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      • Trusted Partner


        by Ulrike Sterblich

        New York City in the sixties: the city that never sleeps, because they have plenty of pills for that. And in between, a girl from West Berlin. Mona is young, pretty and recently moved to New York to make a career for herself. The city that never sleeps hasn't been waiting for her. Although she does quickly meet two men: East Coast aristocrat Sidney, and dark-haired bohemian Adam. Torn between the two, Mona drifts through a world that is supplied with "vitamin injections" by Max Jacobson, aka Dr Feelgood, who fled from the Nazis in Berlin. And so a second thread weaves its way into the story: star photographer Mark Shaw, one of Dr Feelgood’s patients, is found dead in his apartment one day. A coroner starts investigating. There is a lot to be examined, and it involves the rich and beautiful and powerful all the way to the White House …

      • Trusted Partner


        Start-ups and Magic in the Holy Land

        by Ron Weintraub & Zvi Morik

        TO MILK A UNICORN Start-ups and Magic in the Holy Land Roni Einav & Zvi Morik   Eric Torrance and Ruth Lourie are two lovely American recent graduates in their early twenties who met during their last year in college and quickly became a couple. The following summer, they plan to vacation together to Israel, the start-up unicorn valley and cradle of the world’s major religions. They look forward to an exciting journey. Eric, the third son of a New York Wall Street businessman and a stage performer, both of the Protestant faith, studied applied mathematics and computer science at Columbia University. Later, he moved to Berkeley, California, where he planned to earn his master’s degree and hoped to join the high-tech industry in Silicon Valley. Ruth is the elder daughter of a Jewish family from Los Altos, California, whose father was an Israeli navy officer and is currently a dentist, and her mother a Jewish American high school Spanish teacher, originally from Santiago, Chile. Ruth studied anthropology and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and is keenly interested in exploring ancient occult knowledge in Israel. In Tel Aviv the couple enjoys meeting with Ruth’s father’s old friend, a leading start-up founder and investor with proven success who is ready to guide them and help Eric find his way into Israel’s high-tech ecosystem. While touring the country, they manage to explore other exciting magic worlds in Israel and meet a host of intriguing characters, including a powerful Kabbalah mystic in holy Safed, a terrifying Arab woman who tells their fortune, an expert of the secret Druze religion, peaceful Ahmadi Muslims in Haifa, and Good Samaritans on Mount Gerizim. The couple even experiences a startling Christian miracle at St. Peter’s Church in Jaffa, learns about the Neolithic sites of sun worshippers in the Golan, and is initiated into the original Israeli self-defense Krav Maga discipline. During this spiritual quest, Ruth and Eric encounter a series of hair-raising experiences and daring adventures—which they barely survive. Upon transitioning from vacation to business activity, Eric is hired to build the Samaritans’ website while visiting Mount Gerizim and finds himself grounded there by the chief of the CIA in Israel who is controlling him, and in a strange relationship with a Ukrainian widow. Ruth, who is left on her own, unexpectedly finds a new boyfriend, Uri Canaan, a high-tech entrepreneur whose company has been developing and promoting a life-saving seismic alert system for multiple sectors. They meet on the evening of October 6, 2023, looking to join the Nova music party near the Gaza Strip. Suddenly, in a shocking turn, battalions of Hamas terrorists invade Israel in a bloody surge of violence and murder against innocent civilians. Fortunately, Uri manages to use his past skills as a trained fighter, and they survive. Three months later, Ruth resumes her affair with Uri when he is released from reserve duty as a commando fighter. After a heated romantic weekend at a Japanese B&B in the Galilee, Ruth eventually joins her boyfriend’s start-up company at his partners‘ request. They trust that with her fluent Spanish and Japanese, as well as her intelligence and youthful charm, she will be able to communicate with their current and future customers and help them license the company’s software products in Chile, Mexico, Japan, and North America, particularly in California where she came from. Lora, the company’s account manager who trains Ruth is a dominant and energetic manager of the Christian Arab community, and they soon become close friends. Together they travel to their target markets in Chile and Mexico, in addition to California and, finally, Ruth travels on her own to Japan. At home, Ruth and Uri reunite and the book reaches its enigmatic and touching end.   Roni Einav is one of the first pioneers who initiated the myth of Israel’s high-tech industry, aka “Start-up Nation,” in the 1980s. Born to a modest blue-collar family in northern Tel Aviv, where he grew up and was educated, he learned that he could only count on his own skills and knowledge. Einav graduated with a degree in engineering and operations research from the Technion in Haifa, a highly acclaimed technical institute, and worked as a system analyst for Israel’s cutting-edge security infrastructure. After he followed his father’s advice to run his own business, Einav broke all Israeli records when he sold the 4th Dimension Software in 1999 for $675 million, a unicorn in modern terms, to BMC Software in Houston, Texas. Despite his impressive success, Einav didn’t slow down or retire. Instead, he kept busy and remained actively involved in various technology start-ups, founding more than thirty high-tech companies, including Jacada, Mend (formerly White Source), Cyboard, Guidde, and Eurekify. His dramatic life story was depicted in Nordau to Nasdaq, which was translated and published in several languages. Roni Einav is married to Matia, an architect and town planner who also graduated from the Technion. They have raised four sons, all of them active in the start-up or academic scenes, and hope that their gifted grandchildren will also follow in their footsteps.   Zvi Morik is a seasoned international publisher and editor with a solid academic background from Tel Aviv University in mathematical economics, stochastic processes, operations research, and game theory. His company, Dekel Publishing House (est. 1975), was initially an academic publisher that then branched out into various popular fields, such as martial arts and leisure activities. Its flagship product, the Israeli self-defense Krav Maga series, was successfully published and translated into English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and most European languages. Having noticed the key role that start-ups play in Israel’s economy and their benefits to society, he was delighted by the opportunity to write this book with Roni Einav, his charismatic youth movement instructor. Morik believes that this book will help interested readers to better understand the hidden magical facets of Israel, as well as the spirit of its dynamic and often enigmatic modern start-up scene. Zvi Morik was born at an UNRRA DP camp in Odenwald, Germany, and immigrated with his parents to Israel as a baby. He is married to Pnina Ophir, a renowned Israeli copywriter. Their son, a Middle East expert, works as the export manager at Dekel Publishing House.

      • Trusted Partner

        Journey in Trumplandia: The Rise of Populism in America

        by Tiberiu Dianu

        The book is a collection of essays about the transformation of America, which has turned from a united nation to one more divided than ever. Some pundits predict that, if things don’t change, another civil war could occur. Have we reached a point of no return? Hopefully, America is mature enough to learn from its mistakes and avoid further scars along its evolving history. "Trumplandia is a welcome addition toward understanding current events, Washington’s international policy, and the present American society; a society polarized and divided as it has not been since the Civil War.” NICHOLAS DIMA, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor and Research Associate, Nelson Institute, James Madison University, Virginia. "The book is fascinating. It provides background to, and insights into [the] current and past political history as well as offering a personal view... of the country and society. Presented in thematic form in chapters and sections, the insights offered provide a suggestive radiography...” Dr. DENNIS DELETANT, OBE, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC. "There has been this backsliding in... what a truly functioning rule-of-law state is, that has proper separation of co-equal powers, which, if you don’t keep working on that, you backslide. And I am even worried about that here, in the United States right now, about backsliding.” OBIE MOORE, Esq., OLM Advisors LLC, Washington DC “Indeed, Trumplandia should be a welcome addition to any scholar, student or layman’s library, especially in its international edition. If anyone loses sleep over its challenging assertions, then it will have been well worth it.” ERNESTO MORALES HIZON, Ph.D. Candidate in American and Comparative Politics at Claremont Graduate University, Member, Integrated Bar of the Philippines ABOUT THE AUTHOR: TIBERIU DIANU has practiced law in Romania (as a corporate lawyer, judge, senior counselor at the Ministry of Justice, university professor and senior legal researcher), and in the United States (as a legal expert for the judiciary). He published several books and a host of articles in law, politics, and post-communist societies. Tiberiu currently lives and works in Washington, DC.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Cupid at The Kremlin Wall

        by Aka Morchiladze

        The Soviet Union, late 1930’s, a retired secret policeman (a.k.a chekist) Mr. Retinger is arrested in Tbilisi and no one knows if he is imprisoned, sent to Siberia, Spain or somewhere else. His wife, a well-known revolutionist and suffragist Musya Eristavi has no other option but to travel directly to Kremlin, Moscow. She sends a telegram to her old friend Joseph Stalin, informing him that she’s on her way to rescue her innocent husband. In his early years Stalin was hiding at Musya’s place and now the kindness must be paid back.The three-day journey in an isolated train of the isolated Soviet Union is chaotic, full of fear, stress and unexpected relations. Musya is surrounded by agents and we only know that she will definitly reach the Kremlin but from there her fate is unknown.Cupid at the Kremlin Wall, which is the first book of the forthcoming Cupid Trilogy is a perfect illustration of struggle of a rebelious soul during the Soviet time where even hoping for justice was hopeless. With his master writing, Aka Morchiladze perfectly awakened the past which left a massive legacy in every post-Soviet society.

      • Obole

        by Aka Morchiladze

        Irakli, a playwright living an urban routine in Tbilisi, suddenly receives a call from his hometown saying that the roof of his ancestral house is damaged and requires a repair. While exploring the damage in the attic of the house he comes across a beautifully crafted flinlock, a family heirloom nicknamed obOlé after a Georgian word for an “orphan” because of a simple reason – the gun cannot fire; but legends say that it saved its owner during the wartime. Day by day Irakli’s long-forgotten childhood memories and the history of his province awakes and he struggles not to be lost between the reality and dreams. In the meanwhile locals team up with the province police; a noble criminal lady Madone is expected to show up at her father’s burial to mourn her loss. As she will not come alone, shooting is expected. obOlé is the book of symbols where the author mocks modern-day pseudo-heroism too. While it broadly overviews the culture and customs, attitudes and rituals of the mountanious regions, it keeps the detective storyline on each and every page.

      • The Shadow on the Road

        by Aka Morchiladze

        The writer is describing the Soviet period in Georgia, beginning with the Stalin’s times and ending with the 1990s. He surveys the period in a very interesting way, decade by decade, examining the changes that occurred. The reader is given a vivid picture of a whole epoch, with its past lived in the shadows and with many unknown stories and events ‘that went on beyond the shadows’.

      • Come addomesticare un umano

        by Babas, with illustrations by Andrea Ferolla

        This novel belongs to the best-selling and now well-established cat-genre. Barbara Capponi, aka Babas, former creative director of a major advertising agency and independent artist, has created a small masterpiece. Delicious, sharp and irresistible, this small book (12.5 x 18 cm) is enhanced by Daria Bignardi’s preface and by the illustrations of the world-famous fashion illustrator Andrea Ferolla. How to Train Your Human describes with great wit and irony the behavior of one of the most common pets: cats. Their oddities and bizarre behaviors are told from a reversed point of view: it is the cats who are examining the humans. Because there is one truth that humans will not admit, which that the real head of the household is always the cat. It is as if they seduce us, day after day, with their grace and their zen spirit and in the end, we have been tamed. Babas reveals the secret of this millenary art, because we, the humans, are extraordinarily skilled and intelligent but we are often guided by incomprehensible reasoning! A perfect gift book for holidays and celebrations, not only for cat lovers but also for those who view them with disdain: after reading, they will only admire them!

      • Children's & YA
        October 2021

        La capitana Budell-buit i el mariner Ulls-de-falcó

        by Oriol Garcia Molsosa

        Ahoy mateys! Hold fast and play pirates with Captain Greedy-Guts! This is not just another pirate story. This is the amazing story of Captain Greedy-Guts and sailor Hawk-eyed. It is also a secret map that leads to a hidden treasure. Let’s read and sail until we find the delicious treasure! Together, Captain Greedy-Guts and Aurelio the lookout, aka Hawk-eyed, will cross the oceans to reach a very special port. Land ho! A fun picture book written by Oriol Garcia Molsosa and illustrated by Guridi, invites children to travel the seas and live amazing adventures in a carton box. Yo-ho-ho! Just an advice: Don’t read it if you are hungry!

      • Relationships
        May 2017

        Lover, Killers and Diamonds

        by Angel Jonson

        Lover, Killers and Diamonds is a story of a young and charismatic architect that is focused on establishing his career and enjoying the company of the ladies until the past of his family disrupts his life. He is forced to get involved in a deadly game and a search for diamonds in order to save his life.

      • October 2020

        The Art of Pulp Horror

        An Illustrated History

        by Edited by Stephen Jones; foreword by Robert Silverberg

        The companion title to the award-winning The Art of Horror and The Art of Horror Movies, and from the same creative team behind those acclaimed illustrated volumes, this third title in the series looks at the sexy, sleazy, and sensational subject matter in books, magazines, comics, and movies, which helped to shape modern horror. Compiled by multiple award-winning writer and editor Stephen Jones, and with a foreword by prolific and acclaimed author Robert Silverberg, this visual history brings together insightful and revelatory comment from some of the genre's most highly esteemed experts.

      • Children's & YA
        August 2022


        The Life and Lies of Hogwarts's Renowned Headmaster: An Unofficial Exploration

        by Irvin Khaytman

        A BRILLIANT investigation into the motivations and methods behind the actions of Hogwarts’s renowned Headmaster! Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, is one of the most recognizable and mysterious figures in the Harry Potter series. As an unscrupulous beetle-like journalist once said, he’s “a biographer’s dream.” Is he omniscient or limited? Is he benevolent or malevolent? What really drove him in the last years of an extraordinary life?

      • The Climate Change Game

        by Bruno Pinto, Quico Nogueira, Nuno Duarte

        An inspiring graphic novel for young adults who want to make a change!   Sofia from Portugal has been commissioned by a European environmental initiative to develop a game that aims to popularize ideas for limiting climate change and adapting its consequences. In order to collect material, she sets off on a journey across Europe with her brother Gabriel.

      • January 2020

        Scenes of a Reclusive Writer & Reader of Mumbai


        by Fiza Pathan

        "I am a recluse and I love books more than I love people." - So begins Fiza Pathan, the self-proclaimed Reclusive Writer and Reader of Mumbai. In this charming collection of personal essays, Fiza recalls important phases of her life, along with the books she was reading at the time and where she read them. Revealed along the way are Fiza's personal struggles, from the father who didn't want a girl child to the years she believed she wanted to be a nun to the college friends who shamed her for gaining weight.Her greatest victories are found here as well, among them the publication of her first story, the request to autograph her most popular book by an author she admired, the start of her own publishing company, and the acquisition of her very own office-cum-writing hut. Within her stories, you'll meet Fiza's beloved Mama, editorial partner (and uncle) Blaise, many other uncles and aunts, the librarians of her youth, and plenty of book salesman. All the people who have helped Fiza along her path to books, books, and more books. You'll also take a taxi with Narayan, Fiza's "Man Friday," to visit her favorite haunts, from libraries to kiosks to boutiques to vendors who pile their offerings on the sides of the road, and you'll learn the plots of her favorite comics, religious writings, medical thrillers, horror stories, activist writings, and so much more.Fiza believes that every one of the books she has read has helped her become the person - and the writer - she was meant to become. Scenes of a Reclusive Writer & Reader of Mumbai is her life in books!

      • The Slave

        by Anand Dilvar

        Originally self published in Mexio The Slave (aka The Prisoner) soon became a bestseller and was later adopted as a university text in Mexico where it sold in excess of 1 million copies. Published  in Italy in 2016 the book has now been translated into 29 languages and sales  exceed 1.9 million copies. The books themes of guilt, love and discovering true meaning to life are universal and are movingly explored by the author.

      • Reconnection: A Third Visit to The Café on The Edge of The World

        by John P Strelecky

        The latest title in this best selling series from John P Strelecky author of over 3 million books sold which have now been translated into 33 languages. His first book The Cafe on The Edge of The World (aka The Why Cafe)  was first published in 2003 and remains at No 1on the Spiegel Taschenbucher bestseller list and  has remained in that position throughout 2018, 2019 and 2020. and where he has three other titles in the top 10 books.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Mary Bleckwehl

        Late for school! What's a first grader to do? Henry has a BIG problem waiting every morning when he arrives late: MISS TIMBER-LANE, the school secretary, aka the BIG BAD WOLF! She is causing him a LOT of anxiety. This multiple award winner comes packed with quirky characters and priceless expressions all kids will relate to leaving everyone with a positive feeling about life’s little problems and teach us all to look for the silver lining in every cloud.

      • Humour


        Life is short

        by Gregory Papadoyiannis

        Is our life too short? Or is it too long? Before answering the question above, it would be worth asking a young ephemeron that has a whole day of life ahead of it and is already getting bored. Maybe this would change your mind about life's ephemeral nature. Ephemera (aka mayflies) is a species of insects that belong to the order of Ephemeroptera. They grow slowly into larvae in rivers and lakes and their adult life (if they are lucky) only lasts for one, single day. What kind of life is this? Who knows? If you ask an ephemeron (who’s still alive), it would surely reply that it could be worse...

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