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      • Hathaway Education - Westchester Publishing Services UK Limited

        At the heart of Hathaway Education is our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in education. Our materials have a strong emphasis on embracing cultural and ethnic differences, exploring various social values and belief systems, and celebrating both the differences and similarities that make us human. Graded readers play a key role in language progression. They provide a controlled environment for students to access stories and themes that will lead to greater motivation, and accelerated learning.

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        Social & cultural history
        July 2013

        War and welfare

        by Barbara Hately-Broad

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Hatred of Jews

        A never-ending story?

        by Sebastian Voigt

        — An overall presentation of the history of anti-Semitism based on the latest research — A necessary book that helps to recognise (and combat) anti-Jewish attitudes and patterns of behaviour even in the present day The Hamas attack on Israel is further aggravating the situation in the Middle East, and will continue to intensify anti-Semitism. And this plague, combined with Israel’s denied right to exist; the attacks in Brussels and Paris; the aggressive violence against everything Jewish in the Islamic world – is as dangerous as ever. Hatred of the Jews is old, vast and strong. The anamnesis began 2500 years ago in the Middle Ages, and came to head in the 18th and 19th centuries. It culminated ideologically in the Wannsee Conference, and became murderous in Auschwitz. Historian Sebastian Voigt provides a dense history of the hatred of the Jews – and combines it with a passionate call for courageous resistance.

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        June 2021

        Words Kill

        by David Myles Robinson

        Famed reporter Russell Blaze is dead. It may have been an accident, but then again, it may have been murder. Russ' son Cody finds Russ's unfinished memoir for clues as to what may have happened. The opening words are: On the night of October 16, 1968, I uttered a sentence that would haunt me for the rest of my life. The sentence was, "Someone should kill that motherf***er.As Cody delves into the memoir, a window opens into a tragic past and thrusts the still-burning embers of another time's radical violence into the political reality of the present. History that once seemed far away becomes a deeply personal immersion for Cody into the storied heyday of Haight-Ashbury: drugs, sex, war protesters, right-wing militias, ground-breaking journalism-and the mysterious Gloria, who wanders into Russ' pad one day just to "crash here for a while until things calm down."Cody discovers aspects of his father's life he never knew, and slowly begins to understand the significance of those words his father spoke in 1968.Words Kill is a story of loss, violence, and racism; love, hate, and discovery. It is a story of then . . . and now.

      • Trusted Partner

        Our Democracy in Danger

        Hatred and attacks against volunteers,journalists and politicians

        by Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger,Gunna Wendt

        We experience in our online world as well as in our ‘real lives’ an increase in slander and abuse, intimidation, hatred and even physical violence against individuals who are committed to our society. If such attacks discourage people from getting involved, this endangers our democracy that depends on participation. Lawyer Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger and the writer Gunna Wendt interviewed ten committed volunteers about the causes, circumstances and consequences of hatred and violence. These visceral portraits provide a telling insight into the dangers, while showing that we can and must counter the degradation of political rhetoric with composure, respect and tolerance – and with effective measures to protect those at risk.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2013

        The Coward

        by Liang Xiaosheng

        This novel depicts the image of a controversial and dubious “coward”. The refined, gentle and frail-looking Wang Wenqi is in fact an enduring and staunch person. During the mop-up operation of the Japanese invaders in the village, in order to save the life of a rash villager, he exposes his true identity. He thus finds himself trapped between mixing with the Japanese invaders against his will and incurring the hatred of the local villagers … He shows submission and even ingratiation towards the Japanese, never daring to defy them openly, but in his inner world he is full of hatred towards the Japanese. He eventually beheads the local Japanese chief officer. Such an action of fighting against tyranny with submissiveness and such a show of power behind apparent weakness bear witness to an honest and truly kind “coward” who struggles for a living between the cruelty of the enemy and the indignation of the nation.

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        Children's & YA
        October 2021

        A tale about two brothers and a sister

        by Dara Kornii

        The World was beautiful and happy then. There was no hatred, malice, or envy. The earth gave birth generously, the sun shone gently, the sky poured with a bountiful rain, and children grew in harmony with nature. The Creator admired his beloved creation. Two brothers, Morok and Zhytnyk, and the youngest sister Veselka grew up in one glorious family. They were beautiful children, generously gifted with talents. Everything changed when one of the brothers wanted to feel like God and shed the first innocent blood. And the other brother did not stop him. Evil, envy, hatred, and temptation entered the World. The Creator knew in advance how everything would end for this World and decided to destroy people. But not everything is so simple, because this is a fairy tale. Who or what saved people from death? Why is it so important to value other people's lives, love the land you walk on, and reject temptations, even if they promise you omnipotence?

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2024

        Spenserian tracts

        'A Brief Discourse of Ireland' and 'The Supplication of the Blood of the English' from the Munster revolt of 1598

        by Hiram Morgan

        Morgan's study of key texts situating Edmund Spenser and the plantation in Munster in the late 1590s reveals not only a hatred and abiding fear of the Catholic Irish but also disturbing tensions with the state in England including the Queen herself. In doing so, he has combined traditional historical and literary methods with stylometric document testing to reveal the authorship of these controversial contemporary tracts. Overall this insightful book reimagines the English colonial mentality of the period by examining its underbelly of anonymous texts.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Imagine Being a Jew for One Hour

        Stories against anti-Semitism

        by Kurt Oesterle

        Hatred of Jews is long-standing, widespread and powerful. After Auschwitz, the lesson used to be: “Never again!” However, anti-Semitic resentment, like an epidemic, still grips the bourgeois middle-class in our society. In his book “A Jew for One Hour”, Kurt Oesterle convincingly demonstrates how hatred of Jews functions in aesthetic and emotional terms with no empathy whatsoever. He also shows that for the past 200 years of German literature a line of tradition can be acknowledged “in defence of Jewishness”. Kurt Oesterle accounts for this in his book of stories with an impressive depth of knowledge, with a generous heart and mind and incredible commitment. A truly significant book.

      • Trusted Partner



        Three generations in a remote village, stuck with an endless grudge. Love and power are not enough to unite them. Manaf and Mujahid have deepened the suffering borne by Bidan Senah. The woman is willing to do anything to get revenge on behalf of her mother.   The children of Manaf and Mujahid had to dealed terrible consequences due to their father action against Bidan Senah. Although Bidan Senah hatred against them was massive, she tried not to kill them. Instead just torture them at a leisurely pace. Bariah and Neng have tried to end the dispute between their father and Bidan Senah. Everything must end with an unexpected self-sacrifice.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        Shangtang Book

        by Sun Huifen

        This is a classic novel constructed by literature on the mundane world of the countryside. In the eyes of the world, Shangtang is just a little-known and insignificant village on a vast map; in the author's writing, it is an existence worth treating as a life, and a microcosm of contemporary Chinese rural areas. From a bird’s-eye panoramic perspective, the work describes its geography, politics, transportation, communications, education, trade, culture, marriage, and history in turn. It is mixed with natural depictions of rural landscapes such as houses, streets, old wells, and roads. The vivid silhouettes of the characters, they live and die in love and hatred, and indifferent life and death, all their weaknesses and virtues are swayed freely on them, forming the spiritual territory of Shangtang.

      • Trusted Partner

        77 days of February. Ukraine between two symbolic dates of the Russian war ideology

        by Marichka Paplauskaite (Compiler), Authors: Inna Adrug, Anna Argirova, Kateryna Babkina, Tetyana Bezruk, Oleksandra Gorchynska, Inna Zolotukhina, Vera Kuriko, Olena Livytska, Olga Livytska, Svitlana Oslavska, Marichka Paplauskaite, Eva Raiska, Anya Semenyuk, Zoya Khramchenko, Margarita Chimyris, Iryna Yaroshynska

        As a child, she could not understand why people in films about the blockade of Leningrad were always lying down. And when Mariupol was besieged by the Russians, and she and her husband lived for many days without water, food and heat under constant shelling, she realized that when you lie down, you save strength and energy. "77 Days of February" included reports written by journalists of the Reporters media in the period between February 23 and May 9 — two symbolic dates for Russian military ideology. The invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine stopped the number of days and pushed Ukrainians back to the intervening time, where February — the month of the beginning of the great war — still lasts. In the meantime and in these candid stories, there is pain, fear, hatred, and sometimes despair. But the main thing is hope. This is a bare nerve and an honest voice of the new Ukrainian reality.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2020

        Hate Notes

        by Keeland, Vi

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        Like / Hate


        by Lloyd, Ellery

        Aus dem Englischen von Susanne Wallbaum

      • Trusted Partner


        by HUGO N. GERSTL

        LA POLÍTICA DEL ODIO  – Una aguda y reveladora visión de la política norteamericana    De cómo obstruccionistas, medios de comunicación e intereses creados están convirtiendo a los Estados Unidos en un país del tercer mundo y CÓMO PODEMOS RECUPERARNOS    por HUGO N. GERSTL Los Estados Unidos están siendo destruidos de manera sistemática, no desde afuera por terroristas, sino desde adentro, por intereses creados. El país está siendo destruido por políticos, por presentadores de programa de entrevistas, magnates mediáticos y demagogos populistas, que procuran conservar su «territorio» a cualquier precio, obstruyendo la aprobación de leyes provechosas, mediante mentiras y acusaciones escandalosas, campañas negativas y agravios injustificados. Estos «redentores» no presentan ninguna idea constructiva que hayan concebido para ayudar a salir del atolladero en el que nuestro país se encuentra. En lo único que piensan los políticos es en ser electos y reelectos. El señuelo de USD 100.000 de honorarios de conferencista es un potente afrodisíaco. El señuelo del poder es un afrodisíaco aún más potente. Políticos, metemiedos, parlanchines y líderes empresariales se deleitan con su fama, su gloria y su autoproclamada sabiduría, en momentos en que el país está más endeudado que cualquier otra nación en la historia y cuando año a año avanzamos cada vez más rápido hacia la posibilidad de convertirnos en un país del tercer mundo. Si el público comienza a sumar dos más dos, la respuesta lógica debe ser cuatro. Pero hasta ahora, aún se puede hacer creer al estadounidense promedio que dos más dos equivale a cualquier número que a los maestros del rollo político se les ocurra. Lo peor es que más del 40% de los estadounidenses aceptan la política de miedo, cizaña y atropello, sin siquiera detenerse un momento a pensar qué es exactamente lo que estos traficantes del odio político ofrecen a cambio de echar a un lado a una facción y asegurarse para ellos mismos las ventajas del poder. Pero independientemente de las querellas políticas internas o externas, lo que hacemos es algo parecido a dos pulgas que se pelean para saber cuál de ellas es la propietaria del perro. Parece que no nos damos cuenta de que el tiempo y el dinero se nos han acabado, que ya no podemos permitirnos el lujo de astutas maniobras políticas y de inútiles y estúpidas reyertas. Aunque este oportuno libro señala a quién es el culpable, va también un poco más allá y cuenta cómo los Estados Unidos, la nación más poderosa del planeta, pueden recuperar el control de su destino y curar su propia enfermedad.    HUGO N. GERSTL obtuvo una licenciatura en ciencias políticas e historia de la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles (UCLA) y después cursó estudios y se graduó en la Facultad de Derecho de la misma universidad. Gerstl rechazó una invitación para postularse para el Congreso por el partido Republicano, ya que eso hubiera significado competir con su amigo y colega, el abogado León Panetta, que acababa de completar su primera cadencia en el Congreso. Gerstl es ampliamente conocido en todo el país hace ya cuarenta y seis años como abogado penalista y sigue siendo eternamente optimista acerca de la capacidad de recuperación del pueblo estadounidense.

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        Foxtrel Legend

        by Su Jianke

        This book is made for the study of vixen culture, compiling and researching dozens of classic ancient books such as "Shan Hai Jing", "Sou Shen Ji", "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi", "Zi Bu Yu", "Yue Wei Thatched Cottage Notes", "Taiping Guang Ji" and other dozens of classics The story of "The Fox" carefully and carefully explores the "professional" issues of how the Fox becomes human, how to cultivate, such as the catastrophe of the river crossing, and how to charm humans from multiple perspectives such as history, psychology and religion. The book explores many novel areas, such as how do vixen change adults? How does a vixen cultivate immortality? How does a vixen avoid lightning? How does a vixen charm people? ... Revealing the whole journey of the fox from beast to monster, from monster to fairy, telling the love and hatred of fox and human for thousands of years. I believe that readers can fully appreciate the profoundness and fantasy of Chinese monster culture after reading it. It can be called an excellent general history of monster culture!

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2011

        I hate Berlin

        Unsere überschätzte Hauptstadt

        by Kienast, Moritz / Herausgegeben von Kienast, Moritz

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1997

        Hate the Old and Follow the New

        Khoekhoe and Missionaries in Early Nineteenth-Century Namibia

        by Dedering, Tilman

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2022

        The religion of Orange politics

        by Joseph Webster, Alexander Smith

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