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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1998

        Odilon Redon: Das Fass Amontillado

        Der Traum eines Traums

        by Gamboni, Dario

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        Die Vernachlässigten

        Generation Corona: Wie uns Schule und Politik im Stich lassen | Die Streitschrift eines Corona-Abiturienten

        by Schramm, Dario

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2010


        Meine zwei Leben

        by Pizzano, Dario

      • Trusted Partner
        Film theory & criticism
        August 2003

        Defining cult movies

        The cultural politics of oppositional taste

        by Susan Wiliams

        Concentrates on the analysis of cult movies, how they are defined, who defines them and the cultural politics of these definitions. Raises issues about the perception of it as an oppositional form of cinema, and of its strained relationships to mainstream cinema and the processes of institutionalisation and classification. Claims that the history of academic film studies and that of cult movie fandom are inextricably intertwined and raises fundamental questions about both cult movies themselves, and film studies as a discipline. Updates work on cult movies at a time when cult films and TV have become a central part of contemporary culture. Ranges over the full and entertaining gamut of cult films from Dario Argento, Spanish horror and Peter Jackson's New Zealand gorefests to sexploitation, kung fu and sci fi flicks, as well investigations of Sharon Stone, 'underground' and trivia.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2008

        The culture of toleration in diverse societies

        Reasonable tolerance

        by Catriona McKinnon, Dario Castiglione

        The idea of toleration as the appropriate response to difference has been central to liberal thought since Locke. Although the subject has been widely and variously explored, there has been reluctance to acknowledge the new meaning that current debates on toleration have when compared with those at its origins in the early modern period and with subsequent discussions about pluralism and freedom of expression. This collection starts from a clear recognition of the new terms of the debate. It recognises that a new academic consensus is slowly emerging on a view of tolerance that is reasonable in two senses. Firstly of reflecting the capacity of seeing the other's viewpoint, secondly on the relatively limited extent to which toleration can be granted. It reflects the cross-thematic and cross-disciplinary nature of such discussions, dissecting a number of debates such as liberalism and communitarianism, public and private, multiculturalism and the politics of identity, and a number of disciplines: moral, legal and political philosophy, historical and educational studies, anthropology, sociology and psychology. A group of distinguished authors explore the complexities emerging from the new debate. They scrutinise, with analytical sophistication, the philosophical foundation, the normative content and the broadly political implications of a new culture of toleration for diverse societies. Specific issues considered include the toleration of religious discrimination in employment, city life and community, social ethos, publicity, justice and reason and ethics. The book is unique in resolutely looking forward to the theoretical and practical challenges posed by commitment to a conception of toleration demanding empathy and understanding in an ever-diversifying world. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        RNAi for Plant Improvement and Protection

        by Bruno Mezzetti, Jeremy Sweet, Lorenzo Burgos

        RNA interference (RNAi) has the potential to make major contributions towards sustainable crop production and protection with minimal environmental impacts compared to other technologies. RNAi is being developed and exploited both within plants (i.e. host-induced gene silencing, HIGS) and/or as topical applications (e.g. spray-induced gene silencing, SIGS) for targeting pest and pathogen genes and for manipulating endogenous gene expression in plants. Chapters by international experts review current knowledge on RNAi, methods for developing RNAi systems in GM plants and applications for crop improvement, crop production and crop protection. Chapters examine both endogenous systems in GM plants and exogenous systems where interfering RNAs are applied to target plants, pests and pathogens. The biosafety of these different systems is examined and methods for risk assessment for food, feed and environmental safety are discussed. Finally, aspects of the regulation of technologies exploiting RNAi and the socio-economic impacts of RNAi technologies are discussed. Chapter 1: Introduction to RNAi in Plant Production and Protection. Bruno Mezzetti, Jeremy Sweet and Lorenzo Burgos Chapter 2: Gene silencing to induce pathogen-derived resistance in plants. Zhen Liao, Elena Zuriaga, Ángela Polo and Maria L. Badenes Chapter 3: Exogenous application of small RNAs as a tool for gene function discovering. Barbara Molesini and Tiziana Pandolfini Chapter 4: The “Trojan Horse” approach for successful RNA interference in inscects. Dimitrios Kontogiannatos, Anna Kolliopoulou and Luc Swevers. Chapter 5: Biogenesis and functional RNAi in fruit-trees. Michel Ravelonandro and Pascal Briard Chapter 6: Gene silencing or gene editing: the pros and cons. Huw D Jones Chapter 7: Application of RNAi technology in Forest Trees. Matthias Fladung, Hely Haggman and S. Sutela Chapter 8: Host-induced gene silencing and spray-induced gene silencing for crop protection against viruses. Angela Ricci, Silvia Sabbadini, Laura Miozzi, Bruno Mezzetti and Emanuela Noris. Chapter 9: Small talk and large impact: the importance of small RNA molecules in the fight of plant diseases. Kristian Persson Hodén and Christina Dixelius Chapter 10: dsRNA stability during external applications – an overview. Ivelin Pantchev, Goritsa Rakleova and Atanas Atanassov Chapter 11: Boosting dsRNA delivery in plant and insect cells with peptide- and polymer-based carriers: cases-based current status and future perspectives. Kristof de Schutter, Olivier Christiaens, Clauvis Nji Tizi Taning and Guy Smagghe Chapter 12: Environmental safety assessment of RNAi plants for pest control. Salvatore Arpaia, Olivier Christiaens, Paul Henning Krogh, Kimberly Parker and Jeremy Sweet Chapter 13: Food and feed safety assessment of RNAi plants and products. Hanspeter Naegeli, Gijs Kleter and Antje Dietz-Pfeilstetter Chapter 14: Regulatory aspects of RNAi in plant production. Werner Schenkel and Achim Gathmann Chapter 15: The Economics of RNAi technology in plant breeding: from the innovation landscape to consumer acceptance. Dario Frisio and Vera Ventura Chapter 16: Communication challenges of RNAi and selected communication messages from iPLANTA for dissemination. Hilde-Gunn Opsahl-Sorteberg

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Legum multitudo.((2x kursiv))

        Die Bedeutung der Gesetze im römischen Privatrecht. Aus dem Italienischen übersetzt von Ulrike Babusiaux. Nachwort: Jakob F. Stagl, Juristenrecht oder Gesetzesrecht. (Abt. A: Abhandlungen zum Römischen Recht und zur Antiken Rechtsgeschichte).

        by Mantovani, Dario / Epilog von Stagl, Jakob F.; Übersetzt von Babusiaux, Ulrike

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1979

        Spectaculum 31

        Fünf moderne Theaterstücke

        by Herbert Achternbusch, Dario Fo, Barrie Keeffe, Bodo Kirchhoff, Heiner Müller, Wolfgang Storch

        Herbert Achternbusch: EllaDie Lebensgeschichte einer Frau namens Ella als Geschichte einer Gefangenschaft - in der Familie, im Gefängnis, in der psychiatrischen Klinik. Die Geschichte von der systematischen Vernichtung eines Menschen durch die Gesellschaft.Dario Fo: Zufälliger Tod eines AnarchistenIn Mailand war 1969 der Anarchist Pino Pinelli aus einem Fenster im 4. Stock des Mailänder Polizeipräsidiums ›gestürzt‹. Die behördenoffizielle Version der Todesursache lautete auf Selbstmord. Eine Untersuchung der tatsächlichen Vorgänge kam erst nach der Uraufführung von Fos Stück im Jahre 1970 in Gang, einer volkstümlichen Groteske, die sich der gesammelten Widersprüche der polizeiamtlichen Erklärungen bediente, um die allgemeinen Zweifel an der Selbstmordversion zu artikulieren.Barrie Keeffe: Gimme shelterEine Trilogie über die Zwänge zur Anpassung junger Leute an Verhältnisse, die nicht die ihren sind, mit denen sie nicht fertig werden können. Junge Verwaltungsangestellte versuchen vergeblich, sich den Konkurrenzspannungen und kümmerlichen Berufsperspektiven zu entziehen. - Ein Schüler droht, Lehrer, Lehrerin und Direktor in die Luft zu sprengen, weil sie ihn durch ein mieses Zeugnis zum Versager ohne Berufsaussichten gestempelt haben. - Jungmanager versuchen, mit revolutionärem Geschwätz einen jungen Gärtner zum Widerstand gegen das System zu ermuntern, dem sie sich selbst total ergeben haben.Bodo Kirchhoff: Das Kind oder Die Vernichtung von NeuseelandDas Eigenheim als geschlossene Anstalt. Ein zurückgebliebenes Kind, das nur einen Ausweg hat: sich im Garten ein Loch zu graben, durch die Erde, bis nach Neuseeland. Eine Mutter, die ihren Sohn systematisch von allem fernhält. Ein Vater, der an die Begabung seines Sohnes glaubt und einen Therapeuten engagiert, der aus dem Fluchtloch eine Baustelle machen soll, um dem Tun des Kindes einen Sinn zu geben.Heiner Müller: Germania Tod in Berlin2000 Jahre deutsche Geschichte. Die Tradition von Spaltung und Demütigung, von Opportunismus und besinnungsloser Selbstzerstörung. Eine groteske Revue der deutschen Misere, ein Angriff auf die deutschen Werte und Mythologien, ein wüstes Panorama deutscher Übermenschen und Untertanen. Auch ein Stück über die deutsche Arbeiterbewegung und ihre Niederlagen.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        ein körper ohne ort

        by Mehdi Moradpour

        Bedrängt von seinem Partner, unterzieht sich Elija in seinem Heimatland Iran einer Geschlechtsumwandlung. Seine einflussreiche Cousine Mela, die in der Erdölindustrie arbeitet, hilft ihm dabei. Für Elija ist es eine Überlebensstrategie, da Homo- und Bisexualität drastisch bestraft werden, Geschlechtsumwandlungen dagegen toleriert. Transsexualität gilt als heilbare Krankheit. Doch sein Partner verlässt ihn und Elija will raus aus diesem neuen Körper, raus aus einer Familie und einem Staat, die Begehren und Zugehörigkeit mit Gewalt bestimmen. Im freundschaftlichen Dreierbund mit Mela und Fanis bricht Elija nach Europa auf, um eine Chirurgin aufzusuchen, die auf Bionik spezialisiert ist. Elija möchte nicht länger einen nur männlichen oder weiblichen, überhaupt menschlich beschränkten Körper haben, Elija sucht nach einer organischen und technischen Erweiterung. Auch wenn die unsichtbaren sozialen Grenzen und kapitalistischen Zwänge real und erfolgreich existieren. Mehdi Moradpour entwirft mit bildstarker und temporeicher Sprache ein Szenario, in dem die Atmosphären der Stadt-, Meer- und Traumlandschaften in die Körper eindringen und klare Konturen außer Kraft setzen. Utopische und technologische Sehnsüchte treffen auf harte Gesetze, Individuen in Auflösung auf medizinische Tribunale. »ändere die natur«

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        Women of war

        by Juliette Pattinson, Penny Summerfield

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment
        July 2018

        Invasive Species and Human Health

        by Giuseppe Mazza, Elena Tricarico, Pedro M. Anastácio, Leonardo Ancillotto, Sylvie Augustin, Daniela Boccolini, Giuseppe Brundu, Dario Capizzi, Lucilla Carnevali, Marco Di Luca, Franz Essl, Bella Galil, Piero Genovesi, Giulio Grandi, Lorenzo Lazzaro, Antonella Lugliè, Angeliki F. Martinou, Jolyon M. Medlock, Mattia Menchetti, Andrea Monaco, Emiliano Mori, Wolfgang Nentwig, Nikola Pantchev, Bachisio Mario Padedda, Olivier S.G. Pauwels, Cristina Preda, Petr Pyšek, Wolfgang Rabitsch, Julian Reynolds, Roberto Romi, Alain Roques, Helen E. Roy, Marie-Anne Auger-Rozenberg, Riccardo Scalera, Francis Schaffner, Stefan Schindler, Francesco Severini, Sauro Simoni, Catherine Souty-Grosset, Paolo Sposimo, Diederik Strubbe, Luciano Toma

        Invasive alien plants and animals are known for their disruption of ecosystems and threat to biodiversity. This book highlights their major impact on human health. This includes not only direct effects through contact with the species via bites, wounds and disease, but also indirect effects caused by changes induced in ecosystems by invasive species, such as more water hyacinth increasing mosquito levels and thereby the potential for malaria. Covering a wide range of case studies from different taxa (animals and plants), and giving an overview of the diverse impacts of invasive species on health in developed and developing countries, the book is a significant contribution that will help in prioritizing approaches to controlling invasive species and mitigating their health effects. It covers invasive plants, marine species, spiders and other arachnids, ticks and dust mites, insects, mosquitos and other diptera, freshwater species (invertebrates and fishes), amphibians and reptiles, birds and mammals. Key Features Collects together the major health impacts for the first time Covers animal and plant invasive species Examines issues in developed and developing countries The broad spectrum of the analyzed case studies will ensure the appeal of the book to a wide public, including researchers of biological invasions, doctors, policy-makers and managers, and students of invasive species in ecology, animal and plant biology and public health medicine.

      • JUSTICE

        On his way home from a training session, Nolan witnesses an attempted rape and decides to take action. Seriously injured, he considers his intervention a failure and decides to get help from a priest with unconventional methods.

        by Dario Alcide

        On his way home from a training session, Nolan, a sportsman used to capoeira fighting, witnesses an attempted rape and decides to step in. Even if he manages to help the victim, he still ends up in the hospital, seriously injured. This violent beating weighs on the young man’s mind, and he gradually drifts into depression, unable to bear what he considers to be a failure.It is finally a meeting with a priest that will help him get back on his feet. It must be said that Father Franck has a very unique method for working with young people experiencing difficulties.The two other teenagers he takes care of at the same time, Valentina and Hervé, have had a difficult life. But this unusual trio seems to share something more than a simple patient/therapist relationship.Father Franck’s methods will lead Nolan into strange and sometimes dangerous situations. Will he manage to overcome his own demons to regain serenity?

      • Science fiction
        April 2018

        Nivel 10

        by Fani Álvarez

      • Children's & YA
        January 2021

        Berta's Boxes

        by Dario Alvisi; Amélie Graux

        Berta is tidy, never throws tantrums and never cries. Whenever she feels overwhelmed, she just opens one of her boxes of emotions and shuts in her tears, fear and anger. But what would happen if one day she loses control? Berta will realize that emotions should be felt and not locked up inside boxes. A great contribution to help raise emotionally intelligent kids.

      • Romance
        July 2014


        Book 2 in The Boston Uncommons Series

        by Arlene Kay

        Eja and Demming are taking this mystery out for a spin! Munitions heir Dario Peters has a yen for competitive cycling and cash. When he suffers a fatal crash on a Cape Cod bike path, everyone calls it a tragic accident. But his doting grandma knows better. Persus Cantor begs amateur sleuths Eja Kane and Deming Swann-her nephew-to come to Bayview and investigate the case. The newly engaged duo finds that Dario was a ne'er-do-well with a host of enemies in the upscale Cape Cod village. A scheming psychic, an enraged environmentalist, and a greedy realtor all wanted him dead, not to mention his tempestuous wife, Paloma. Through it all, Eja and Deming continue their sizzling romance. Only a brainy bestselling author like Eja can match a man like Deming, whose movie star looks, smarts, and sophistication are enough to dazzle even the bad guys.

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