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      • Dalcò Edizioni S.r.l. / DE Publishing

        Dalcò Edizioni is an independent publishing house based in Parma, Milano and New York. For over twenty years we have been specialized in gastronomic and lifestyle books, which we publish with the Food Editore brand. As a packager we design and create general non-fiction and illustrated books for children with a strong educational component. All our projects are designed both for the Italian and international market.   Visit to discover more or contact us:

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2009

        Horch, da kommt der Himmelsschlitten

        Allererste Weihnachtsgeschichten zum Vorlesen

        by Quest, Henner; Dal Lago, Gabriele

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2009

        Das können wir schon!

        Allererste Geschichten von Entchen und Häschen

        by Illustriert von Dal Lago, Gabriele

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2008

        Noch eine Nacht


        by Antonio Dal Masetto, Susanna Mende

        Vier Männer kommen an einem glühendheißen Tag in ein stilles Dorf. Man erfährt wenig über sie, scheinbar sind es arme Teufel. Sie haben aber einen Plan: Sie wollen eine Bank ausrauben. Der Coup mißlingt, ebenso die Flucht. Das Dorf wird zur Falle, seine Bewohner formieren sich zum Mob, die Räuber werden zu Gejagten. Ein Gelähmter, der von Großwildjagden träumt, schraubt das Zielfernrohr auf sein Gewehr, eine einsame Frau versteckt einen Flüchtenden und will ihn zum Komplizen ihres verpfuschten Lebens machen, der angesehenste Bürger des Dorfes ist zugleich sein größter Verbrecher. Den Gehetzten bleiben nur wenige Stunden. Noch eine Nacht ist ein düsterer Krimi in gleißender lateinamerikanischer Sonne, eine packende, manchmal grandios komische Geschichte von Gier, Verzweiflung und menschlichen Abgründen.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Kleine Geschichten vom Sandmann und der Sternenfee

        by Dal Lago, Gabriele; Hebrock, Andrea; Kaup, Ulrike

        Wenn in der Nacht die Sterne wunderschön funkeln, hüpft die kleine Sternenfee von Stern zu Stern und putzt sie alle blitzeblank. Ab und zu begleitet sie auch den Sandmann. Mit einem Sack voll Traumsand sausen die beiden zu allen Kindern, die nicht einschlafen können, und bringen süße Träume. 14 traumhafte Gutenachtgeschichten für die Allerkleinsten!

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2005


        Ärztin aus Leidenschaft

        by Dal Cappelo, Laurence / Übersetzt von Thesenvitz, Tina

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2004

        Dalís Katalonien

        Ein Reisebegleiter

        by Herbert Genzmer, Herbert Genzmer

        Dalís Katalonien zeichnet die Wege Dalís in seinem Land nach: Da sind Figueres, seine Geburtsstadt und Sitz des Dalí-Museums, Cadaqués, wo er im Haus der Eltern als Kind die Sommer verbrachte, und das benachbarte Port Lligat, das er zu seinem Hauptwohnsitz machte, Cap Creus, der Ort, der so viele seiner Gemälde inspirierte, und schließlich Pubol, das kleine Schloß, das er seiner Frau Gala kaufte und zu dem er selbst keinen Zutritt hatte. Dalís Katalonien ist ein Führer durch das nördliche Katalonien, jene Gegend Spaniens, die mit der Costa Brava zu den attraktivsten Ferienregionen gehört.Der Band gewährt Einblicke in die katalanische Kultur, ihre Bräuche, ihre Literatur und Kunst. In einem umfangreichen Serviceteil finden sich viele nützliche Tips und Ratschläge mit den einschlägigen Adressen.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Plant pathology & diseases
        February 2010

        Management of Fungal Plant Pathogens

        by Gordon Dryden, Allan T Lisle, Arun Omprakash Arya, Ashok Kumar, Nawal Kishore Dubey, Priyanka Singh, A O Ogaraku, Pramila Tripathi, Marina Sisterna, María Rosa Simón, Sebastian A Stenglein, Neeta Sharma, Abhishek Tripathi, Marta Mónica Astiz Gassó, Silvina Larran, Santiago Schalamuk, S.K. Gond, M S Patil, S Nandy, Analiá Edith Perelló, Prasad R Acharya, María Virginia Moreno, María Cristina Isabel Noelting, Shuzhen Zhang, Anuja Gupta, Gustavo Dal Bello, Saikat Kumar Basu, Cecilia Mónaco, Ayman M H Esh. Edited by Arun Omprakash Arya, Analiá Edith Perelló.

        This book reviews research into pathogenic fungi in a diverse selection of economically important crops, including fruits and cereals. The establishment and management of fungal plant diseases, using conventional and ecofriendly methods is discussed with an emphasis on the use of microorganisms and biotechnology. Chapters also examine the role of microbes in growth promotion, as bioprotectors and bioremediators and presents practical strategies for using microbes as well as botanicals in sustainable agriculture. Providing knowledge of plant-pathogen interactions, management strategies and techniques, this will be a useful resource for students, researchers and extension workers in biology and plant pathology.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2013

        Simulating the marvellous

        Psychology - surrealism - postmodernism

        by David Lomas

        Simulating the marvellous presents important new research on Surrealism and the culture from which it arose. Offering fresh interpretations of Surrealist art and literature based around the theme of simulation, the book shows, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, that the notion of simulation arose in a number of discrete contexts, in relation to hysteria and war neuroses; more broadly it shadows the emergence of our concept of 'the unconscious'. Acknowledging simulation's relevance to Surrealism, this book argues, radically alters our understanding of the Surrealists' project and the terms in which one gauges its success or failure. It leads one to question the naïve assumption that automatic writing or drawing represent an authentic outpouring of the unconscious and gives renewed significance to a figure such as Salvador Dalí who embraced simulation and made it the basis of his art and aesthetic. Resonances are also explored with postmodern theory and art practice, around the themes of simulation and the simulacrum.It also points to one of the ways in which Surrealism chimes with a core preoccupation of contemporary art and theory. Written accessibly, and ranging across many of the core ideas of Surrealism, David Lomas balances coverage of both Surrealist art and literature, looking at such figures as Dalì, Eluard, Masson, Desnos, Brouillet, Picasso, Tanning and Janet, as well as Glenn Brown, Douglas Gordon and Sarah Lucas. The book will interest not only art historians and theorists, but also students and those with a general interest in Surrealism. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        Chalcidoidea of the World

        by John Heraty, James Woolley, Austin Baker, Hannes Baur, Julie Böhmová, Matthew L. Buffington, Roger A.Burks, Matthew Cock, Astrid Cruaud, Ana Dal Molin, Natalie Dale-Skey, Christopher Darling, Gerard Delvare, Priscila G. Dias, Tiffany Domer, Chrysalyn Dominguez, Fernando H.A. Farache, Lucian Fusu, Michael W. Gates, Marco Gebiola, Alex V. Gumovsky, Michael Haas, Paul Hanson, Christer Hansson, Judith Herreid, Keith Hopper, J T Huber, Martha Hunter, Randa Jabbour, Petr Janšta, Robert Luke Kresslein, Lars Krogmann, Amelia Lindsey, Kerry E. Mauck, Mircea-Dan Mitroiu, Jason L. Mottern, José Luis Nieves-Aldrey, John S Noyes, Ryan K. Perry, Ralph Peters, John Pinto, Andrew Polaszek, Alexey A. Polilov, Jean-Yves Rasplus, Javier Torréns, Serguei V. Triapitsyn, Jonah M. Ulmer, Roy G. Van Driesche, Simon van Noort, Ionela-Madalina Viciriuc, Jack Werren, Rachel L. Winston, Y. Miles Zhang

        The superfamily Chalcidoidea (the jewel wasps) are part of the insect order Hymenoptera. The superfamily comprises more than 27,000 known species, with an estimated total diversity of more than 500,000 species, meaning that the vast majority have yet to be discovered and described. Most of the species are parasitoids, attacking the egg, larval stage or pupal stage of their host, though many other life cycles are known including gall associates and fig pollinators. This landmark volume has been co-authored by world authorities on the systematics and biology of chalcidoid wasps. It provides an introduction to the superfamily, a review of chalcidoid morphology, an overview of the fossil record, a phylogenetic framework for the revised classification of the superfamily, an identification key for the 50 recognized families, and detailed treatments of the individual families. The book consolidates much recent research on the phylogenomics of Chalcidoidea and the fossil record. This research has resulted in substantial changes to their classification, and in a review of all families, the new family groups are presented to the general scientific public for the first time. The book is an historic milestone, presenting a reclassification of the superfamily and a synthesis of knowledge on all aspects of Chalcidoidea that will serve for generations to come. Individual chapters clarify the limits of families and subfamilies based on contemporary phylogenetic studies. These chapters provide for each family: diagnostic features and extensively illustrated details of their specialized morphology, summaries of their distribution and worldwide diversity, a history of their classification history and major workers, phylogenetic relationships, natural history, use in biological control and economic impact, fossil history, and fully illustrated identification keys to subfamilies or in some cases to genera. Additional chapters present best practices for collecting, rearing from hosts, and preservation, review digital resources currently available, explore the diversity of their natural history and their human impacts, such as their use and importance to biological and natural control of pest arthropods. Chapters by worldwide authorities explore the enormous biological diversity of chalcidoid wasps including consequences of their almost unbelievable miniaturization (the most extreme known in insects), relationships with endosymbionts, special aspects of genetics, genomics, evolutionary biology and development, and brief accounts of the most significant chalcidoid researchers that have passed. For many years to come this important book will serve the needs of hymenopterists and professional entomologists, taxonomists and systematists, entomologists working on parasitic wasps as biological control agents, and ecologists working on parasite-host interactions.

      • Trusted Partner
      • September 2019

        Teologia dell’ospitalità

        by Marco, Dal Corso (ed.)

        A hospitable practice needs hospitable thinking and a way of believing. If, before being a right, existing is a debt that is extinguished only by becoming hospitable people, theology is called to favour coexistence among people by overcoming even its own self-understanding, when this is an obstacle to dialogue, helping to live this great change, and learning to welcome the spiritual riches that are for all. This, to the point of making a public contribution at the service of human and spiritual growth of humanity. A research of great value for a hospitable belief, which gives a theological foundation to a new paradigm of welcome and which opens up concrete perspectives for the indispensable interreligious dialogue.

      • Children's & YA


        Picture Books Series

        by Luigi dal Cin

        A series of 13 picture books - each one collects the most traditional tales from a specific country. Every story is illustrated by a different artist, either international or local. It's possible to select the books of interest or to create a collection of tales from the world picking up the single tales from the various titles.  In the series: BRASIL, SCOTLAND, RUSSIA, CHILE, FAR EAST, ARCTIC REGION, AFRICA, MEXICO, OCEANIA, INDIA, ITALY, JAPAN, 1001 NIGHTS

      • July 2020

        Venuta dal cielo

        by Gianni Corvaia

        Questa è la storia di un angelo sceso sulla terra per aiutare un uomo, suo padre, nella conversione. Una presa di coscienza raggiunta attraverso tappe lunghe e dolorose. Una vicenda apparentemente triste che invita a riflettere sulla vita e a dirigere lo sguardo verso una dimensione più profonda, che va oltre gli accadimenti personali. Un invito alla meditazione e all'orientamento dell'esistenza umana, che pur nella sua drammaticità contiene una forma di rigenerazione. Parole semplici, utilizzate dall’autore, che partono dal cuore per trovare dimora nell’animo di coloro che, leggendole, possano iniziare uno splendido cammino d’amore. Giovanni Battista Corvaia, avvocato e imprenditore di Palermo, chiamato da tutti Gianni. Uomo serio e stimato, ha lasciato questa testimonianza in seguito alla scomparsa della sua adorata figlioletta Barbara. Nell’immenso dolore ha rivolto i suoi occhi a Dio e in Lui ha trovato un senso. Per anni il suo desiderio è stato quello di pubblicare tali riflessioni, ma ciò è stato possibile soltanto dopo decenni e una volta risposatosi. Infatti, ha espresso in punto di morte tale volontà alla sua seconda moglie, Santina Di Stefano, donna sensibile e di grande animo, che l’ha accolta e si è prodigata per realizzarla.

      • Children's & YA


        by Candia Castellani

        Candia Castellani è nata a Firenze nel 1978. Dopo il diploma all’Istitituto d’Arte di Firenze, indirizzo Comunicazione e spettacolo, si laurea presso il Dams di Bologna, indirizzo Cinema. Durante gli anni di studio lavora presso lo studio di Sergio Staino come assistente e collabora in qualità di ritrattista con quotidiani e periodici come L’Unità e Metropoli. In contemporanea lavora come lettrice di libri per l’infanzia e organizza laboratori artistici per l’infanzia. Dopo essere stata allieva di Leonardo Mattioli, Linda Wolfsgruber presso Sarmede, Octavia Monaco e Arianna Papini, pubblica i libri illustrati e illustrazioni per riviste specializzate in temi sull’infanzia e di letteratura come Il caffè illustrato. Viene selezionata da Le immagini della Fantasia, a Sarmede, per la rassegna Fiabe delle Terre d’India. Dal 2015 è illustratrice, insegnante e direttrice della Scuola di Illustrazione di Scandicci. Dal 2018 è all’interno del Direttivo di Ai, Associazione Autori di Immagini. Selezionata a Lucca Comics Junior 2018 per l’illustrazione “Fantasmagorie”, all’interno del concorso “OLTRE GLI SPAZI INESPLORATI. Sulle tracce di Jules Verne”.

      • Picture books, activity books & early learning material
        June 2016

        Painting Pepette

        by Linda Ravin Lodding, Claire Fletcher

        After seeing all the fine portraits of her family in her house in Paris, Josette decides that her stuffed-animal rabbit Pepette needs a portrait of her own. The two of them set off for Montmartre, the art center of 1920s Paris, to seek out an artist to paint Pepette's portrait. They encounter Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Marc Chagall, and Henri Matisse, who all try their hand at capturing the rabbit.   Picasso gives Pepette two noses and three ears-which doesn't sit well with Josette. Dalí gives Pepette very droopy eyes – so Josette says "no thank you" and moves on. Chagall paints Pepette flying through the clouds. Josette points out that Pepette doesn't fly and is afraid of heights – so they decide to keep going through the square. When they meet Matisse, he paints Pepette pink, with lots of colorful dots and splashes covering the canvas. It's a beautiful piece of art, but it's not Pepette.   Giving up, Josette and Pepette make their way home. Josette is upset that no one was able to capture the true essence of Pepette. Who could paint her soft gray ears, her heart-shaped nose, and all her wonderfulness? And then it comes to her – she, Josette, is the perfect person to do this.

      • Children's & YA


        by Stella Mongodi

        Stella Mongodi (1981), dopo una laurea in Filologia Classica all’Università degli studi di Pavia, nel 2003 entra a far parte attiva di un laboratorio di drammaturgia antica. Dal 2009 collabora con la direzione del gruppo teatrale Olivelli. In quegli anni coltiva il suo amore per la pittura, che sfocia, nel 2006, in una mostra-concerto dal titolo “La semina delle formiche”, con cui entra nel panorama dell’illustrazione. Nel 2019 pubblica "A lezione di qui e ora" per Terre Nuove edizioni. Nell’ottobre 2020 vince il KidsShelf Cover Design Award per la copertina del libro "The green woolen Fedora", su testi di Deborah Stevenson. Con la stessa autrice statunitense è impegnata nella realizzazione del libro "Connecting the Stars", mentre in Italia sarà presto sugli scaffali il libro "Siamo stelle" scritto da Stella Nosella.

      • Tantalum's rule

        by Claudio Forti

        Una luce penetrante. Un uomo confuso recuperato dalla polizia. E tante, troppe cornacchie.  Norman Barclay è un dirigente di successo, uso a tutti gli agi di New York, ma da quattro anni non dorme più. Le sue notti sono devastate dal ricordo ancora vivido di quella luce e alleviate solo dalle inebrianti prostitute di Madame Trilly. L’improbabile equilibrio è rotto da un uomo grigio e misterioso: John Smith. Così anonimo da non lasciare alcuna traccia di sé, se non un enigmatico biglietto da visita: ‘Professor Jeremy Kalwinsky, psicopatologo della memoria’.  Sarà un secondo biglietto, lascito di una coinvolgente notte d’amore, a spingere Norman a cercare l’aiuto di Kalwinsky per sbarazzarsi dei ricordi che lo tormentano. Insieme al sollievo dell’oblio arriverà però una inattesa discesa negli inferi dei dimenticati. Qui Barclay scoprirà una grigia verità ben più inquietante dei ricordi...

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