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      • Trusted Partner


        by Khairuddin Kamaruddin

        Kejadian demi kejadian akibat daripada perbuatan pembuangan haram sisa toksik dan pembakaran terbuka hingga mendatangkan pencemaran alam sekitar mencemaskan dan mengundang kegusaran serta kemarahan ramai pihak. Konflik serangan binatang liar kekawasan perkampungan di sempadan pinggir hutan yang menyebabkan kerosakan harta benda seterusnya mengancam nyawa merupakan kesan daripada jenayah alam sekitar yang sewenang-wenangnya memusnahkan habitat hutan belantara, iaitu rumah kepada hidupan fauna itu sendiri. Bagi menjawab permasalahan ini, buku ini mengandungi maklumat tentang sebab, faktor dan langkah yang perlu dilakukan bagi menghalang kejadian tersebut berlaku.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2018

        Temperament of Public Opinion

        by Zhao Qiang

        What is public opinion? What does public opinion do with you? Does public opinion have a temper? The author joined hands with "public opinion" for more than two decades, and integrated many years of observation experience into the hotspots of public opinion, and wrote "How much is a catty for" false public opinion "," Who sacrificed for public opinion "," You liar "," Wu Hezhong ", etc. Twenty notes, using smooth texts to tell people: Public opinion is everywhere, no one can hide. These twenty notes are both academic and readable, and strive to be targeted and systematic. They will comment on public opinion events, popular science phenomena, analyze public opinion strategies, and discuss public opinion safety in as easy-to-understand manner as possible. These 20 notes, from shallow to deep, from the surface to the inside, can be ordinary readers to understand the phenomenon of public opinion, can also be used by public opinion workers to take stock of public opinion work, or experts and scholars to discuss the safety of public information.

      • Trusted Partner

        La hermandad de la Casa Grande (The brotherhood of the Big House)

        Una novela negra sobre el juicio del Estado a los brujos de Chiloé (A detective novel about the state's trial of the witches of Chiloé)

        by Eduardo Pérez Arroyo

        It's 1879. To the north, Chile defends foreign investment in the Pacific War. To the south, beyond the already invaded Araucania, from a large, almost unexplored island, rumors of violence, superstition and a state incapable of enforcing its law spread. The elite would be at ease if some “elements” that are not occupied at the border with Peru penetrated Chiloé. They need evidence to condemn those criminals who terrorize the population with old indigenous beliefs. They call themselves witches. They are organized as La Recta Provincia or La Hermandad de la Casa Grande. They lie to scare and change the names of the cities on the island –Achao, Dalcahue or Quicaví–, confusing them with others: Buenos Aires, Villarrica, Salamanca. If they were only myths, it would be enough for the government to forget that secret place. But the one who calls himself the Greatest Liar in the World claims to have escaped the sorcerers and travels the north glimpsing the aliens: he talks to them of malice, monsters and murders; of the bloody clans' struggles to become a decaying reign. For these lies, or to secure an unstable national pride, coronels and tenants decide to put an end to things that a mortal has no power to finish.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2016

        The Donkey Family

        by Tang Sulan

        One day, mom brought back a little boy. From then on, all the family took focus on the baby. The boy’s sister thought parents didn’t love her any longer, so she hided in a cave alone and changed into a donkey. For looking after her, grandpa changed into a donkey too. Did other members of the family change into donkey?

      • Liar Liar

        by Herman van de Wijdeven

        Charlies father has left, without any explanation or goodbyes. She is furious. Not so much with her father as with her mother, who must surely have driven him away. When she discovers her father’s real situation, Charlie turns her anger on him. Everyone’s lying, Charlie thinks, and she decides to do the same. Charlie is a keen observer with a black sense of humour, and ‘Liar Liar’ is a razor-sharp portrait of a girl who knows she is being overlooked.

      • Fantasy
        March 2024

        The Voice of Revenge

        by Sacha Morage

        Vaelle has lost everything. His brother first, slaughtered before his eyes. Her future then, since she is now being hunted down by the powerful Bureau for illegal use of her Voice. There is only one thing left: revenge. She promises herself: she will kill Yervain, the Bureau member responsible for her brother's murder. Whatever the price. No matter the consequences. His obsession with Yervain leads him further and further, into ever bloodier sacrifices, and ever darker darkness. Until the point of no return.

      • 2018

        Difficult People

        by Catriona Wright

        Manipulators, liars, egomaniacs, bullies, interrupters, condescenders, ice queens, backstabbers, hypocrites, withholders, belligerents, self-deceivers, whiners, know-it-alls, nitpickers: these are some of the characters you’ll encounter in the collection of stories, Difficult People. As these characters fumble through their quests for stand-up glory, romantic love, stable employment, or anyone who can tolerate them, they reveal that we are all, in our own ways, difficult people.To learn more about this publisher, click here:

      • Biography & True Stories

        Aerial Roots

        The grandmother big lies

        by Vanessa Gani / Vanny Gani

        How would you feel if you found out your grandmother was a big liar? The protagonist believed that the grandmother was a famous French actress, but comes to suspect that she might be a prostitute. In search of the truth, after finding documents from her  grandmother with eight different names, she travels with her family to the places where she lived, Romania, Israel and France, and makes surprising discoveries. Read to find out how this Jewish grammy escape to the war and ends up in Brazil. This is not a sad story.

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        June 2020

        Engineering Vision Technology

        Revolution and Optimism

        by Pulendu Ghosh

        We live in the world where nothing is difficult, if there is market. There is therefore the dilemma of want and need. Technology wants, what life wants. Using technologies, it seems, it is possible to do anything and produce anything. The centre of gravity of engineering profession is shifting. The world wants confident engineers who can foresee and manage the unknown and unexpected problems. Engineers are expected to understand global issues, and the nuances of working in a culturally diverse space. They are expected to appreciate, more than before, the human dimensions of emerging technologies. There are many questions, such as - Do I take pride in designing a thing and manufacturing it, as I take pride in packaging it? Are we cultivating the right kind of engineering mindset? What a general engineering toolkit must contain? Are there enough challenging jobs in the manufacturing industry to attract good engineers? Is it right to allow the creation of future elites who have augmented themselves with artificial intelligence and genetic engineering, without inventing a way to manage their superhuman abilities? Can there be better engineering than life itself? Should we be optimistic about the future of technology? Are we working harder than we are required to work? Can technology improve work-life balance? Is the society ready to accept the exponential development challenges? These, and many such issues are the concerns of science, engineering, technology and society. This book is an attempt to deliberate upon these issues for the welfare of humankind.

      • Fiction




        A passionate author, a gourmet editor, a stalking pianist, a depressive puppeteer, a seductive psychologist, a ghost lawyer, a mother hen concierge, a poetry glasses maker ... these are the main characters of this suspense fiction novel where lies and manipulation are at the heart of a story full of mysteries.   2010 - Clémence James, a silent and lonely pianist, receives a package containing 502 drawings made by her mother Julia, during her long hospital stay in a Norman convent after a serious car accident. Clémence is upset because her mother was declared dead just after the tragic event in 1989. These sketches prove she was alive until 1999. Ten years of lies … Clémence was unable to visit her. Julia James was a writer. Just before her accident, she took refuge in a small Norman house in order to finish working on her manuscript. It was entitled The Great Art of Small Scams. In her fascinating writings, Julia indicates the progress of her research into history of impostors, liars, and other deceivers. But these notes will remain a draft forever and, it is a shame for her editor Marius who, now retired, has chosen to drown his fears into the culinary art. Why did someone fake Julia’s death? Was it her husband, who was about to divorce and wanted to rush things in order to get married again quickly with another woman? Or her publisher, who granted her an astronomical advance he had to pay every month for the writing of a book that would never be released? And, was the accident really an accident? The truth is probably hiding near the Norman house where Julia stayed with her daughter at the twilight of her life. Behind the half-timbering of this house and across the surrounding area, a large-scale sham had emerged and had spread like weeds. Did the author find out about it? Twenty years later, Clémence is determined to drop the masks.

      • February 2022

        The Liar

        by Patricia Delahaie

        When a very ordinary doctor in a very ordinary town is manipulated to do something extraordinarily deadly. Paul Ménard is a good man. He is a small-town doctor who has been married to his wife for over thirty years. They have two grown children and live in a beautiful home. Theirs is a quiet, uneventful, ordinary existence. And then Camille Ellis comes to town. She is beautiful, like a movie star. Like Marilyn Monroe even and she has her eyes set on Paul. It starts innocently enough, with a visit to his office because of a chronic headache. But little by little, Camille seduces him; Paul could hardly believe that such a beautiful, young woman could be interested in him. But she is and his lust for her is overwhelming. Camille slowly opens up to him about her abusive husband Marc, an air force pilot who is often away on missions. He beats her and “shares” her with drunken friends; he even hits their daughter Céleste. Camille’s friend Sophie calls Paul regularly begging him to do something to help Camille. Even Celeste asks for his help. Paul is a good man. He must do something. When Marc comes home from a mission feeling unwell, Camille takes him to see Paul for treatment. This is Paul’s chance to be Camille’s hero. To do what needs to be done. Maybe, in the end, he’s not such a good man after all. But maybe not everything is as it seems.

      • July 2017

        Il peso delle ombre. Racconti veri o false storie? (The burden of shadows. Between true stories and false tales)

        by Mario Casella

        This book is dedicated to those who have had to carry the unfair burden of lies, having been wrongly accused of being untrue; and to the liars, too. I hope these pages will help them figure out their own motives.Some seasons are tougher than some others. Struggling as we are to stay afloat, we are unable to even think about the impact that some days, or months, or even years might have on our lives. There are crucial times, no matter how ordinary or dramatic they happen to be, that are bound to affect a person’s future forever.[…]I was so keen to pursue my ambitions as a mountaineer that I numbed my inquisitiveness as a journalist. I hushed my own spirit – me, the champion of human rights and freedom of speech. I left for Tibet with the bitter prospect of obeying the Chinese ban on visiting Lhasa and the other rebel cities of the province.What’s the point of denying it? When you chase after a selfish goal, everything you usually stand for – your morals, your life code – swiftly slip to the bottom of a drawer. A double-lock one, at that.[…]One day I read an article on the Internet. A skyrunner, who enjoyed the sponsorship of several major brands of mountaineering gear, announced he had climbed to the top of K2 – on his own. This Pakistani eight-thousander presents even more challenges than its illustrious peer, Mount Everest, and the victorious summitter was determined to conquer the top of each second tallest mountain in every continent. His Asian goal was K2.However, this wasn’t the real scoop. Upon coming back to Europe, the mountaineer had surrendered to the pressure of the media and had confessed he had lied. Weeping, he told journalists that he had fooled the whole world as well as himself.It was the picture at the summit that gave him away. It didn’t offer any solid elements to ascertain the exact location of the shot; what it did offer was, in fact, a few suspicious details in the background. As it turned out, the picture hadn’t been taken on the top of K2, but further down.The news hit me hard. My gut reaction was to blame the mountaineer without appeal. He had brought disgrace upon a sport associated with trust, betraying what should be a cardinal principle of human behaviour: the respect for truth.[…]Two issues made me curious: how a lie, or what is thought to be a lie, comes into being; and what happens to the life of the alleged liar.What is it that starts ticking in our head, I wonder, when we decide to tell a lie? It’s some sort of subtle mechanism at work in our psyche, something that all of us are familiar with. It’s not peculiar to mountaineering.What pushed me to write this book was the realisation of how immensely life-changing this “True or False” game can be – a vain thing in itself, and yet able sometimes to lead us as far as the dock.I decided to examine only the most thought-provoking cases in terms of human experience.[…]Lies – even the mere doubt of a lie – have often changed a person’s future. My book looks into the lies that affected the existence of several mountaineers of varying renown. Lies are the burdensome shadows that these people had to carry in their backpacks throughout the rest of their days.The practise of an infallible test in order to ascertain a person’s innocence or guilt – like a DNA test, that has saved many a convicted’s life in the USA – is not a thing in the domain of mountaineering.Doubt resists, and so does its shadow.While I was working on this book, my eyes fell on the summit picture that I took on top of Mount Cho Oyu. In the background there’s nothing but clouds and some stripes of blue: no solid, conclusive element to tell where the picture was actually taken.What if, I wondered, what if somebody wakes up tomorrow and decides to question my feat?It was then that the burden of shadows plummeted upon my shoulders.

      • Science fiction
        September 2013

        Weird Lies

        Science Fiction & Fantasy from Liars' League

        by Cherry Potts (Editor)

        WINNER OF THE SABOTEUR2014 BEST ANTHOLOGY AWARD There’s something about Liars’ League that brings out the wildness in the writers’ imaginations. Here we explore myth, fantasy, science fiction, and the indefinable what the – that makes up Weird. In true Liars’ League fashion there is as much humour as there is darkness and poignancy. More than twenty tales, varying in style from stories not out of place in One Thousand and One Nights, to the completely bemusing. Discover mirrors that predict the immediate future and museums where your personal future life is exhibited in the kind of ephemeral objects that might normally find their way into a dustbin. Meet tadpoles, lazy assassins, and assiduous poisoners; observe deals with the devil, and workplace stress taken to its logical conclusion. Heroes, villains, and animals – anything and anyone could provide the twist in the tale – cursed travellers, persistent dreamers, aliens, robots and even ice might be the object, or source, of love.

      • Fiction

        Y avait-il des limites si oui je les ai franchies mais c'était par amour ok

        by Michelle Lapierre-Dallaire

        WERE THERE LIMITS IF SO I CROSSED THEM BUT IT WAS OUT OF LOVE OK? In this uncompromising work of autofiction, the author attempts to reconcile herself to a world that endlessly denies her voice, her femininity and her trauma.  Summary Michelle’s life starts in early childhood with unspeakable abuse that will haunt her into adulthood.  The narrator suffers from borderline personality disorder, which blurs the line between excessive behaviour and hypersensitivity, revealing a woman furiously attached to the need to love and be loved.  The first book by Michelle Lapierre is disarmingly, unsettlingly frank. A rare incursion into the borderline psyche, Were There Limits… features a kaleidoscope of barely bearable scenes and luminous reflections on mental illness, family, romantic relationships—told in breathtakingly beauty prose.  *** French sample : See other PDF for English sample.

      • Nature's Confession

        by JL Morin

        The epic tale of two teens in a fight to save a warming planet...the universe...and their love. A cli-fi quest to outsmart polluters, full of romance, honour and adventure.    “The novel is epic” –The Guardian    “It makes no apologies for its mission: to save our Planet Earth from self-destructing. A thought-provoking novel that brings the genre of ‘cli-fi’ to young adult readers.” —Florence Griswold Museum Reading Club, in an event featuringDr. Mark J. Schenker, Senior Associate Dean andDean of Academic Affairs at Yale University   Readers' Favorite Award Winner Book Excellence Finalist A Top 10  Best Science Fiction book Best Climate and Environmental Fiction book LitPick Award winner In "12 Works of Climate Fiction Everyone Should Read" 'Top Fiction Read' of the Year New York Book Festival Honorable Mention An excerpt received an Eco-Fiction Story Contest Honorable Mention     "Honestly, it's not my fault.  Humans were polluting the planet to desolation.  What else could I do?  I had to save her. "   When a smart-mouthed, mixed-race teen wonders why the work that needs to be done pays nothing compared to the busywork glorified on holovision news, the search for answers takes him on the wildest journey of anyone's lifetime. With the girl of his dreams, he inadvertently invents living computers. Just as the human race allows corporations to pollute Earth into total desolation, institute martial law and enslave humanity, the two teens set out to save civilization. Can they thwart polluters of Earth and other fertile planets? The heroes come into their own in different kinds of relationships in this diverse, multi-cultural romance. Along the way, they enlist the help of female droid Any Gynoid, who uncovers cutting-edge scientific mysteries. Their quest takes them through the Big Bang and back. Will Starliament tear them from the project and unleash 'intelligent' life's habitual pollution, or will youth lead the way to a new way of coexisting with Nature? Nature's Confession couldn't be more timely, just as the IMF reveals that governments give $5.3 trillion in fossil fuel subsidies every year, while we continue to propagate the idea that solar and wind power are unprofitable. The ideal classroom tool, with illustrations and topics for discussion at the back of the book. JL Morin entertains questions about busywork; economic incentives to pollute; sustainable energy; exploitation; cyborgs; the sanctity of Nature; and many kinds of relationships in this diverse, multi-cultural romance.

      • Picture books

        My daddy is a fish

        by Violaine Costa, Céline Claire

        When the first day of class arrives, a little boy is confused to hear the other kids ask about his father: he’s never had one. "My daddy went back to the sea, ‘cause he is a fish", he announces, proudly yet embarrassed. He tries hard to convince everyone, and mostly himself this is true! However, when called a liar, he goes to the sea, hoping to find his father. Instead, he meets a man who could become his father.

      • July 2021

        The Case of the Murderous Dr. Cream

        The Hunt for a Victorian Era Serial Killer

        by Dean Jobb

        “When a doctor does go wrong, he is the first of criminals, he has the nerve and he has the knowledge,” Sherlock Holmes observed. At the time the words of the fictional detective appeared in The Strand Magazine, a real-life Canadian doctor was murdering women in London’s downtrodden Lambeth neighbourhood. Dr. Thomas Cream had been a suspect in two deaths in Canada, and killed four people in Chicago before arriving in London in 1891 and using pills laced with strychnine to kill prostitutes. The "Lambeth Poisoner" became one of the most prolific serial killers in history.   Dean Jobb reveals how bungled investigations, corrupt officials, and failed prosecutions allowed Cream to evade detection and kill again. Alongside an inside account of Scotland Yard’s desperate search for a brazen killer, Jobb explores how the morality and hypocrisy of the Victorian era enabled Cream to poison the vulnerable and desperate women who had turned tohim for help.

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