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      • Tibaq Publishing House

        Tibaq Publishing and Distribution House was established in Palestine in October 2017, and it came from the belief in the necessity of cultural work in order to enhance the identity of society and stabilize its culture, and therefore it included in its path many ideas and projects aimed at improving the level of the book and readers and printing a book with special content, as well as having a reading club, It holds creative writing courses and works in creating home libraries.During its 3 years career, it published more than 50 books in various fields of literature, development, history, biography, and children's literature, Tibaq uses a team specializing in the book industry in terms of auditing and design, and a readers' committee to determine the quality of the book’s content and to provide the book with the necessary editorial notes to ensure the quality of the book.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2014

        The Mysterious Forbidden City

        by Jian Qianai

        On the wedding night of Emperor Guangxu (1871-1908), whose queen was secretly eating wood...... Imperial Consort Zhen in her blooming age started her mysterious life in the Forbidden City......

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1997


        Erfahrungen auf dem Dach der Welt

        by Wilhelm A. Klingenberg

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1992

        Mein Tibet

        Texte von Seiner Heiligkeit, dem XIV. Dalai Lama von Tibet. Fotografien und Einleitung von Galen Rowell. Aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen von Ursula Gräfe

        by Galen Rowell, Ursula Gräfe, Galen Rowell

        Ursula Gräfe, geboren 1956 in Frankfurt am Main, studierte Japanologie und Anglistik und arbeitet seit 1988 als Literaturübersetzerin. Sie hat u.a. Werke von R.K. Narayan, Haruki Murakami, Yasushi Inoue und Kenzaburo Oe ins Deutsche übertragen, ist Autorin einer Buddha-Biographie und Herausgeberin mehrerer Anthologien. Jedes Jahr verbringt sie einige Zeit in Asien, vor allem in Indien. Ursula Gräfe lebt in Frankfurt am Main.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2013

        Von Katzen und Frauen

        by Detlef Bluhm

        Frankreichs berühmteste Harfenistin nimmt bei ihren Katzen Musikunterricht, eine römische Dichterin gibt das erste Katzenporträt der Kunstgeschichte in Auftrag, eine Autorin aus der Schweiz reist mit ihrer Katze 3.500 Kilometer von Südindien nach Tibet – diese Anthologie erzählt von der besonderen Beziehung zwischen Katzen und Frauen.

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      • Trusted Partner

        The Adventures in the Forbidden City

        by Liang Fangfang

        In this set of fiction books for children, the three little protagonists experienced such an adventure: they fell into the sundial tunnel in the forbidden city and got to know a dragon named “Big Loach”. They entered the world of the famous painting Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival and went to market, distinguished between real and fake bronze kings, and hosted a negotiation for peace in a country with powerful arms that had experienced tens of thousands of years of war… Finally, they returned to their own world. Through the adventure, the three little protagonists have obtained knowledge about traditional Chinese culture related to the cultural relics of the Forbidden City, ancient wooden buildings, collections of books, and legends of mythical beasts. And more importantly, they have gained courage, wisdom, friendship and love.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2000

        Mein Weg führt nach Tibet

        Die blinden Kinder von Lhasa

        by Tenberken, Sabriye

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        101 Traditional Operas of China's Ethnic Minorities(volume 1)

        by Chief Editor: Wang Kui

        This opera collection incorporates and researches on a variety of traditional operas of Chinese ethnic minorities, which are widely dispersed in 14 provinces and autonomous regions, including Yunan, Guangxi, Tibet, Xinjiang, Chongqing, etc. The selected 101 operas present the highest level of China’s achievement in this form of art. By reading it, you will find the history, characteristic and artistic value of each opera. This is the first volume of the series.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        101 Traditional Operas of China's Ethnic Minorities(volume 2)

        by Chief Editor: Wang Kui

        This opera collection incorporates and researches on a variety of traditional operas of Chinese ethnic minorities, which are widely dispersed in 14 provinces and autonomous regions, including Yunan, Guangxi, Tibet, Xinjiang, Chongqing, etc. The selected 101 operas present the highest level of China’s achievement in this form of art. By reading it, you will find the history, characteristic and artistic value of each opera. This is the second volume of the series.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        101 Traditional Operas of China's Ethnic Minorities(volume 3)

        by Chief Editor: Wang Kui

        This opera collection incorporates and researches on a variety of traditional operas of Chinese ethnic minorities, which are widely dispersed in 14 provinces and autonomous regions, including Yunan, Guangxi, Tibet, Xinjiang, Chongqing, etc. The selected 101 operas present the highest level of China’s achievement in this form of art. By reading it, you will find the history, characteristic and artistic value of each opera. This is the third volume of the series.

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