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      • MidnightSun Publishing

        MidnightSun Publishing has grown out of a disenchantment with the established publishing houses in Australia. We know there are plenty of fabulous manuscripts about unusual topics floating around, but publishing new and unknown writers poses a big risk. MidnightSun is prepared to take that risk.   We want our readers to be entertained. We want to challenge, excite, enrage and overwhelm. Therefore, we publish books in any genre that have touched us in some way. Because we are a new publishing company, striving to become established, we expect our writers to be enthusiastic about their own work and able to promote it in the wider community.

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      • Cherche Midi Editeur / Belfond

        Hello I am in charge of foreign rights at Le Cherche midi éditeur and Belfond. Le Cherche midi is a mainstream publisher presenting literature, women's fiction, thrillers, self help, documents... with always accurate topics.  Belfond is a historical fiction publisher which has two series: Literary fiction (Belfond Pointillés) and Commercial Fiction (novels and thrillers).  I would be pleased to introduce our Fall rights list with you. :)

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      • Trusted Partner

        Wait, But Do It Right!

        A Practical Handbook on Managing Waiting Patients

        by German Quernheim

        How do patients experience waiting, what consequences does it have for them, and how can healthcare professionals help waiting and bored patients? This handbook describes how healthcare professionals can treat waiting patients professionally. It focuses on waiting situations in hospitals with outpatient care,  emergency admission, and inpatient care, as well as in medical practices and therapists’ offices. The author clearly demonstrates to hospital managers and practice owners the existential importance of trained staff in achieving high-quality outcomes.   Target Group: Nurses, midwives, medical professionals, doctors, therapists, medical assistants, pharmaceutical assistants, radiology technicians

      • Trusted Partner

        Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation

        Guidelines for physicians and pharmacists

        by Prof. Dr. Klaus Friese, Prof. Dr. Klaus Mörike Prof. Dr. Gerd Neumann and Dr. Wolfgang E. Paulus

        The risks in connection with the unborn child and infant when prescribing and dispensing medicinal products are adequately known. However, a sound knowledge of safety issues and precise recommendations – rather than the blanket forgoing of medicinal treatment – is crucial for providing expert, professional advice. To meet this special responsibility, a reliable source of information is essential. The now ninth edition of this standard reference work provides the necessary professional knowledge not only for all physicians and pharmacists who wish to support their pregnant and breast-feeding patients through competent advice, but also for midwives: - Information about embryonal development and developmental disorders - Well over 1000 drug substances with all important medicinal products, assessed individually - Classification according to FDA and ADEC - Differentiated risk assessment, based on current literature - Personal recommendations of the experienced and well-known team of authors from the realms of gynaecology, paediatric medicine and clinical pharmacology. The new edition contains many new assessments from current studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2023

        Born Hutsi

        by Fiston Mudacumura

        The author was raised in a family of only survivors from the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis. Even FARG (A survivors fund) allegedly paid for his school fees for some time. Through FARG reform, he learned that his father had associated with perpetrators even if he was also killed in 1994. Digesting that information as a teenager was not easy. In this book, you read about his other close-to-normal upbringing like infatuation, sex advice from fellow teenagers, getting conned in Paris and arrested on his first trip to France, his take from the "Ndi umunyarwanda" campaign, #PK saving him from getting expelled at the university, joining a political party at the university,...

      • Aquatic Exercise for Pregnancy: A resource book for midwives and health and fitness professionals

        by Susan Baines

        Aimed at midwives and health and fitness professionals, this practical, illustrated resource book covers every aspect of one of the most beneficial forms of exercise for pregnant mothers. Aquanatal exercise combines the therapeutic properties of warm water with suitably chosen music, to create a unique method of exercising. Unlike dry land exercise, which tends to work specific parts of the body, aquanatal exercise gently works the whole body. Written by two specialist coaches for the Register of Exercise Professionals (UK), who have developed the UK’s first level3 Pregnancy Aquatics, Nutrition and Health module at the University of Salford, this book is the culmination of over ten years’ passionate interest and work in the field of aquanatal exercise. Contents include: Water generally – aquanatal specifically The anatomy of movement and the main muscles Pool safety – risk assessment and management Getting the best out of your classes Aquanatal choreography Practical tips for more fun and interesting classes Contraindicated aquanatal exercises The pelvic floor and aquanatal exercise Ethical considerations Public health, physical activity and aquanatal exercise Aquanatal exercise and parent education Nutrition during pregnancy and for physical exercise The law and aquanatal exercise Voice care for the aquanatal exercise coach Marketing within the NHS Sample screening and risk assessment forms Sample sessions plans and client information sheets

      • Managing Intimacy and Emotions in Advanced Fertility Care: the future of nursing and midwifery roles

        by Helen Allan

        This book is intended for nurses and midwives who work in Assisted Reproduction clinics and those who either work in, or have an interest in women’s health. The number of IVF births is increasing steadily as a percentage of all births and therefore infertility may be said to be increasingly influential in women’s health nursing and midwifery. The sense of connectedness which women caring for women express and as the data in this book show, women patients feel that there is something special about being cared for by female nurses and midwives. The emotions raised in clinical practice for nurses and midwives from caring for women need attention and discussion and this book is intended to contribute to a greater awareness of emotions in clinical practice even in a busy NHS. Indeed, paying attention to emotions when you are busy may help you understand and deal with the business. This book is intended for practicing nurses and midwives and therefore each chapter ends with a reflection from the author on the implications of the data for practice and an opportunity for the reader to reflect on their practice too. Contents include: A theoretical overview of caring and emotions The experience of infertility The nature of caring and managing emotions in fertility nursing Managing emotions and the body in fertility nursing: chaperoning brought up to date Experiences of infertility: liminality and the role of the Assisted Reproduction clinics Managing intimacy in fertility nursing The nature of advanced fertility nursing roles: why do nurses undertake them?

      • November 2020

        The Weleda Baby Book

        by Kein Autor oder Urheber

        Knowledge and advice from midwives and experts Ensuring babies’ safety and security during the first months of life Our lives begin in a natural envelope – in our mother’s womb, where we can begin to grow in a safe, secure environment. Following birth, newborns, too, need a similarly secure, protective environment; warmth, touching and recurring rituals help the littlest ones to begin to make sense of their world. This book has been written to support parents and to encourage them to trust their own instincts. It shows that babies need only a few things for good development – love, patience, time and care – all things parents which should already be prepared to give. Written by leading midwives and experts, and lovingly illustrated with enchanting photographs.

      • Medicine
        September 2020

        Anatomy & Physiology

        An introduction for nursing and healthcare

        by Pamela Minett, Laura Ginesi

        An accessible text which covers the essentials of anatomy and physiology required by a range of health professions.Anatomy & Physiology is the ideal introduction to the subject for student nurses, midwives, operating department practitioners, paramedics, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, trainee nursing associates, and other allied health professionals.Written in an engaging and accessible style, the book helps readers to: learn the language of anatomy and physiology by explaining new terms clearly in the text and in a comprehensive glossary understand the key anatomical structures and physiological functions appreciate what happens during disease, with boxes throughout to highlight the clinical relevance, and more detailed explanations of chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and cancer apply this knowledge in healthcare contexts Bonus online materialThe following material to accompany the book is provided free of charge online: four additional chapters to help readers extend their knowledge a variety of self-assessment questions for every chapter

      • Child welfare

        Pre-teen and Teenage Pregnancy

        A Twenty-first Century Reality

        by June L. Leishman

        Childhood and teenage pregnancy continues to pose significant social and health concerns within the UK and beyond. It is an issue that has implications for individuals across a range of professions and disciplines. This book is written for nurses, midwives, doctors, social workers and teachers, as well as students of sexual and reproductive health and welfare. It highlights some of the issues faced by sexually active young people and those who work with them. It will also be useful to general readers with a broad interest in the area, or the topic of particular chapters, which are structured to allow readers to 'dip into' topics as necessary. However we would encourage readers to read the book as a whole for a broader understanding of the issues. Contents include: The range and scope of early age sexual activity A child of our time Adolescent risk-taking in sexual behaviours Pharmacological contraceptive prescribing for young people Promoting sexual health in primary schools Leanne: A snapshot of teenage sexual experience Local initiatives: A sexual health doctor's experience The future's fine - or is it?

      • Research Issues in Health & Social Care

        by David Cowan

        This book is aimed at various health and social care practitioners including: nurses, midwives, doctors, social workers, health promotion and public health practitioners, health visitors and hospital managers, and in particular, those who are studying a multidisciplinary research course. There appears to be no single book on the topic of general research issues that is relevant to all of the above. This lack has resulted in requests from a diverse range of research students for the development of a suitable textbook. Thus, the book is intended to complement a multidisciplinary research course or indeed, any other type of research endeavour such as a dissertation. Furthermore, the book should be of general use to anybody studying health and/or social care research at undergraduate or postgraduate level. Contents include: Knowledge and uncertainty Evidence-based practice Developing a research question Quantitative research methods Analysis of quantitative data Qualitative research methods Analysis of qualitative data Combining quantitative & qualitative research Critical appraisal Research writing Research governance and ethics Conclusion

      • Medicine
        January 2005


        Anatomie - geste respiratoire

        by Blandine Calais-Germa

        There are at least a hundred ways to breathe... and even more... Why are some ways of breathing active while others are passive? How can apnea be at the same time a period of rest and one of intense activity? Breathing is an extremely diversified action. Most of the time, we are not aware of our breathing, because we are so intimate with it, and because it becomes a part of something we are doing – a body movement that entails more than breathing alone. All forms of breathing rely, in the beginning, on two fundamental mechanisms and their variants, which can differ in degree, and combine in any number of ways. This book proposes to explore breathing gestures: by describing the process, explaining the anatomic systems, and identifying the forces at play through the practice of numerous exercises. The reader will learn that there are no bad ways of breathing, that each, in its own way, is important: each will accompany our movement in certain situations, and be appropriate for achieving specific goals. Throughout the book, the reader is called upon to go against the flow and against generally accepted ideas that have been going around about breathing in body-work circles. This manual is written for all professionals who use breathing in their work. - physical therapists, midwives, psychomotor specialists, etc. - P.E. teachers, water-gym instructors, sport techniques, yoga, body consciousness, etc. - professionals in the living arts: music, singing, theatre, dance, mime, circus, etc. - teachers, journalists, lawyers, etc. - phoniatricians, speech therapists, etc. - relaxologists, sophrologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, etc.

      • Health & Personal Development
        November 2020

        The Art of Making Babies

        A Patient's Guide to In Vitro Fertilization

        by Babatunde Okewale

        There are many myths and ignorance surrounding pregnancy and infertility, Many couples are caught in this web, and are presently experiencing difficulties in getting pregnant. This book stems from the author's thirty years experience in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology, with proven records and notable mentions. In seventeen chapters, the book takes us through the processes of natural pregnancy and assisted reproductive technology, in a simple style that engages and informs the reader. This book is the solution for infertility and the perfect guide to fertility. Every individual deserves this book; it is the first handbook for every couple; and it should be found on the shelves in every home.

      • Dietetics & nutrition
        February 1992

        Nutrition During Pregnancy and Lactation

        An Implementation Guide

        by Subcommittee for a Clinical Applications Guide, Institute of Medicine

        Authorities agree that nutritional care for pregnant, about-to-be pregnant, and nursing women can prevent health problems that are costly in terms of both dollars and quality of life. Yet many women still receive little guidance regarding maternal nutrition. Now, health care professionals can turn to a handy, practical guide for help in smoothly integrating maternal nutritional care into their practices. Nutrition During Pregnancy and Lactation provides physicians, nurses, primary care providers, and midwives with a ready-made, step-by-step program for helping new mothers. The guide--based on the two most authoritative volumes available on the topic, both from the Institute of Medicine--Nutrition During Pregnancy (1990) and Nutrition During Lactation (1991)--makes the findings and recommendations detailed in these books readily accessible for daily use. In keeping with recommendations by the U.S. Surgeon General, the guide promotes breastfeeding and includes practical information for mothers on how to breastfeed. Providing background details, resource lists, and a "toolbox" of materials, this implementation guide makes nutritional care simple and straightforward. Part I walks the health care professional through the process of providing nutritional advice for new mothers--from the prepregnancy questionnaire to the final postpartum visit. It includes helpful tools such as weight charts and checklists to follow during each patient visit. It also offers suggestions on encouraging nutritional eating habits and helping patients with problems such as nausea and nursing twins. Part II offers a wide range of practical information and guidelines on important topics, such as serving culturally diverse populations, making dietary assessments throughout pregnancy and lactation, and providing dietary advice in understandable, day-to-day terms. The guide explains how to determine if patients need vitamin-mineral supplements and what regimens to recommend. And, it includes information on referring patients to federal food and nutrition programs. The guide is tabbed for quick reference and each page is designed for the reader to find information easily.

      • Medical
        January 2014

        Clinical Examination Skills for Healthcare Professionals

        by Editors: Mark Ranson, Hannah Abbott, Wendy Braithwaite

        Today, an increasing number of healthcare professionals (including nurses, midwives and members of many allied professions) have to conduct the vital first stage in a patient’s journey – taking a clinical history and conducting an effective physical examination. This book offers clear, practical guidance on the fundamentals of clinical examination for any practitioner who wishes to understand their patient’s specific needs and to plan appropriate care.Recognising that readers will come from a diverse range of clinical backgrounds and roles, the opening chapter (on consultation and the skills needed to take an accurate clinical history) underpins the systems-based approach. This, combined with the use of case study examples, allows healthcare professionals to focus on the principles of examining the system or systems that are most relevant to their specific area of practice. The book also includes a helpful glossary and list of abbreviations. The authors come from the same diverse range of professions for whom the book has been written, and their wealth of knowledge and experience enables them to understand the challenges facing today’s healthcare professionals. Contents include:Consultation and clinical history-taking skillsRespiratory assessmentCardiovascular assessmentGastrointestinal assessmentNeurological assessmentGenitourinary assessmentMusculoskeletal assessmentObstetric assessmentMental health assessmentPerioperative assessment EDITED BY: Mark Ranson (Editor) MA, FHEA, PGCIHE, BSc (Hons), Specialist Practitioner (NMC), DipHE, RGN; Senior Lecturer (Acute and Critical Care), University Campus SuffolkHannah Abbott (Editor), MSc (Science)(Open), PGCE, QTLS Status, BSc (Hons), RODP, FCODP; Head of Department (ODP & Paramedic Science), Birmingham City UniversityWendy Braithwaite (Editor), MEd, PGCE, BSc (Hons), Dip HE, RGN; Senior Lecturer (Acute and Critical Care), University Campus Suffolk

      • Fiction

        Looking To The Future

        # 11 in the Bregdan Chronicles Historical Fiction Romance Series

        by Ginny Dye

        Looking To The Future is the 11th book in the Best-Selling Bregdan Chronicles historical fiction series. Make sure you start reading with # 1 – Storm Clouds Rolling In. It's readers like you who have turned the series into a world-wide best-seller. Thank you!Book Description:  How will America, and the characters you have come to love, continue to heal from the backlash of the Civil War?Carrie travels to Philadelphia to fulfill a promise, but is stunned by what she discovers, and is thrown into a world she knows nothing about.Moses and Rose are moving forward in college, but will Moses make a different decision? How will Felicia handle the challenges?Jeremy and Marietta receive the surprise of their life, forcing them to make a decision they hoped they would not have to make.Matthew and Janie welcome a new child at the same time Matthew deals with great turmoil.When everyone really just wants a simple, clear future, each person finds they have to make the choice every single day to Look To The Future.Volume # 11 of the Bregdan Chronicles continues the sweeping historical saga that now encompasses the fourth year of American Reconstruction. How many books will be in the Bregdan Chronicles? No one knows yet… Ginny intends to write these character's stories, one year at a time, for as long as she is able to write. She is passionate about bringing history to life through historical fiction. Since she is amazingly healthy, that could be for a very long time! She doesn’t like stories to end any more than you do. This one won't end for a very long time! Review: Happy, sad & impatient (waiting for the next book)! History you've never been taught brought forward. I've learned a lot of history from all of Ginny's books (thank you so much for sharing). It's hard to believe these people are fictional. The story continues on in each book, a page turner you'll be reluctant to put down until you've finished reading the entire book. Less than 24 hrs since its' release and I've finished the book. Time to start rereading the entire set again. If you haven't read any of these books you've missed out big time. My suggestion would be just try the first book. If you're not hooked by the first chapter try one more. These books have grabbed my heart & soul from the beginning page right until the last word.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        The Living Wetsuit

        Fascia: The Body's Fabric of Life

        by Sue Adstrum PhD

        Imagine this wetsuit alive, dynamic, infused with an energy – a spirit – that disappears when we die. This wetsuit, The Living Wetsuit, is a simple analogy that helps explain and demystify fascia, the main connective tissue in our body. Understanding fascia is the key to understanding our own bodies and health, giving us a powerful tool to improve the ways we look after, treat, and heal ourselves. In the Living Wetsuit, Sue Adstrum traces the fascinating history of anatomy, explaining how and why our understanding of the human body – particularly fascia – has evolved over time. Exploring the crucial role fascia plays in our body, the book explains how it becomes damaged or hurt over time, and the practical solutions we can use to fix and care for our fascia. A unique, engaging analysis on the intersections of historic, cultural, and medical knowledge, The Living Wetsuit is an essential read for anyone who has a body. CONTENTS Include:1 – Anatomy Matters2 – Anatomies3 – Anatomised Bodies4 – Fascia5 – Fascial Anatomy6 – The Living Wetsuit7 – The Body’s Fabric of Life8 – When Things Start to Go Wrong with the Living Wetsuit9 – Healing the Living Wetsuit10 – The Living Wetsuit in the 21st Century

      • Trusted Partner


        A Family Odyssey Through India and Nepal

        by Dena Moes

        Dena Moes, her husband, and their preteen daughters shouldered backpacks and walked away from their American life to criss-cross India and Nepal for eight months. Their journey led them to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the tree where the Buddha sat, and Amma the Divine Mother. From the banks of the Ganges to the Himalayan roof of the world, this enthralling memoir is an unforgettable odyssey, a moving meditation on motherhood and marriage, and a spiritual quest, written with humor and honesty—and filled with love and awe.

      • True crime

        King Hui

        The Man Who Owned All the Opium in Hong Kong

        by Jonathan Chamberlain

        Scandal and corruption, drugs and pirates, triads and flower boats; the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong and the Communist takeover of Canton. Peter Hui was there. He knew everybody and saw everything. This is the real story of Hong Kong, told with the rich flavours of the street. If Peter had been only a little bit different he could have been an important man. But this is a riches to rags to riches to rags story. As we follow Peter’s life – his ups, his downs – we see in sharp focus what it was like to be a Chinese man in the British territory of Hong Kong through most of the years of the 20th century. And yet this book is not just one man’s tale. It is the story of a time and place – colonial Hong Kong, Portuguese Macau and the South China hinterland – seen from the unique point of view of a man who was at home at all levels of society. This is the bizarre story of a man who really did, for a very short time, once own all the opium in Hong Kong. If Suzie Wong had been a real person, Peter Hui would have known her.

      • Fiction

        Kronosova žetev/The Harvest of Chronos

        by Mojca Kumerdej

        The Harvest of Chronos looks at Central Europe, the Inner Austrian lands, modern-day Slovenian territory, an area plagued by ceaseless battles for supremacy between the Protestant political elite and the ruling Catholic Habsburg Monarchy. The battles for supremacy are fought among the rulers and between the rulers and the people. In this epic saga, history and fiction intertwine in wavelike fashion, producing a colourful portrait of the Renaissance, permeated by humanist attempts to resurrect antiquity through art, new scientific findings, and spirited philosophical and theological debates. This was a time of intrigues, accusations of heresy, political betrayal and burnings at the stake, an age that produced executioners, scapegoats brought to the sacrificial altar in the name of God, the sovereign or the common good, and extraordinary individuals who were prepared to oppose the dominant beliefs of the masses and dared to believe in a new order.In a language that is deliciously rich and slightly elevated, at times deliberately archaic but always cheerfully contemporary and imbued with humour, the novel tackles superstition, false beliefs and selective memory as well as the questions of God, of being and of nothingness.

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