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Ethnic minorities & multicultural studies

Migration, Belonging and the Nation State - Head Work

by Editor(s): Alperhan Babacan and Supriya Singh


The book questions how modern migration and globalisation have impacted upon notions of belonging and identity within nation-states across the world. This book provides theoretical and empirical accounts of the relationship between identity, rights nationalism, race and ethnicity. The authors cover the complexity of the topic as identification has become much more multifaceted. The authors cover difficult and cutting edge issues relating to citizenship, nation formation, identity, remittances, transnational families, migration and asylum in the context of Australia, Malaysia, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. These critical issues inform and shape key policy and program responses of many governments and are subject of topic in international relations forums between nation states.

Migration, Belonging and the Nation State

All Editions

Author Biography

Dr. Alperhan Babacan is Program Director of the Juris Doctor Program at RMIT University. Alperhan holds degrees in law and political science and a PhD from RMIT University. He has previously worked in the public and private sectors, either as a researcher or lawyer, and has written widely on human rights law, comparative asylum and refugee policy, international law, counter terrorism, citizenship and human security.Professor Supriya Singh is Professor of Sociology of Communications, at RMIT University. She leads the Community Sustainability Program of the Global Cities Research Institute and leads RMIT Business’ research with the Smart Services Co-operative Research Centre. Supriya brings together expertise in the sociology of money and banking; globalisation, migration and remittances; and the use of new communications technologies within the social and cultural context.

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