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      • Fiction
        June 2020

        I will follow in your footsteps

        by Care Santos

        By the author of Half-Life (Nadal Prize 2017), a new novel about family relationships that reflects on the ways a secret from the past can make our future come tumbling down. Reina receives an unexpected call from the mayor of a small village in the Pyrenees. Renovation work on the cemetery has forced them to open up some of the more neglected tombs, among them her father’s. The mayor begs her to do something about his remains and invites her to a solemn ceremony.There is, in addition, a delicate matter he would like to speak to her about, one far from easy to discuss: the discover of another body next to her father’s. Surprised, Reina has no idea who it could be; she knows next to nothing about the man except that he killed himself forty-five years ago, and her mother tried her entire life to conceal it. Against her will, she goes to the village to put things in order.A journey that will take Reina to a tiny town in the heart of Catalonia, but also to a faraway past to the thirtys when her father was a young man in love.

      • Fiction
        March 2020

        A whole life to remember

        by Núria Pradas

        A fascinating behind-the-scenes glimpse into the world of the iconic Disney Studios, A Whole Life To Remember is a fast-paced and utterly absorbing story which captures a beloved bygone era with acuity, wisdom, and heart. A Whole Life to Remember is the story of Sophie Simmons, a talented young girl from New York, who travels to Los Angeles in the 1930s to become a cartoonist. The story follows Sophie in her way to achieve her dream in a world of men at the golden beginnings of the Disney Studios. Love, friendship, tragedy and glamour are all the ingredients of this fascinating novel that will transport you to the backstage of the big first Disney cartoon productions, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs or Dumbo accompanied by a heroine who will stay with you for a long time.

      • Fiction
        February 2020

        Sea of stars

        by Laia Aguilar

        Winner of the 2020 Josep Pla Prize.  A group of friends. A house in front of the sea. A sea of stars and an unresolved past.  A group of friends meet five years after a tragic accident in a house in Cap de Creus, an idyllic seaside enclave, with the excuse of seeing a sea of stars.They enjoy the reunion and share secrets, but jealousies also flourish, and an old love story and still-smoldering sentiments unearth an issue from the past that remains unresolved.None of them can imagine how the night will end. A night that has one more surprise in store.“She couldn’t say if it was because Nis had asked her or because she had let herself be dragged along. But she had come. It was two weeks ago. With two suitcases and an uncertain future, following the steps of the man who had seduced her. ‘We’ll be happy there, Olivia, we’ll be good. Trust me,’ Nis had repeated into her ear.”

      • Fiction
        November 2019


        by Teresa Colom

        Blade runner, I, Robot, 2001... Science fiction has often looked at the question of what would happen if machines became human. But what would happen if the mind of a human was transplanted into a machine?In a world where humanity has had to reorganize to survive after an ecological catastrophe, it is now possible to buy immortality: all you have to do is upload the consciousness of a dead person to a computer system. Laura Verns, terminally ill, decides to purchase one of these “extended lives” before dying.Twenty years later, after her body has died, Laura’s virtual life is threatened, and she will have to look deep into her memories to see what it is that’s threatening her.

      • Crime & mystery fiction (Children's/YA)
        February 2021

        El misteri del paper de vàter volador | The Mystery of the Flying Toilet Paper

        by Anna Cabeza

        A thrilling series of adventures with humour, chases and cunning… a lot of cunning. A new adventure full of humour and nods to real life. This time in New York! This Coscorrón sisters have to travel to New York, where the International Granny Detective Conference is being held, the world’s biggest conference of its kind. The Plaza Hotel is full of celebrities: the Tiatrappo sisters from Italy, the Akí Mekedos from Japan, and even Donald Trompazo himself. Amid the hubbub there is a mystery: the hotel’s toilet paper has all disappeared without explanation. The Coscorróns, Marcel and his new friend Max follow the trail of a culprit. Who will it be?

      • Fiction
        February 2019

        Forget Atlas

        by Teresa Ibars

        Atles de l’oblit parla d’uns racons de la memòria, del paisatge i de les emocions que, com un quadre impressionista farcit de petites pinzellades, han configurat una percepció de la realitat i una manera de ser. Mitjançant un viatge que porta l’autora al cor d’un territori, el Baix Segre, i a la vida d’uns personatges, potser ja majoritàriament oblidats, en aquest llibre es fa un exercici voluntari de recordar per comprendre. Perquè quan una persona deixa de viure en un lloc i, per tant, engega un cert camí d’oblit, o veu com son pare comença a oblidar per culpa d’una malaltia que se’l menja, pot ser que aquesta persona adquireixi la clara consciència que tornar sempre resulta impossible i quan hom té aquesta certesa tan sols queda entomar qui som i on som de nou.

      • Fiction
        August 2019

        Between Beirut and You

        by Roser Miquel

        In a city and a country immersed in a permanent conflict, the Liban, Rita, Shawn, Ibraïm and some other characters as Mahmud, Mariam or old Suleiman will be involved and pulled into the heart of the conflict, gobbled down by the passional force that pulls strings in the history of this country.

      • Fiction
        February 2020

        Two Women

        by Montse Sanjuan

        Quan la Genoveva s’assabenta que el seu fill Jordi és a la presó de Lleida, viatja a la capital amb l’esperança d’abraçarlo. Allà hi viu la Natàlia que compta els dies amb la por que es compleixi la sentència de mort a què ha estat condemnat el seu fill gran, l’Emili. La Genoveva i la Natàlia es veuran arrossegades pels durs temps de la postguerra que els ha tocat viure. Dues dones amb coratge que van haver de seguir endavant mentre la realitat que havien conegut es desplomava al seu voltant. Montse Sanjuan, autora de les novel·les policíaques de l’Anna Grimm, ens presenta en aquesta ocasió una història commovedora, plena de força i que ens descriu els límits de la condició humana.

      • Biography & True Stories
        May 2020

        Care Under Fire

        by Bill Strusinski

        For many surviving military veterans, the Vietnam War is an indelible part of their lives. That they survived is due in many cases to the heroic, life-saving actions of combat medics like Bill "Doc" Strusinski. Being a frontline medic was, and still is, one of the most dangerous jobs in the Army. Medics were targeted by the enemy and often called upon to aid fallen soldiers in the line of fire. In Strusinski's riveting book, Care Under Fire, Strusinski thrusts the reader squarely into moments of terror during firefights, the exhaustion of endless patrols, the anguish of losing buddies despite best efforts to save them, and the intimate bonds created during times of desperate need. This is a book about war, yes, but even more about how one man was transformed by his "sacred duty" to offer care under fire to the young soldiers he fought beside.

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