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        Picture books

        The Lilac Girl

        by Ibtisam Barakat (author), Sinan Hallak (illustrator)

        Inspired by the life story of Palestinian artist, Tamam Al-Akhal, The Lilac Girl is the sixth book for younger readers by award-winning author, Ibtisam Barakat.   The Lilac Girl is a beautifully illustrated short story relating the departure of Palestinian artist and educator, Tamam Al-Akhal, from her homeland, Jaffa. It portrays Tamam as a young girl who dreams about returning to her home, which she has been away from for 70 years, since the Palestinian exodus. Tamam discovers that she is talented in drawing, so she uses her imagination to draw her house in her mind. She decides one night to visit it, only to find another girl there, who won’t allow her inside and shuts the door in her face. Engulfed in sadness, Tamam sits outside and starts drawing her house on a piece of paper. As she does so, she notices that the colors of her house have escaped and followed her; the girl attempts to return the colors but in vain. Soon the house becomes pale and dull, like the nondescript hues of bare trees in the winter. Upon Tamam’s departure, she leaves the entire place drenched in the color of lilac.   As a children’s story, The Lilac Girl works on multiple levels, educating with its heart-rending narrative but without preaching, accurately expressing the way Palestinians must have felt by not being allowed to return to their homeland. As the story’s central character, Tamam succeeds on certain levels in defeating the occupying forces and intruders through her yearning, which is made manifest through the power of imaginary artistic expression. In her mind she draws and paints a picture of hope, with colors escaping the physical realm of her former family abode, showing that they belong, not to the invaders, but the rightful occupiers of that dwelling. Far from being the only person to have lost their home and endured tremendous suffering, Tamam’s plight is representative of millions of people both then and now, emphasizing the notion that memories of our homeland live with us for eternity, no matter how far we are from them in a physical sense. The yearning to return home never subsides, never lessens with the passing of time but, with artistic expression, it is possible to find freedom and create beauty out of pain.

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        Children's & YA

        Woodwalkers & Friends (1). Fantastic Feline Friends

        by Katja Brandis/Claudia Carls

        You have never seen the Woodwalkers like this before: find out about the lives of the puma boy Carag and his shapeshifting friends outside the school walls. The young puma shapeshifter Carag is really looking forward to the school holidays. He’s going to visit the family of his girlfriend Tikaani for the first time, so that they can celebrate her birthday together. But before they can head for the far north, they are overtaken by events. First, two self-willed companions join them, and then Carag receives a call for help from his own puma family. A hostile wolf pack has taken over their old den close to Clearwater High. There is something not quite right about these wolves. As the situation becomes increasingly fiery, Carag and Tikaani know they can rely on help from Holly the chipmunk. But will the three of them be able to save the day?

      • Trusted Partner
        Early learning / early learning concepts
        March 2022

        So Many Leaves

        by Harris, B. D. / Bosa, Subi

        If Sam can ever finish raking the autumn leaves, he'll get to play with his friends. But more leaves just keep falling! Argh! It’s no help that he's distracted by how many fall at once or what shapes and colours they have either... or will Sam's once bitter chore turn into the playtime he wished for?

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020

        The Clam Girl

        by Yang Yongqing

        "The Clam Girl" tells a story that a young boy Bai Hai fishing in the East China Sea rescued a baby girl who turned into a clam. Later, the baby girl brought her sisters-- other clam girls to visit him. Around a string of pearls that the Clam girl gave to Bai Hai, the book presents a confrontation story between kind people like Bai Hai and the greedy and brutal emperor. It also tells the story how seaweed can help cure some disease. It is a typical legend story of "origins of creatures".

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        Let's Make Friends

        by Anastasia Merenkova (Author), Kateryna Razin’kova (Illustrator)

        This is the story of a little wolf. One day, the wolf's mother gave two candies to the little cub, one for him and one for a new friend, that he had yet to find. But he did not understand why he needed to find friends to share candies with. After all, he did not like to share, and he loved sweets very much! In the end, no one wants to be friends with a selfish animal, so how can our wolf cub even find one? Maybe he has to learn that happiness does not only mean candies?   From 3 to 5 years, 606 words. Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's stationery & miscellaneous items
        March 2022

        The Reading Journey

        A Writing Journal

        by The Otto Foundation

        The Reading Journey is a journal for your literary adventures. Join a group of furry and feathered friends for an exploration of the extraordinary world of words, stories, reading and writing. Designed by library designers, linguists and childhood experts, you can now plot your course through the Map of Memories. Join us for a ride on the Book Boat, the Poetry Plane and the Story Sled, Visit the Mountains of Meaning, the Gorge of Gorgeous Words, the Forest of Feelings, and the Desert of Dreams. The Reading Journey is an interactive journal that encourages joyous curiosity about the literary realm, using the written word as a medium to expand children’s horizons, to promote self knowledge, and to cultivate a love for reading.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Heavenly Girl

        by Zhou Jing

        Heavenly Girl (Tian Nü) is based on a legendary story in The Classic of Mountains and Seas·Da Huang Bei Jing as a starting point. It describes the difficult journey of the Nü Ba out of the desert to find her identity after having exhausted her powers in aid to her father Huang Di at the war with Chi You. She became the Drought Godness then as drought emerged wherever she went. With the first-person narrative, the main body of the story describes the loneliness and the curiosity of the life of the goddess with her destructive ability. At the same time, the narratives about the protagonist from different persons are presented, offering a different perspective. The work is immense, exquisite in structure, full of characters and strong in originality and artistry.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2016

        A Typical Girl

        Ein Memoir

        by Viv Albertine, Conny Lösch

        London, Mitte der Siebziger. Die Popkultur wird neu erfunden, in der revolutionären Ursuppe des Punk scheint alles möglich. Aber gilt das auch für Frauen? Gibt es außer Groupie, Elfe oder Rockröhre noch andere Rollen? Besteht vielleicht zum ersten Mal die Chance, mit allen Typical-Girl-Klischees aufzuräumen, statt selber eins zu werden? Viv Albertine wurde zum Riot Girl, lange bevor es diesen Ausdruck gab. Bei den legendären Flowers of Romance kreierte sie neben Sid Vicious (später Sex Pistols) und Keith Levene (später PIL) ihren individuellen Gitarrensound. Um dann mit den Slits, der ersten autonomen Frauenpunkband, die Türen aufzustoßen, durch die später Madonna oder Lady Gaga eigene Wege gehen konnten. Wie die Punkszene entstand, wie sie aus weiblicher Sicht erlebt und feministisch neu erfunden wurde und welche Rückschläge es dabei gab – all das wurde noch nie so plastisch und zugleich so reflektiert, so abgeklärt und zugleich so amüsant geschildert wie von Viv Albertine in ihrem umwerfenden Memoir. Shoes off!

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        by Ulrike Sterblich

        New York City in the sixties: the city that never sleeps, because they have plenty of pills for that. And in between, a girl from West Berlin. Mona is young, pretty and recently moved to New York to make a career for herself. The city that never sleeps hasn't been waiting for her. Although she does quickly meet two men: East Coast aristocrat Sidney, and dark-haired bohemian Adam. Torn between the two, Mona drifts through a world that is supplied with "vitamin injections" by Max Jacobson, aka Dr Feelgood, who fled from the Nazis in Berlin. And so a second thread weaves its way into the story: star photographer Mark Shaw, one of Dr Feelgood’s patients, is found dead in his apartment one day. A coroner starts investigating. There is a lot to be examined, and it involves the rich and beautiful and powerful all the way to the White House …

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        The Computer Girl

        by Yang Peng

        Yang Peng's Award-winning Novels are a collection of the award-winning works of Yang Peng's many outstanding stories. Not only are the selected articles humorous, but also rich in imagination. They are also rich in profound educational philosophy that can enlighten the mind and help readers to reflect on themselves. A girl A-xue is an intelligent program written by Dawei, which is materialized because of the lightning strike on the computer. Accompanied by A Xue, Dawei’s life has undergone earth-shaking changes. However, the good days are very short, a virus with intelligence - "monsters" built a computer empire in a very short time, in an attempt to control humans... Dawei and A Xue decided to enter the computer world, with "monsters" start a life and death contest!

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        Children's & YA

        Brena the Girl with No Hair

        by Watiek Ideo

        There is a tale in the village about a cursed girl who lives in the house at the corner of the road. The girl has no hair, and people say that if she gets close, people will also lose their hair. One day, three bestfriends play hide and seek. One of them accidentally hides in the cursed girl's house. What will happen to him?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        I’ll Be A Good Girl

        by Huang Beijia

        This is a novel that appeals to the kids as well as teachers and parents.  It depicts the school and home life of a primary school pupil Jin Ling, and tells of how this quick-witted, kind-hearted and upright girl, who is soon to graduate with probably a middling record, strives with great efforts, and even with some “contentions” to be a “good girl” in order to satisfy her parents and teachers.  It successfully creates some believable characters such as Jin Ling, her classmates, and many parents and teachers.  With its well developed artistic plot and fluent language, which reflect the characteristics of the time and the rich flavor of life, the novel is not only vivid and touching, but also gives much food for thought.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2014

        Mystery Girl


        by David Gordon, Stefanie Jacobs

        Sam Kornberg liebt Trash-Filme, Hochliteratur und seine Frau Lala. Als die ihn verlässt, bricht für Sam eine Welt zusammen. Um sie wiederzugewinnen, ist er zum Äußersten bereit – er sucht sich einen Job. Den erstbesten, den er kriegen kann: Assistent eines Privatdetektivs. Sein Chef ist Solar Lonsky, ein kränkliches, fettleibiges Genie, das sein Haus nicht verlassen kann. Sams erster Auftrag ist die Beschattung einer mysteriösen Frau. Eigentlich muss er nichts weiter tun, als ihr durch Los Angeles zu folgen, doch schon bald verfällt er ihr hoffnungslos und wird in einen Mordfall verwickelt, in dem Satanisten, Succubi, Untergrundfilmer, Hollywoodstars und mexikanische Gangster eine nicht unbedeutende Rolle spielen. Mystery Girl ist ein Thriller über die Gefahren von Kunst und Liebe, ein Schnellkurs in »Verfall der westlichen Zivilisation« und ein durchgeknallter Trip durch L.A. Und, ach ja, es ist eine irre spannende, wahnsinnig gewiefte und brutal komische Geschichte.

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        April 2015

        China Girl

        Neal Careys zweiter Fall

        by Don Winslow, Conny Lösch

        Robert Pendleton ist ein Chemiegenie; was er entwickelt, bedeutet nicht nur Fortschritt, es bedeutet vor allem Reichtum und Macht. Als er plötzlich verschwindet, sind alle in Aufruhr: die CIA, die chinesische Regierung und die »Bank«, die sehr viel Geld in Pendletons Forschung investiert hat. Neal Carey soll ihn wiederfinden – ein Routinejob, wie er glaubt, bis er auf die schöne und geheimnisvolle Li Lan trifft. Im dunklen Herzen Chinas soll Neal die Antwort auf alle Fragen finden – oder den Tod. Alle Titel der Neal-Carey-Serie: London Undercover (Neal Carey 1)China Girl (Neal Carey 2)Way Down on the High Lonely (Neal Carey 3 – angekündigt unter dem Titel Holy Nevada)A Long Walk Up the Water Slide (Neal Carey 4 – angekündigt unter dem Titel Lady Las Vegas)Palm Desert (Neal Carey 5)

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        The Arts

        Representative Works of Chinese Woodblock New Year Paintings

        by Feng Jicai

        Woodblock new year painting is an old handicraft of China, going back thousands of years. People celebrate the Spring Festival by posting up woodblock new year paintings, praying for their good wishes. Chief edited by the contemporary Chinese author, artist, and cultural scholar Feng Jicai, the Representative Works of Chinese Woodblock New Year Paintings is a collection of the masterpieces selected out of over ten thousand woodblock new year paintings. It has two volumes, the Northern and the Southern, from which one can see the differences in the custom of the two regions. The book has received support from scholars and institutions worldwide, among which the Japanese museums' collections of Gusu woodblock new year paintings in the early Qing Dynasty and the Russian museums' collections of late Qing and early Republic China are disclosed to the world for the first time. So the book is not only a historical art collection, but also of high cultural heritage significance.

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        Children's & YA

        The Girl and the Goat

        by Wang Yimei

        It is the story about county and city. The girl XiaoYue met a goat who was chasing the dandelion seed in the woods of the street garden. This is the only goat in the city, he had never left this woods, cause he couldn’t cross the road. He wanted XiaoYue to bring him to see the fields, so XiaoYue held his horns and made him left the woods, and also encouraged him to pass through the zebra crossings. They arrived at XiaYue’s grandma’s house and spent a very good day. In fact that this goat is very stubborn, he didn’t want to leave the original place where he lived, so he turned into a statue in this city. When they came back to the street garden this day, all the streetlights had been turned on, and the only goat dispeared in the streetlights.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2021

        The new pornographies

        Explicit sex in recent French fiction and film

        by Victoria Best, Martin Crowley

        The turn of the twenty-first century has witnessed the striking advance of pornography into the Western cultural mainstream. Symptomatic of this development has been the use by writers, artists, and film-makers of the imagery and aesthetics of pornography, in works which have, often on this basis, achieved considerable international success. Amongst these artists are a number of French authors and directors - such as Michel Houellebecq, Catherine Breillat, Virginie Despentes, or Catherine Millet - whose work has often been dismissed as trashy or exploitative, but whose use of pornographic material may in fact be indicative of important contemporary concerns. In this study of a very significant trend, the authors explore how the reference to pornography encodes diverse political, cultural, and existential questions, including relations between the sexes, the collapse of avant-garde politics, gay sexualities in the time of AIDS, the anti-feminist backlash, the relation to the body and illness, the place of fantasy, and the sexualisation of children. It will be of interest to undergraduates, graduates, and researchers in the fields of French culture, gender, film and media studies.

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