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        We are a one-stop platform to read, write, self-publish and sell ebooks in any of the Indian languages. Our mission is to empower the author's community with the digital tools and techniques, and we take care of the online presence of professionals in the publishing landscape, be they authors, publishers, editors, designers, publicists, etc.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        August 2020

        The Quest to Conserve Rare Breeds

        Setting the Record Straight

        by Lawrence Alderson

        Since the middle of the twentieth century the world has witnessed a succession of political and social disruptions. Globalisation, technological advancement, climate change, human migration, war and conflict - all have caused major worldwide upheavals. In this light, it's unsurprising that conservation of rare breed animals has been neglected. Yet the preservation of these genetic resources - this biological diversity - is an essential ingredient of sustainable life on Earth, and not something we can afford to lose. This book, straight from the 'horse's mouth' Lawrence Alderson CBE, challenges often repeated 'facts' about livestock farming and argues for a reasoned and evidence-based approach from political and public circles. Correcting misconceptions as he goes, he recounts the creation and development of the rare breed conservation movement, addresses extinctions and genetic safe-guarding measures, and considers where we go from here. Challenged as we are by climate change, sustainability and feeding the world, perhaps it is these endangered animals that hold the answer - perhaps with them, we can adapt to our changing environment and see a way forward to a more certain future.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023


        The strange science and true stories of the unseen other

        by Ben Alderson-Day

        In this enthralling book, Ben Alderson-Day explores one of the most curious experiences known to humankind: the universal, disturbing sense that someone or something is there when we are alone - the feeling of an unseen presence. When and why do presences emerge? What does this feeling mean and where does it come from? And how can we even begin to understand a phenomenon that can be transformative for those who experience it and yet so hard to put into words? The answers to these questions lie in this fascinating exploration through cutting-edge research in contemporary psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience and philosophy. Taking the reader on a riveting and emotional journey, Presence offers remarkable insights into the experience of felt presence and how it relates to a range of medical conditions, including sleep paralysis, dementia and Parkinson's. This compelling story will stoke the fascination of sceptics and ardent believers alike who are drawn to the mystery of the unseen.

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        March 1999


        Mein Tagebuch. Perfekt. Immer. Unter Druck

        by Martin, Ann M

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        October 2013

        Der Duft des Regens


        by Frances Greenslade, Claudia Feldmann

        In den weiten Wäldern Kanadas wachsen die Schwestern Maggie und Jenny glücklich und behütet auf. Sie lieben die Ausflüge zu den Seen, sammeln Pilze und Beeren, abends spielen sie mit den Eltern Karten. Doch die Welt der beiden Mädchen gerät vollkommen aus den Fugen, als der Vater bei einem Unfall ums Leben kommt. Und wenig später gibt die Mutter die Schwestern auch noch bei einer fremden Familie in der Stadt in Obhut – vorübergehend, sagt sie. Tage werden zu Wochen, Wochen zu Monaten, Monate zu Jahren. Die Mutter kehrt nicht zurück. Auf sich gestellt, lernen Maggie und Jenny schnell, dass sie sich gegenseitig halten müssen, um den Boden nicht unter den Füßen zu verlieren. Sie entwickeln einen ungeahnten Überlebenswillen – stets begleitet von der Sehnsucht nach ihrer Mutter. Einige Jahre später macht sich Maggie schließlich auf, sie zu suchen. Sie kehrt zurück in die mächtigen Wälder, an die Orte ihrer Kindheit … Frances Greenslade erzählt eine berührende und starke Geschichte von Müttern und Töchtern, von der einzigartigen Liebe zweier Schwestern, von Verlust und Verletzlichkeit, aber auch von Sehnsucht, Hoffnung und ungebrochener Zuversicht.

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        March 2023


        by Anne Schlebusch

        Fully early pandemic “locked down” in an old age home, 70-year-old boomer, Maggie, ditches her bra, browses an old diary and reconnects with her artist self. While the world is happier with its oldies locked away, the lovable and maverick elders of Hazyview Mansions, galvanised by Maggie and her four close friends, have their own ideas. Romance, old loves; individual, local and global issues drive the story of this consequential movement with sustained and gentle humour. This book is both enormous fun and truly weighty.

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        The Arts
        November 2017

        Vivien Leigh

        Actress and icon

        by Kate Dorney, Maggie B. Gale

        This edited volume provides new readings of the life and career of iconic actress Vivien Leigh (1913-67), written by experts from theatre and film studies and curators from the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. The collection uses newly accessible family archives to explore the intensely complex relationship between Vivien Leigh's approach to the craft of acting for stage and screen, and how she shaped, developed and projected her public persona as one of the most talked about and photographed actresses of her era. With key contributors from the UK, France and the US, chapters range from analyses of her work on stage and screen to her collaborations with designers and photographers, an analysis of her fan base, her interior designs and the 'public ownership' of Leigh's celebrity status during her lifetime and beyond.

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        The ABCs of CBASP

        A Guide to the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy for Therapists and Supervisors

        by Mark Berthold-Losleben, Marianne Liebing-Wilson, John S. Swan

        Acquire in-depth insight into using CBASP with a client with chronic depression Follows a client, his therapist, and the supervisor through a course of CBASP Uses first person perspectives and dialog with theoretical sections Provides prompts and structure for sessions Lists exercises to check understanding Includes printable tools for clinical use Help people with chronic depression using this creative dialog-based guide Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP) is designed to help patients with chronic depression improve the negative social and personal impacts of this disorder. This volume, written by experienced practitioners of CBASP, creatively explores the principles and practice of CBASP in a new, unusual, and engaging fashion. Interspersed between theoretical chapters, you will find yourself in the therapy room with Maggie (the therapist) and Chris (the patient). Using authentic dialog, you will experience how the different stages of therapy unfold: How, from their first-person perspectives, Christopher and Maggie experience the application of the CBASP model, and how Helen (the supervisor) helps Maggie to understand difficult encounters in therapy. This book helps you prepare for your CBASP sessions by providing essential information and prompts in a clearly arranged manner, as well as exercises to verify your progress and learning goals. This creative and descriptive approach to understanding the hopes, fears, and concerns of patients and therapists engaged in a course of CBASP psychotherapy is essential reading for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, other mental health professionals, as well as students wanting to know how to successfully apply CBASP.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        March 2016

        Mason's World Encyclopedia of Livestock Breeds and Breeding: 2 volume pack

        by Valerie Porter, Lawrence Alderson, Stephen Hall, D. Phillip Sponenberg

        Mason's World Encyclopedia of Livestock Breeds and Breeding describes breeds of livestock worldwide as well as a range of breed-related subjects such as husbandry, health and behaviour. This definitive and prestigious reference work presents easily accessible information on domestication (including wild ancestors and related species), genetics and breeding, livestock produce and markets, as well as breed conservation and the cultural and social aspects of livestock farming. Written by renowned livestock authorities, these volumes draw on the authors' lifelong interest and involvement in livestock breeds of the world, presenting a unique, comprehensive and fully cross-referenced guide to cattle, buffalo, horses, pigs, sheep, asses, goats, camelids, yak and other domesticants. Volume 1: contains asses, camelids, cattle, goats, horses and pigs Volume 2: contains sheep, water buffalo, yak and other livestock Coverage: Breed descriptions: including groups, types and varieties, history and links between groups, livestock products and trends for creating new breeds Wild species: ancestral and relatives, potential domesticants and hybridization Humans and breeds: spread of domestication, transhumance and pastoralism, social and cultural influences, suitability of different groups for different human purposes Genetics and Conservation: a dedicated section and glossary of terms Placing breeds in a practical agricultural context, this two volume encyclopedia will be of great value to agriculturalists, breeders, geneticists, biologists, rural historians, conservationists, ecologists, and all those who are interested in the rich diversity of livestock breeds. ; This book presents a comprehensive and fully cross-referenced guide to cattle, buffalo, horses, pigs, sheep, asses, goats and camelids. It covers breed descriptions, wild species, potential domesticants, genetics and breeding, livestock produce and markets, cultural and social aspects of livestock farming and genetic conservation. ; 1:: Preface2:: Introduction3:: Genetics, Breeding and Conservation4:: Asses5:: Camelids6:: Cattle7:: Goats8:: Horses9:: Pigs10:: Sheep11:: Water Buffalo12:: Yak13:: Other Livestock

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        July 2023

        Wie Träume bluten


        by Stiefvater, Maggie

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Jessika Komina und Sandra Knuffinke

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        December 2023

        Wie die Nacht entrinnt

        by Stiefvater, Maggie

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Jessika Komina und Sandra Knuffinke

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