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      • PIE International Inc. (PIE Books)

        Established in 1971, PIE International built their reputation for outstanding art direction and high-quality production over the years, starting with an extensive collection of Design & Art books, and later expanding to include Children's books, Comic & Manga Arts and Lifestyle books. “My First Earth Picture Book” is the latest title in the educational series by Akemi Tezuka. A total of 880,000 copies from this series have been printed in Asia. “Houses with a Story” by Seiji Yoshida is our latest bestselling Comic Art book, which has reprinted four times in four months. We are very excited to have this great opportunity to reach you all!

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      • May 2022


        dai liquorosi del Settecento il vino profumato che inebria il mondo


        Il Vermouth di Torino è per eccellenza un simbolo dell’aperitivo in tutto il mondo. Nasce nel 1700 dalla maestria dei liquoristi torinesi, poi diventa un prodotto esportato ovunque. Immagini indimenticabili sono state create da importanti artisti per la sua réclame. Stupende etichette con la loro speciale grafica ne hanno portato e ne portano il nome in mille Paesi. Questo vino sta vivendo un’epoca di grande apprezzamento, tanto da aver ottenuto dall’Unione Europea il riconoscimento dell’Indicazione Geografica che identifica e sancisce il legame con una terra, una tradizione, un “saper fare” unico. Bevuto puro o in celeberrimi cocktail, il Vermouth di Torino è protagonista di un racconto avvincente che parte dalla mondana “ora del Vermouth” tipica di Torino, per giungere al moderno rito sociale dell’“happy hour".

      • National & regional cuisine
        April 2017


        A culinary tour of Italy, with 300 recipes

        by Valentina Harris

        Famous for its bold flavours, seasonal ingredients and vibrant colours, Italian has repeatedly been voted the world's favourite cuisine. Take a closer look, though, and you'll discover that there is much more to this nation's food than the ubiquitous pasta, pizzas and risottos offered at many restaurants. Italian-cooking expert Valentina Harris examines each area in turn, with a carefully curated selection of recipes, and detailed instructions and photographs to help you achieve an authentic, and completely delicious, end result. This comprehensive book is a must-have reference for anyone who is passionate about cooking authentic Italian food. A culinary tour of Italy including: Lombardy; Piedmont; Liguria; Emilia-Romagna; Veneto; Tuscany; Umbria; Sardinia; Campania; Sicily; Puglia; Basilicata; and Calabria. An extensive introduction examines in detail the history and traditions of classic Italian cooking, the ingredients and how to prepare and use them. CLICK HERE TO READ THE WHOLE BOOK IN DIGITAL FORM

      • Made in Italy

        treasures, ingredients and traditional recipes

        by Marino Marini

        A book dedicated to all that is typical of Italian gastronomy, with particular attention given to the concept of excellence: Italian delicacies, places and flavours, and above all, 150 of the best traditional recipes. The book is grouped into 10 geographic areas: for each, we present the most representative dishes, the best typical products and producers of excellence, as well as a selection of eateries and restaurants, which are often outside the “official” circuit but always characterized by great quality. A masterpiece that is a must-have for the bookcase of every gourmand, tourist and simple food-enthusiasts.

      • The Arts
        July 2020

        The Blues: A visual History

        100 Years of Music that Changed the World

        by Mike Evans with Consulting Editors Robert Gordon & Scott Barretta; foreword by Marshall Chess

        Charting the history of the blues from its rural roots in the American South, and focusing on the key musicians and singers who brought it recognition worldwide, The Blues: A Visual History is a unique and fully illustrated account of the development of the blues. This deceptively simple, 12-bar musical form has become the common denominator that has driven the popular music of the last hundred years. As John Lee Hooker put it: “The music we play . . . that music is the roots. Rock music, everything else, is like a branch on the same tree. It all comes from the Blues.”   In this updated and expanded edition of the highly acclaimed original volume (see selected reviews), there is a brand-new final chapter (and extensively revised penultimate chapter) by highly regarded blues specialist writer, broadcaster, and lecturer, Scott Barretta.

      • October 2021

        Deadheading and Other Stories

        by Beth Gilstrap

        Irrevocably tied to the Carolinas, these stories tell tales of the woebegone, their obsessions with decay, and the haunting ache of the region itself—the land of the dwindling pines, the isolation inherent in the mountains and foothills, and the loneliness of boomtowns. Predominantly working-class women challenge the status quo by rejecting any lingering expectations or romantic notions of Southern femininity. Small businesses are failing. Factories are closing. Money is tight. The threat of violence lingers for women and girls. Through their collective grief, heartache, and unsettling circumstances, many of these characters become feral and hell-bent on survival. Gilstrap’s prose teems with wildness and lyricism, showing the Southern gothic tradition of storytelling is alive and feverishly unwell in the twenty-first century.

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        January 2020

        Electric Machines in Agriculture

        Origin,Development and Applications

        by Kevin Desmond

        As far back as 1873, experiments were carried out to see whether the electric trolley system applied to omnibuses could be adapted to ploughing and tilling fields. In 1913, 1,600 trolley/cable ploughs were in use across German farmlands. The arrival of the gasoline tractor relegated the use of electricity to electroculture, short haul farm machinery and lawn mowers. But it is only with the commercial availability of the lithium-ion battery during the last decade, that electrically powered drones and more recently tractors and earth movers are being seen as the way ahead. In this, the sixth in his seminal electric transport history series, Kevin Desmond portrays the life and work of the innovative engineers who perfected these e-tractors and agricultural drones.

      • Fiction
        January 2019

        The Memory of Bodies

        by Marina Di Guardo

        Living like an hermit in his luxurious family mansion, Giorgio is a former lawyer in his forties. His mother died in a car accident, his father committed suicide, and the only connection he has with the real world is Agnese, the housemaid that raised him up.Everything changes when Giorgio runs into Giulia, and the two get tangled-up in a very hot, ambiguous relationship.The day that Agnese goes missing, the net begins to close in around Giulia and her lies. But Giorgio is hiding some unimaginable, dark secrets of his own...

      • Food & Drink
        March 2021

        A Brief History of Pasta

        In Ten Traditional Dishes

        by Luca Cesari

        Pasta is Italy’s national dish and if there is one thing that every Italian menu around the world cannot lack – be it in Italy or in the United States, in France or in Hong Kong – is pasta al pomodoro. But what’s the story behind this dish everyone thinks they know so well? And what about pasta alla carbonara or amatriciana, or ragù alla bolognese?  A Brief History of Pasta will answer every burning question you may have on the history of your favorite dishes, complete with different recipes (the oldest, the most common, the most intriguing variations...) and a treasure-trove of anecdotes about how these dishes evolved, in Italy and in the rest of the world. Because there is only one thing that could not be left home, when an Italian decided to embark on an adventure abroad: a notebook full of pasta recipes.

      • Children's & YA

        Discovering Food

        Find out how it's made

        by Andrea Minoglio

        Where does the food we eat come from? The book, through splendid illustrations, explains to children and adults how the good things we find on our table are made: chocolate, honey, salt, rice, popcorn will have no more secrets. A first double shows the main raw material from which the product derives, with many curiosities about the varieties and the production area. A part dedicated to the supply chain follows, with clear and immediate texts that recount the long journey that each food takes before arriving to us.

      • Food & Drink
        October 2022

        The Heart of Cocoa

        500 Years of Chocolate History

        by Napoleone Neri

        The temptation par excellence, that craving that suddenly arises and we cannot fight it unless we satisfy it: the desire for chocolate. Perhaps it is because of this power that it is called the most loved food on the planet. Or perhaps it is because its cultivation, production and consumption - which has been growing strongly in the last 10 years - are spread across all continents. Napoleon Neri tells its story, starting with the plant and its fruit, from the pioneers of chocolate, to the birth of confectionery factories in the 19th century and then the great modern industries. He describes in detail the processing and transformation of cocoa beans, their beneficial properties, the sensory characteristics of the finished product, and spices everything up with a thousand anecdotes and curiosities that only those who have lived and worked in this world for so long can know.

      • Travel & Transport

        Kompass maps

        Hiking, cycling and travel maps

        by Kompass

        You can find the CATALOG 2023 of Kompass maps in the "VIEW CONTENT SAMPLE".     Cartageo is the Italian reseller for Kompass.

      • Travel & Transport

        Freytag & Berndt maps

        Travel and geographical folded maps

        by Freytag & Berndt

        You can find the CATALOG 2023 of Freytag & Berndt maps in the "VIEW CONTENT SAMPLE".     Cartageo is the Italian reseller for Freytag & Berndt.

      • Fiction

        Sag mir, wen du hörst. Sag mir, wen du siehst. Sag mir, wer du bist

        by Andrea Nagele

        Sag mir, wen du hörst. Sag mir, wen du siehst. Sag mir, wer du bist Andrea Nagele Laura wird Zeugin eines Mordes, nur knapp kann sie dem Täter entkommen. Doch als die Triester Polizei den Tatort untersucht, finden sich weder ein Toter noch Spuren eines Verbrechens. Fand die Tat womöglich nur in ihrer Phantasie statt? Als ein weiterer Mord geschieht, wird Laura von einem jahrelang verdrängten Geheimnis eingeholt, das sie zutiefst verstört. Und die Schlinge zieht sich immer enger um ihren Hals.  Subtile Charakterstudie und atemberaubender Pageturner zugleich In ihrem neuen Thriller konstruiert die Klagenfurter Autorin Andrea Nagele ein beklemmendes Psychospiel, das einem das Blut in den Adern gefrieren lässt. Ihre Protagonistin wird in der norditalienischen Hafenstadt Triest Zeugin eines Mordes. Doch niemand glaubt den Aussagen der psychisch kranken Frau. Sollte sie sich die Tat tatsächlich eingebildet haben? Mit einer Dramatik, die wie ein Unwetter über die Lser*innen hereinbricht, nähert sich der Roman der Frage: Was ist Wahn, was ist Realität - und wem kann derjenige, der die Antwort darauf nicht kennt, tatsächlich vertrauen? Andrea Nagele gelingt ein atmosphärisch komplexer und dichter Roman, der aus den verschiedenen Färbungen und Formen der Angst und Paranoia ein narratives Bild von herausragender Spannugn und Faszination erzeugt. Dabei weiß die Autorin, worüber sie schreibt: Seit vielen Jahren betreibt Nagele eine psychotherapeutische Praxis in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee. Während sie dort Menschen hilft, ihre psychischen Nöte und Erkrankungen zu überwinden, stürzt sie die Figuren ihrer Romane regelmäßig in immer tiefere Konflikte und Abgründe. Den Kern ihres neuen Thrillers bildet eine komplee Mutter- Tochter-Beziehung, die geprägt ist von Abhängigkeit, Liebe und auch Hass. Die Leser*innen werden dabei mit unzuverlässigen Ich-Erzählerinnen konfrontiert und müssen genau wie die Figuren selbst zur Wahrheit durchdringen. Ein psychologisches Puzzle der Extraklasse - spannend bis zur letzten Seite. So eindrucksvoll wie in diesem Roman wurde existenzielle Unsicherheit und Wahn selten dargestellt. Ein Thriller mit Tiefgang, den man keinen Moment aus der Hand legen will.

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