scientists with an up-to-date understanding of each of the nonmetals—where they came from, how they fit into our current technological society, and where they may lead us.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Environmental Engineering, Revised Edition

        Designing a Sustainable Future

        by Anne Maczulak, Ph.D.

        Environmental engineering's future seems boundless because it is based in the myriad ways in which nature solves its own engineering challenges. People have yet to design a system that pumps water 200 feet straight up toward the sky in a system that is silent, requires no mechanical pumps, and never malfunctions, yet giant sequoia trees do this every day. Environmental engineering has a distance to go to mimic nature's activities, but fortunately, nature provides endless examples of processes like the sequoias' that maximize energy conservation. Environmental engineering represents a discipline that will be required for almost all future technologies in energy conservation. This eBook shows how some engineering projects turn out to be quite complex endeavors, while a good number draw on the simplicity of natural systems by following nature's theme of "less is more." It also discusses the ways in which environmental engineering blends the best aspects of art and design with the sciences of physics, geology, ecology, and the chemistry of matter.  Chapters include: New Directions in Civil Engineering Designing Transit Systems Innovations in Personal Vehicles Sustainable Manufacturing Energy Efficient Electronics Ecological Landscape Design Sustainable Wastewater Treatment.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1991

        Wie das Zebra zu seinen Streifen kommt

        Essays zur Naturgeschichte

        by Stephen Jay Gould, Stephen Cappellari

        Stephen Jay Goulds Essays zum Thema Evolution befassen sich sowohl mit dem rein politischen und nichtintellektuellen Streit, der durch die Anhänger der Kreationslehre angefacht worden ist, als auch mit der faszinierenden Debatte, die zur Zeit innerhalb der Evolutionstheorie stattfindet. »Das Einfließen von Fragen der Evolution in scheinbar nicht verwandte politische Diskussionen zeigt sowohl das weitläufige Ausmaß dieser Lebenseinstellung als auch den unlösbaren Zusammenhang wissenschaftlicher und sozialer Fragen. Die weiterführende und klarere Sicht, die aus der Evolutionstheorie hervorgeht, könnte unsere Auffassung von der Wissenschaft und von Erklärungsprozessen im allgemeinen vertiefen, indem sie die scheinbare Zufälligkeit der Geschichte und plötzliche Veränderungen (die erst im nachhinein sinnvoll werden) heraushebt gegenüber dem Bild einer vorhersehbaren und regelmäßigen Welt, wie es vom Stereotyp einer sogenannt ›harten‹ Wissenschaft gepredigt wird. Mit diesem Thema beschäftige ich mich in der ganzen Sammlung.« »Nur wenige Autoren sind wie Gould fähig, wissenschaftliche Arbeit mit solcher Klarheit von Denken und Schreiben zu verbinden. [...] Die meisten Essays beginnen mit einer nichtwissenschaftlichen Anekdote, und nach wenigen Seiten sind wir mühelos mitten in der Analyse komplexer biologischer Fragen.« (The New York Times Book Review) Stephen Jay Gould, geb. 1941 in New York, ist Professor an der Harvard Universität und lehrt Geologie, Biologie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. In der Reihe suhrkamp taschenbuch wissenschaft liegen von seinen Büchern bereits vor: Der falsch vermessene Mensch (stw 583) sowie Der Daumen des Panda (stw 789).

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        The Forest of the Future – A New Reality

        Understanding the ecosystem

        by Hans Jürgen Böhmer

        What happened with forest dieback? The predictions of the 1980s that forests would be in decline across Europe have not come true. Currently, attention again focuses on the doom scenarios of the loss of entire forests and cultural landscapes in an emotional and sometimes hysterical debate. Biogeographer Hans Jürgen Böhmer refers to updated case studies and his 30 years of research experience on global ecosystems to demonstrate extremely complex interrelations of the natural world that various actors monitor in contrasting ways and characterized by different times and ideologies. Böhmer advocates to embed the sustainability debate more strongly in the living environment, rather than relying exclusively on model calculations.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2016

        Forest Hydrology

        Processes, Management and Assessment

        by Devendra Amatya, Thomas Williams, Leon Bren, Carmen de Jong

        Forests cover approximately 26% of the world's land surface area and represent a distinct biotic community. They interact with water and soil in a variety of ways, providing canopy surfaces which trap precipitation and allow evaporation back into the atmosphere, thus regulating how much water reaches the forest floor as through fall, as well as pull water from the soil for transpiration. The discipline "forest hydrology" has been developed throughout the 20th century. During that time human intervention in natural landscapes has increased, and land use and management practices have intensified. This book: - Presents cutting edge thinking and assessments in forest hydrology across all latitudes and terrains, including state-of-the-art modelling techniques and methodologies - Describes the latest challenges facing forest hydrology, such as increased occurrence of disturbance, due to extreme floods, drought, disease, and fire, potentially caused by climate change - Is written by an internationally renowned team of scientists, engineers, and managers to give a well-rounded review of the subject The book will be useful for graduate students, professionals, land managers, practitioners, and researchers with a good understanding of the basic principles of hydrology and hydrologic processes. ; This book presents cutting edge thinking and assessments in forest hydrology across all latitudes and terrains, including state-of-the-art modelling techniques and methodologies. It describes challenges facing forest hydrology such as extreme floods, drought, disease, and fire, and is written by an internationally renowned team. ; 1: An Introduction to Forest Hydrology 2: Forest Runoff Processes 3: Forest Evapotranspiration: Measurement and Modelling at Multiple Scales 4: Forest Hydrology of Mountainous and Snow Dominated Watersheds 5: European Perspectives on Forest Hydrology 6: Tropical Forest Hydrology 7: Hydrology of Flooded and Wetland Forests 8: Forest Drainage 9: Hydrological Modeling in Forested Systems 10: Geospatial Technology Applications in Forest Hydrology 11: Forests Cover Changes and Hydrology in Large Watersheds 12: Hydrologic Effects of Forest Management 13: Hydrology of Forests after Wildfire 14: Hydrologic Processes of Reference Watersheds in Experimental Forests, USA 15: Applications of Forest Hydrologic Science to Watershed Management in the 21st Century 16: Hydrology of Taiga Forests in High Northern Latitudes 17: Future Directions in Forest Hydrology

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        Children's & YA

        World Runner (2). The Hunted

        by Thomas Thiemeyer

        Tim, who with Annika and Malte has qualified for the second round, is confronted with the biggest challenge of his running career: he, his friends and their arch rivals Jeremy, Darius and Vanessa must form a team that will perform perfectly together. How well they succeed will be judged by millions of spectators, because every moment of this competition will be broadcast live by the media company Global Games. The decision as to who wins has long since ceased to be a matter of ability. Whether the prize is worth the challenge is open to question.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        World Runner (1). The Hunters

        by Thomas Thiemeyer

        Tim is one of them. A runner full of passion, ready to go beyond the limits. When one day he gets a letter from GlobalGames he doesn’t hesitate to accept the challenge for a second. 7 caches have been hidden in 7 locations. 100 young people are chasing after them. Each one against the others. But Tim soon realises that he can’t do it alone. He finds an ally in the fascinating Annika, known as Sakura. But can he really trust her? Or is everyone just running for themselves after all? Who’s ready to go the furthest to find the biggest cache in the world?

      • Management of land & natural resources
        February 2021

        A Practical Manual on Geology and Soils

        by A.S. Mailappa

        Soil Science is a unique discipline concerning a complex material that is part of many natural and utilitarian systems. Geology is the applied discipline of science and is now established as an interdisciplinary subject within agriculture, soil and environmental science as the agriculturists and soil /environmental scientists heavily require geological knowledge and information to apply in the field.This book is a easy ready reckoner cum reference on geology and soils for the undergraduate students of Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry. The author has presented his academic & professional experience and conception on all aspects of geology and soils, and the book is written in a very simpler and lucid manner.This book is primarily intended for the students and scientists associated with agriculture and allied disciplines, for having a better understanding, a prerequisite for progressing ahead in acquiring in-depth knowledge on the application aspects of soil science in relation to crop growth.

      • Mineralogy & gems
        January 2009

        A Handbook of Minerals, Crystals, Rocks and Ores

        by P.O. Alexander

        The book is divided into four sections, minerals, crystals, rocks and ores. Section A incorporates nine chapterss, begins with presenting salient features of the earth--its structure and composition. The second Minerals and Mineralogy briefly tells about their diversity and their categorisation and introduces the interesting way they are named. Crystal chemistry the third is the heart and soul of mineralogy and deals in somewhat details about the building blocks of minerals -atoms and ions and the way they form diverse types of minerals are. It tries to tell why every combination of chemical compounds cannot result into a naturally occurring mineral. The fourth and fifth s deal with Properties of Minerals, physical and optical. The section describe various physical properties that are helpful in the identification both in hand specimens and as thin section under the microscope. These two s are adequately aided with a number of illustrations, photographs and photomicrographs to bring home the point. five deals with classification of minerals and their occurrence and forms a prelude to the next two s on descriptive mineralogy. Important silicate and non silicate minerals are described in s eight and nine. A brief description of mineral uses is dealt with in both descriptive mineralogy as well Section D on mineral deposits, however, the last , Mineral uses presents an overall picture and will be interesting as well as educating to students and even general reader. Section B is devoted to crystals and crystallography. one introduces the subject while two presents basic crystallographic elements. three deals with the main six crystals systems while also giving a preliminary idea about stereographic projection and x-ray crystallography. Section C covers petrology, beginning with introduction to science of petrology, rock nomenclature. two is devoted to the study of igneous rocks, including their forms, composition, textures, structures, classification and description. Sedimentary rocks is the theme of three while different aspects of metamorphic rocks including kinds and agents of metamorphism and classification and description of metamorphism. The last portion of this also considers metamorphism in the background of global tectonics. five, the rock cycle presents a concise summary of geological events that have shaped the planet earth. The last section D is what geology is all about for a man on the street and its significance in nation building--the Ore minerals. It begins with what ore is and its place in human affairs as a well as presenting the important terminology in economic geology. two deals with ore genesis and presents various hypogene and supergene process that carves out ore deposits from non economic materials. three, mineral deposits and global tectonics is becoming a very popular theme among the earth scientists. A brief introduction of the same will be certainly appreciated by the student community and prompt them for further study in this direction. A general survey of Indias mineral resources is the theme of four. It covers almost all of the commonly used ores, metallic, non metallic or fuels. The last of section D and the boom, Indian mineral industry: some facts and figures will present where our country stands in the realm of mineral resources. Latest available data of resources, production, export, import, organisations that matter and other useful facts and figures are presented.

      • Geology & the lithosphere
        May 2017


        Principles and Practical Manual

        by Rajeeva Guhey

        This book discusses the fundamental principles of different branches of geology prescribed in the syllabus, so that the students acquire basic knowledge of the subject. The book consists of basic concepts and practical aspects of these subjects as prescribed syllabus of Civil and Mining Engineering courses in various Universities and Institutes.

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