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      • Baerli und der Rotnasige

        Bärli und der Rotnasige ist liebevoll illustriert von Michael Stefer und witzig getextet von Helga Kleisny: Ein Flugzeugkapitän und eine Luftfahrtjournalistin, die in Corona-Zeiten in einem Buch den Charme von Janosch-Zeichungen, die illustre Welt einer Alice im Wunderland und die Lebensweisheiten des Kleinen Prinzen vereinen.

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      • Ana Bilic

        Ana Bilic is a literary author, screenwriter and

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2011

        Max-Frisch-DVD-Box zum 100. Geburtstag

        by Max Frisch

        Zu Max Frischs 100. Geburtstag versammelt eine DVD-Box in der filmedition suhrkamp auf fünf DVDs die wichtigsten Filme von, mit und über den großen Schweizer Schriftsteller: ein Porträt des öffentlichen Intellektuellen Frisch (Matthias von Guntens Dokumentation "Max Frisch. Citoyen"), die vielfach ausgezeichnete Verfilmung "Holozän" von Heinz Bütler und Manfred Eicher, Richard Dindos "Journal I-III" (eine filmische Lektüre der Erzählung Montauk) sowie die Gespräche im Alter, die Philippe Pilliod in den Jahren 1985/1986 geführt hat. Vervollständigt wird das Paket durch ein besonderes Extra: Volker Schlöndorffs "Homo faber"-Adaption. Die Verfilmung mit internationaler Starbesetzung macht die Box zu einem Ereignis. Ein einzigartiger Zugang zu Leben und Werk des großen Autors.

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        Animal breeding
        November 2002

        Intellectual Property Rights in Animal Breeding and Genetics

        by Edited by Max F Rothschild, Scott M Newman

        Intellectual property (IP) and patents involving animals is an ever-changing field. The purpose of this book is to review the role that intellectual property plays in the development of modern animal breeding and genetics. It includes discussion of the history of animal patenting,common forms of intellectual property,economic issues related to patent protection and the funding of research, ethical issues, and the consequences of intellectual property in the modern animal genetics market place.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2017

        Wilhelm Tell für die Schule

        by Max Frisch, Walter Obschlager

        Text und Kommentar in einem Band. In der Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek erscheinen literarische Hauptwerke aller Epochen und Gattungen als Arbeitstexte für Schule und Studium. Der vollständige Text wird ergänzt durch anschaulich geschriebene Kommentare.

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        Animal breeding
        June 1997

        Genetics of Sheep

        by Edited by Laurie Piper, Anatoly Ruvinsky

        During the last two decades major advances have been made in mammalian genetics. New methods in molecular and cytogenetics, and in biotechnology have been developed. Many of these have been applied to investigating the genetics of sheep and to improving the production of wool, meat and milk. This book is a comprehensive reference work on sheep genetics. All relevant topics have been included, from fundamental genetic structure to the genetics of various production and other traits, to transgenic sheep and genetic conservation. Chapters have been specially commissioned for the volume and written by internationally recognized experts from Europe, USA, Australia and New Zealand. The book will be invaluable to advanced students and research workers in animal genetics, breeding and biotechnology.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2015

        Als Max noch Dietr war

        Geschichten aus der neutralen Zone

        by Moor, Max

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        Veterinary medicine: large animals (domestic / farm)
        November 2014

        Genetics of Cattle

        by Edited by Dorian J Garrick, Anatoly Ruvinsky

        Since the time of domestication more than 10,000 years ago, cattle have played an increasingly crucial role in the development of human civilizations. Progress has been quite remarkable since the turn of the century; the sequencing of the bovine genome in 2009 launched new avenues for furthering our understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of cattle genetics. Covering a vast array of questions, this book reviews major topics from molecular and developmental genetics, disease resistance and immunogenetics to genetic improvement of dairy and beef breeds, addressing all current problems in the field. This second edition includes a new team of authors and completely new chapters on the genetics of fat production, nutrition, feed intake and efficiency, growth and body composition. Fully updated throughout, it provides a valuable resource on cattle genetics for researchers, breeders, veterinarians and postgraduate students.

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        Veterinary medicine
        May 2000

        Genetics of the Horse

        by Edited by Ann T Bowling, Anatoly Ruvinsky

        The theory and application of mammalian genetics have been evolving rapidly over the past two decades. This has given scientists fresh insight into the biological processes which affect the functions of the animal in question. This is the latest title in our successful series of genetics books. Reference book providing a comprehensive review of the current research in horse geneticsChapters written by international experts in the field Of worldwide relevance

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        Children's & YA
        March 2022

        Herr Max und die schlaue Maus

        Ein Bilderbuch zum Mitmachen und Mitlachen

        by Daniel Fehr / Isabel Große Holtforth

        Mr. Max and the Clever MouseMaximilian Max loves cheese more than anything. He is just making himself comfortable for Sunday breakfast, with lots of cheese of course - when a cheeky little mouse steals a piece! Mr. Max immediately takes up the chase. But he didn’t expect the mouse to be this clever, always finding new escape routes through hidden doors, over forgotten staircases, old clock cases, drainpipes and through the enchanted garden.A funny Picture Board Book with many flaps that playfully promotes spatial awareness and an understanding of the logical connection between cause and effect. Toddlers have the opportunity to help the little mouse escape by opening the flaps and thus actively participate in the story.

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        Animal physiology
        March 2012

        Genetics of the Dog

        by Edited by Anatoly Ruvinsky, Elaine A Ostrander, Jeff Sampson.

        Recognizing the significant advances made in the field of animal genetics in the ten years since the first edition of Genetics of the Dog, this new edition of the successful 2001 book provides a comprehensive update on the subject, along with new material on topics of current and growing interest. Existing chapters on essential topics such as immunogenetics, genetics of diseases, developmental genetics and the genetics of behaviour have been fully updated, while new authors report on the latest advances in areas such as genetic diversity of dog breeds, canine genomics, olfactory genetics and cancer genetics.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021

        Max Liebermanns Garten

        by Gloria Köpnick, Rainer Stamm

        Bereits 1909 erwarb Max Liebermann – schon damals einer der bedeutendsten Künstler der Moderne – ein Gartengrundstück am Wannsee vor den Toren Berlins. Das Haus am See und sein Garten wurden in den folgenden Jahren zu seinem persönlichen Refugium und schon bald zum Motiv unzähliger Gemälde, Pastelle, Zeichnungen und Grafiken. Die Auswahl, die Gloria Köpnick und Rainer Stamm hier getroffen haben, spiegelt Max Liebermanns Gartenkonzept aufs Schönste: Bilder vom Nutz- und Blumengarten, von den Terrassen, vom Rosen- und Heckengarten, von der Birkenallee, und immer wieder vom See.Dieser Band versammelt einige der schönsten Werke, die Liebermann hier geschaffen hat. Ergänzt um eine Einführung in die Geschichte und Bedeutung von Liebermanns Garten ist der Band das ideale Geschenk für alle Kunst- und Gartenfreunde und der perfekte Begleiter für einen Ausflug zur Liebermann-Villa am Wannsee mit ihrem liebevoll rekonstruierten Künstlergarten.

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        Animal breeding
        December 2004

        Mammalian Genomics

        by Edited by Anatoly Ruvinsky, Jennifer A Marshall Graves

        Genomics has experienced a dramatic development during the last 15-20 years. Data from mammalian genomes such as the human, mouse and rat have already been published, while others such as the dog, cattle and chimpanzee will soon follow. This book summarizes the current knowledge of mammalian genomics and offers a comparative analysis of genomes known today. This analysis includes farm, companion and lab animals. Topics covered include structural and functional aspects of the mammalian genome, mechanisms of genomic changes at the molecular level, evolution of DNA sequences, comparative chromosome mapping and painting, genome databases, gene prediction and the use of genomic information to understand inherited diseases. Contributors include leading researchers from Europe, USA, Australia and Japan.

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