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      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit

        The Other Goddess

        Mary Magdalene and the Goddesses of Eros and Secret Knowledge

        by Dr. Joanna Kujawa

        Is there a lineage of goddesses that claims the evolutionary power of female sexuality? And if so, why were they pushed to the shadows and demeaned as harlots? Was Mary Magdalene one of them, and what were her teachings? Dr. Joanna Kujawa argues that in the process of recovering the healing power of the Goddess we have focused solely on the mother archetype and left out the other Goddess, who is often represented in mythical, historical, and Gnostic sources as wise, mysterious, and in the possession of the healing power of Eros. Learn about Mary Magdalene’s portrayal in the gnostic gospels as a teacher in her own right and Jesus' intimate partner, the possibility of her life as an alchemist in Egypt, and her last years in Southern France. Find out if Mary Magdalene was the same person as Mary the Prophetess of Egypt and her connection to the mysterious Cathars, Black Madonnas, and Knights Templar. Whether looking at Mary Magdalene, Sophia, Aphrodite, Inanna, Hathor, Isis, or the goddesses of esoteric Hinduism, Dr. Kujawa finds the archetype of The Other Goddess-the bearer of the mysteries of sexual alchemy that ends the division between sexuality and spirituality.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2018

        Practical Feline Behaviour

        Understanding Cat Behaviour and Improving Welfare

        by Trudi Atkinson

        Practical Feline Behaviour contains all the relevant information that a veterinary nurse or technician needs to understand and handle the behaviour and welfare of house cats, and to offer safe and practical advice to clients. There have been ground-breaking advances in our understanding of feline behaviour in recent years and, to protect the welfare of cats, it is increasingly important that anyone involved with their care, especially those in a professional capacity, keep up to date with these developments. This approachable and down-to-earth text describes the internal and external influences on feline behaviour; on communication, learning, social behaviour, the relationship between behaviour and disease, and the cat - human relationship. It also provides practical advice on how the welfare of cats in our care may be protected and how behaviour problems should be addressed and how to avoid them. In this book Trudi Atkinson draws on her extensive experience as a veterinary nurse and a Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist to provide a rapid reference and an intensely practical feline behaviour resource for owners, breeders, veterinary professionals, shelter and cattery workers and anyone involved in the care of our feline companions. - Practical, down to earth guide detailing all aspects of feline behaviour - Rapid reference for instant access to information - Written by a well-known animal behaviourist who has extensive experience in treating feline behaviour problems and in advising clients to protect the welfare of their cats - Includes a foreword by John Bradshaw, School of Veterinary Science at University of Bristol, UK

      • Spiritualism

        A Layman's Guide to the Spirit World

        by Winslow Nicholas

        A Layman's Guide to the Spirit World is designed to give the reader a true insight into the afterlife and the spiritual realms in simple layman's terms, which makes this book far more interesting and easy to follow. The book is concise and compact, as it will enlighten the reader with all the relevant facts without the baffling esoteric phrases that you find in other books in this category.

      • Princess Dreams. Metaphorical cards

        by Natalia Balayan, Illustrations by Ekaterina Belyavskaya

        Psychologist Natalia Balayan created these metaphorical cards on the basis of the method of working with the subconscious mind and associations described by Assagioli. This is not an oracle, rather a practical, proven tool to guide you to understand your feelings and correctly assess the potential of the future.   Magnificent illustrations by the world famous contemporary artist Ekaterina Belyavskaya make this deck not just an instrument, but a source of aesthetic pleasure. Reading the images of all Russian folktales can open a new angles to perceive yourself and the world around you.   33 cards and a book of interpretations are packed into a box.   Enjoy your journey to your dreams and subconscious mind. Let this deck open up new horizons for your capabilities, the keys to understanding yourself and modeling your future.

      • February 2011

        Erinnerungen an Atlantis

        by Martina Nell

        The book describes a dialogue between the author and her spirit, who remembers the disappeared civilization of Atlantis. It sounds like fantasy, but contains many interesting aspects of reincarnation, responibility and the sense of life.

      • Medieval European archaeology

        The secrets of the cathedrals

        by A. Roversi Monaco

        Gothic cathedrals, as mysterious as the pyramids of Egypt or the statues of Easter Island, preserve in the heart of their majestic ships secular secrets that modern man has not yet managed to decipher. Cathedrals are there - before our eyes, in our beloved old Europe, in places frequented daily by tens of thousands of visitors - to tell us about our past. How were they built? Why does its architectural arrangement refer us to the medieval esoteric and symbolic universe? What is the secret of the meridian lines? This work, written by a specialist in the history of the Middle Ages and in esoteric studies, traces for us the epic of the construction of cathedrals and gives us the key to its symbolic and magical references. This exciting guide, which is both an introduction to European history and a study of religion and medieval esotericism, will also allow us to visit the most beautiful cathedrals in Europe at our own pace.

      • Trusted Partner
        Psychic powers & psychic phenomena


        by Shanna MacLean

        Each of us has a Twin Flame, the exact being with whom we were created at the thrilling Moment of Creation, when God expanded Itself and created from that Self a new being. God then divided that being into Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. This template of masculine and feminine can be seen throughout all Earth life. The expansion from the ALL THAT IS came from God's strong desire to extend Love through its Creations (on Earth, for example) and have a way to know and observe Itself by living through us. This Twin is the other half of yourself, with whom you share the most exquisite Love and Oneness possible -- which you will know when you unite with that divine one... AWAKENING opens with a series of transcendent experiences in which the author, Shanna, makes contact with her Twin Flame during her meditations. Her unique and intimate sharing of their meetings and travels shows us many facets of this supreme Love. Pra, her Twin, is not in physical embodiment on Earth, but rather resides in higher vibrational consciousness. They meet somewhere between Earth and the Higher Realms. In the second section, we are led through a series of powerful excerpts of "Messages from God," channeled by Yael Hana Powell, in which the essence and purpose of the Twin Flame is explained. We are told that the coming together of Twin Flames at this time can create an amplification of Love that can completely shift life on our struggling planet to Love and only Love. In the third section, Shanna's beloved Twin Flame, Pra, answers questions, giving detailed suggestions on how to make contact with one's Twin, including bringing your Twin through the person you are currently with. The other-worldliness and loving atmosphere of this book will uplift you and perhaps open you to the possibility of finding Love with your own Twin Flame, the other half of your being.

      • June 2008


        by Martina Nell

        The seven stories are talking about love between man and woman or nature intelligences, both. Sensitive protagonists recognize fairies, gigants, gnomes, dragons and other beings. They not only speak with trees, but learn from them. The book contains different levels. You can read it as a tale or fantasy. On the same time it helps for self-finding by introducing many subtil ideas for a new view of nature and life.

      • Trusted Partner


        History and Graphic Function of Magic Symbols

        by M.B. Jackson

        A fully illustrated technical guide to Magick symbols. Concisely written and richly illustrated, Magic Writing is a most accessible and informative book on the occult history and graphic origins of the signs, symbols, scripts and ciphers of Western Occultism. Making it the first point of reference for all artists, designers, students and tutors with an interest in the esoteric glyphs of European mysticism.

      • Health & Personal Development



        Among all divinatory arts, Numerology is the most rational and easiest.Differently from other divination methods, its responses do not require long calculation, nor require particular intuition powers. Its answers are clear, immediate, precise and anyone can obtain them. This volume, along with the explanation of esoteric and mystic meaning of numbers, teaches how to find fundamental numbers for everybody. One appendix with three “numerical oracles” closes the books.


        by Rosalia Bravina

        This book narrates about the origin and development of shamanism in the Northern region  since  the  emergence  of  the  Lenian petroglyphs  up  to  the  70s  of  the  XX  century. The book presents major report on shamans ordained by Heaven and Spirits, the symbolism of ritual vestments and tambourine, the nature of shamanic ecstasy, the biographies of  legendary  Yakut  shamans.  There  are first published photos of the author's field materials and objects from the funds of local history museums.

      • Pregnancy, birth & baby care
        July 2012

        Natural Wellness Strategies for Pregnancy

        Women's Wisdom

        by Laurel Alexander

        Like menopause, pregnancy brings about profound shifts in mind, body, and spiritual energy that create challenges and opportunity. This second book in the series offers sage advice for working with these shifts, a broad range of techniques that will connect those expecting with the joyful rite of passage in womanhood while helping them move towards a positive birth experience. These self-help strategies span from the physical, such as nutrition, diet and herbs, to the mental through meditation, imagery and ritual to help calm and focus the mind, as well as the more esoteric, such as using crystals, flower essences, and archetypes of the Goddess to balance the subtle energy system.

      • Horror & ghost stories

        WRATH OF N’KAI


        by Josh Reynolds

        The first in a new range of novels of eldritch adventure from the wildly popular Arkham Horror – an international thief of esoteric artifacts stumbles onto a nightmarish cult in 1920s New England Countess Alessandra Zorzi, international adventurer and thief, arrives in Arkham pursuing an ancient body freshly exhumed from a mound in Oklahoma, of curious provenance and peculiar characteristics. But before she can steal it, another party beats her to it. During the resulting gunfight at the Miskatonic Museum, the countess makes eye contact with the petrified corpse and begins an adventure of discovery outside her wildest experiences. Now, caught between her mysterious client, the police, and a society of necrophagic connoisseurs, she finds herself on the trail of a resurrected mummy as well as the star-born terror gestating within it.

      • Fiction


        by Alicia Thomas-Woolf

        How deep would you go to reclaim yourself?A contemporary myth of courage and healing,  Innerone is an extraordinary narrative in which the protagonist meditates to her mind's underworld to find the younger self she betrayed. Although she thinks she knows what to expect, the surprises keep coming. Her  expectations dashed and new-age ideals thwarted, she discovers she is neither alone nor in charge. Her spunky inner-child, her esoteric higher-self, her unconvinced inner-scientist and others—all of whom hold different beliefs, values and desires—converse and argue, travel and shop (not your usual mall).  And the subtle question swirls... how different would her actions be, what changes would play out in her life, if she flipped from believing she is broken to recognising that she is whole just as she is?

      • June 2016


        by Olga Drenda

        The turn of the 1980s and 1990s told through the prism of objects and customs. Olga Drenda collects artefacts of the time of Polish transition: photographs, colour magazines and esoteric journals, calendars, advertisements, video cassettes, book covers. They are evidence of a reality in transition, of the coexistence of two cultural and aesthetic orders. They also reveal the dreams and aspirations of Poles who want to be modern and 'catch up with the West' at all costs. Fast food appears next to milk bars, television broadcasts the first commercials, people attend Kashpirovsky's spiritualist séances with flushed faces. The author does not succumb to nostalgia or irony when writing about the reality of those days. With anthropological sensitivity, she analyses what she has managed to document. The result is a fascinating record of everyday life in Poland during the transformation - something to read with bated breath and then reflect upon.

      • Cricket
        June 2015

        Inside Edge

        Another Eclectic Collection of Cricketing Facts, Feats and Figures

        by Marc Dawson

        Who scored the 5000th international century? Which New Zealand Test captain married a Miss Universe? And which Test cricketer's son was placed on Interpol's most-wanted list? From the beginnings of the game to the present day, Inside Edge delivers a treasure trove of global cricketing curiosities. Immerse yourself in the magic that is cricket with a panoply of wildly unusual feats on the field, and just as many eyebrow-raising incidents after the close of play. From the brother-and-sister twins who played for Australia to the 14-year-old schoolboy who scored 500 in a match in India, Marc Dawson serves up facts, feats and figures destined to delight all followers of this amazing game. With 20 subject areas including Twenty20 cricket, cricket and politics, music and cinema and cricket in wartime, Inside Edge features an array of esoteric, previously unpublished photographs, famous scorecards, quirky quotations and statistical tables.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        August 2019


        by Germán Padinger

        In a future that seems close to becoming the past, the novel's characters struggle to adapt to the rapid concentration of information in a global file that can be accessed, as in a dream, through a cable connected directly to the brain: a process they call «enhancement». Young programming students, a wear social science teacher, a woman searching for her missing husband in the cloud, and a colonizer trying to build a new world populate this novel. Before them, virtual life and the ideology that «enhancement» brings will soon seem more attractive than flesh and blood, and the world will be immersed in a race towards transmigration, in transit times as technology advances. It is in this context that militants of an esoteric and nostalgic movement will try to warn about the dangers of abandoning the body, that old desire of philosophy.


        Tradition and secret practices of mystical marriage and revival


        This book reveals the heart of an ancient spiritual universal and natural revival and healing. This has reached us thanks to the oral transmission of passing down frommaestro to disciple through the centuries, but for the first time in this book the main points are in a written form.All great esoteric paths, the path to self-development and personal growth, psychology of the profound and alchemy, if they are truly effective, are so as they preserve in their heart the extraordinary key of the reabsorption of reality. Freeing oneself of the burden of objective matter, from eventual inevitable events of which one can be nothing more than a victim. The tradition of the Mantra Mother is, for excellence, the tradition that conveys such reabsorption of the real (or “withdrawal of projections”) in the purest and original manner, without superstructures, that have traveled in the circuits of shamanic-tantric yoga and alchemy, in the East as well as in the West, for many centuries.

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