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        Children's & YA

        Pastoral Song

        by Dong Hongyou

        This book tells the story of a youth choir in Wuhan during the founding era of New China. The novel could be seen as a "musical novel" for citing many famous Chinese and foreign songs. Just like in Vladimir Korolenko's novel The Blind Musician, where the melodious flute sound of the old groom Joachim has been guiding the growth of the five-year-old blind child, the songs in this book that were created in different eras also play a role as the "spiritual nourishment" for the teenager Jiangnan and his partners in his childhood, leading them to grow from narrow-minded, hesitant, and fragile to broad, firm, and strong.   In this novel, apart from the fact that music forms a great part, it also has another prominent feature, which is the regional culture and folk customs of old Wuhan city. The loud and strong chanting on the pier of the Yangtze River, the mighty sound of the surging river, the melodious bells of Hankow Customs House, the vendor's hawking in the alleys of the old Hankou, as well as various customs, snacks, and dialects, all of which help create a vivid painting of local customs that presents lively daily life and the wharf culture.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2017

        Stained glass and the Victorian Gothic revival

        by Christopher Breward, Jim Cheshire, Bill Sherman

        Stained glass reached the height of its popularity in the Victorian period. But how did it become so popular and who was involved in this remarkable revival? The enthusiasm for these often exquisite pieces of artwork spread from specialist groups of antiquarians and architects to a much wider section of the Victorian public. By looking at stained glass from the perspective of both glass-painter and patron, and by considering how stained glass was priced, bought and sold, this enlightening study traces the emergence of the market for stained glass in Victorian England. Thus it contains new insights into the Gothic Revival and the relationship between architecture and the decorative arts. Beautifully illustrated with colour plates and black and white illustrations, this book will be valuable to those interested in stained glass and the wider world of Victorian art.

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        The Mystery of the Glass Ball

        by Maria Dadouch

        Ghassan Al Ghurairi had to accompany his old grandfather to the Leewy Museum in the middle of the desert. They are attending a ceremony honoring his grandfather, who spent his entire life in service of the desert. As they head to their destination onboard an ancient train, Ghassan came across a conspiracy plotted by the criminal Aqrabawi and his bald friend— disguised as two elderly women—to poison the oasis’s water supply. In place of the ecological life in the desert, they want to make way for an international resort and take over the place. Although Ghassan doesn’t mean to confront this conspiracy alone, he finds himself embroiled face-to-face with the criminals. Fortunately for him, a girl appears at his side to help. Sophia Al-Adnani from Chiparazumpia is also heading with her grandfather and his great eco-friendly invention, the glass ball, to the Leewy Museum, where her grandfather is to be honored. The two children are able to hold off the criminals initially, but not for long, as Aqrabawi and his friend soon reappear—this time deadest on revenge against the two children. Ghassan and Sophia resist in the face of intimidation and threats, and, using clever intrigue, they manage to disarm the conspirators and escape seconds before the desert guards arrive and arrest the criminals.

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        The Arts
        October 2023

        Windows for the world

        Nineteenth-century stained glass and the international exhibitions, 1851–1900

        by Jasmine Allen

        Windows for the world explores the display and reception of nineteenth-century British stained glass in a secular exhibition context. International in scope, the book focuses on the global development of stained glass in this period as showcased at, and influenced by, these exhibitions. It recognises those who made and exhibited stained glass and demonstrates the long-lasting impact of the classification and modes of display at these events. A number of exhibits are illustrated in colour and are analysed in relation to stylistic developments, techniques and material innovations, as well as the broader iconographies of nation and empire in the nineteenth century.

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        Historical fiction


        by Susanne Popp

        Between self-realisation and love: the story of the woman behind the famous champagne brand Veuve Clicquot.   The French champagne city Reims in 1805: despite resistance from her family, young widow Barbe-Nicole Clicquot takes over the champagne and wine production from her late husband - and turns out to be a talented winemaker. But it is the time of the Napoleonic Wars and business is not going well. Supported by her employee Louis Bohne and the German accountant Christian Kessler, Barbe-Nicole nevertheless manages to get her company started, develops a new production process and thus gives champagne its seductive tingle. Enchanted by her esprit, both men develop feelings for her - but it is only as a widow that Barbe-Nicole can run the company under her name ...

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2022

        Ice humanities

        by Klaus Dodds, Sverker Sörlin

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        by Emma-Jane Cross

        In Walking the Wheel of the Year holistic life coach, spiritual guide and pagan priestess Emma-Jane Cross supports you to create your own spiritual and personal growth path using nature’s seasonal rhythm as the catalyst for personal and spiritual growth.An inspirational tool to start living a lifestyle connected to nature’s rhythm, this book can be used as a year-long workbook to carry out various seasonal activities, journeys and ceremonies throughout the year.

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        Children's & YA

        The Chalk Giraffe

        by Kirsty Paxton

        What if your drawings magically came to life, only to prove rather demanding art critics? Oh, the hassle! In The Chalk Giraffe we follow an artistic child who finds herself drawing a giraffe with chalk… but she is surprised when her creation comes alive and demands changes to his surrounding landscape. What follows is a quirky and humorous tale of creativity and perspective, with the beautiful African landscape as a backdrop to this new and unlikely friendship.

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        Shattered Crystal

        by Baruch Cohen

        A riveting historical novel about a Berlin family during World War II, whose members struggle to come to terms with conflicting parts of their identities. Widower Franz Kerner and his three grown children live their lives as loyal German citizens. With the Third Reich’s rise to power and subsequent war, they do their best for their beloved country, during those tumultuous times. Karl, the eldest, enlists in the Luftwaffe and becomes a pilot; Elsa, the middle child, works at a government office; and Helmut, the youngest, joins the infantry. But Franz harbors a deep secret, one that defines the Kerners’ identity. When he finally reveals the secret, their worlds are deeply shaken. Illustrating the characters’ inner struggles against the backdrop of the raging war, the author vividly recounts this intricate tale. The historical aspects in the novel are based on largescale, comprehensive research, and serve to shed light on major global events from a more intimate point of view, one that illustrates the repercussions of war for all of mankind. Baruch (Bobby) Cohen was born in Romania (1927) and, after previous unsuccessful attempts, immigrated to Israel in 1948 upon its establishment. The author served in the Israeli Navy, and later worked at the State Comptroller’s Office until his retirement as deputy director of inspection of Israel’s security forces. For his activities in helping the Romanian Jews between 1945-1947, Cohen was awarded the Decoration of State Warriors by the Israel Ministry of Defense. Shattered Crystal is Cohen’s second book. His first, The Decade of Tears, recounts the story of three young Jews in the newly-born State of Israel in the decade following WWII. An English-language North-American edition was published in early 2021 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA. 242 Pages, 15X22.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2017

        The Secret of La Rosa

        by Donald Willerton

        It was just a short cross-country ski outing over the Christmas break for Mogi Franklin and his sister, Jennifer–until they find themselves suddenly caught in a vicious blizzard. Near collapse, they ski into a mysterious valley with an ancient hacienda, a busy Spanish family, and a village with no electricity, no plumbing, no cars, no phones, and definitely no Walmart.A vacation that began a few days earlier helping his Granddad clean and decorate for a huge family celebration had now become a mind-boggling mystery. And young Mogi's anguish trying to come to terms with his grandmother's death from cancer the previous Christmas turns to fear and danger when he is accused of stealing a religious icon the town prizes above all others–and which holds the key to solving an ancient legend of missing Spanish gold.It's the latest book of the exciting Mogi Franklin Mysteries–shadowy figures, secret societies, a town like no other. Is this all reality or illusion? Mogi must find the answers, even as he struggles with the memory of his grandmother's death and the mysteries of faith it brought him which he now must answer as well.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2023

        Spectacles and the Victorians

        Measuring, defining and shaping visual capacity

        by Gemma Almond-Brown

        This is the first full-length study of spectacles in the Victorian period. It examines how the Victorians shaped our understanding of functional visual capacity and the concept of 20:20 vision. Demonstrating how this unique assistive device can connect the histories of medicine, technology and disability, it charts how technology has influenced our understanding of sensory perception, both through the diagnostic methods used to measure visual impairment and the utility of spectacles to ameliorate its effects. Taking a material culture approach, the book assesses how the design of spectacles thwarted ophthalmologists' attempts to medicalise their distribution and use, as well as creating a mainstream marketable device on the high street.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        The elementary structuring of patriarchy

        Bolivian women and transborder mobilities in the Andes

        by Menara Guizardi

        Based on an ethnographic study on the Andean Tri-border (between Chile, Peru, and Bolivia), this volume addresses the experience of Aymara cross-border women from Bolivia employed in the rural valleys on the outskirts of Arica (Chile's northernmost city). As protagonists of transborder mobility circuits, these women are intersectionally impacted by different forms of social vulnerability. With a feminist anthropological perspective, the book investigates how the boundaries of gender are constructed in the (multi)situated experience of these transborder women. By building a bridge between classical anthropological studies on kinship and contemporary debates on transnational and transborder mobility, the book invites us to rethink structuralist theoretical assertions on the elementary character of family alliances.

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        Shattered Crystal: Ein historischer Roman

        by Baruch Cohen

        Ein spannender historischer Roman über eine Berliner Familie während des Zweiten Weltkriegs, deren Mitglieder sich mit widersprüchlichen Teilen ihrer Identität auseinandersetzen müssen.   Witwer Franz Kerner und seine drei erwachsenen Kinder leben ihr Leben als treue deutsche Staatsbürger. Mit der Machtergreifung des Dritten Reiches und dem anschließenden Krieg geben sie in diesen bewegten Zeiten ihr Bestes für ihr geliebtes Land. Karl, der Älteste, tritt in die Luftwaffe ein und wird Pilot. Elsa, das mittlere Kind, arbeitet in einem Regierungsbüro, und Helmut, der jüngste, schließt sich der Infanterie an.   Aber Franz birgt ein tiefes Geheimnis, das die Identität der Kerners definiert. Als er endlich das Geheimnis preisgibt, sind ihre Welten tief erschüttert.   Der Autor illustriert die inneren Kämpfe der Charaktere vor dem Hintergrund des tobenden Krieges und erzählt anschaulich diese komplizierte Geschichte. Die historischen Aspekte des Romans basieren auf umfangreichen Recherchen und dienen dazu, wichtige globale Ereignisse aus einer intimeren Perspektive zu beleuchten. So werden die Auswirkungen des Krieges auf die gesamte Menschheit veranschaulicht.   Baruch (Bobby) Cohen wurde in Rumänien (1927) geboren und wanderte nach früheren erfolglosen Versuchen nach seiner Gründung 1948 nach Israel aus.   Der Autor diente in der israelischen Marine und arbeitete später bis zu seiner Pensionierung als stellvertretender Inspektionsdirektor der israelischen Sicherheitskräfte im Büro des State Comptroller.   Für seine Aktivitäten zur Unterstützung der rumänischen Juden zwischen 1945 und 1947 wurde Baruch Cohen vom israelischen Verteidigungsministerium mit der Auszeichnung als Staatskrieger ausgezeichnet.   Shattered Crystal ist Cohens zweites Buch. Sein erstes, Das Jahrzehnt der Tränen, erzählt die Geschichte von drei jungen Juden im neugeborenen Staat Israel im Jahrzehnt nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2019

        Painted glasses

        by Andrii Sodomora

        The poetic collection "Painted glasses", which is not only for children but also for parents, is about the world around us. About the world, as it is, if we look at it with the eyes of a child, but through the glasses of all that we have seen, have heard, have read, and everything that we have experienced through all the years of literature work.

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        Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        No Entry to the Performance Hall after the Third Bell. Short stories

        by Oksana Zabuzhko

        This collection includes the best short prose by the most successful Ukrainian female author. The reader will find here both recognized masterpieces that have been translated into many languages and sperformed on numerous European stages ("Alien", "Girls", "The Tale of the Guelder Rose Flute"), and little-known youthful attempts in various prose genres. The book concludes with a recently written story, which sums up the history of an entire generation, the "deferred war generation", through the drama of the misunderstanding between a mother and her daughter.

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        Picture storybooks
        October 2022

        My Brother's Squiggle

        by Paxton, Kirsty / Lötter, Megan

        From the same talents that brought you The Chalk Giraffe comes a new adventure, My Brother's Squiggle. What if your drawings magically came to life, only to prove rather demanding art critics? Oh, the hassle! One morning, a little boy with a big imagination draws a tiger. He’s just certain it’s a fearsome tiger! But his sister has doubts… it looks just like a line and a squiggle! As their debate takes off, suddenly the two siblings are thrown into a colourful world where make-believe and reality find a meeting place, and a tiger, a T-Rex and a family of giraffes become their teammates to figure it all out. Dive into this tale of creativity and perspective/empathy, this story knits each child's unique creativity into the universal theme of complex and growing sibling relationships.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2019

        The King of Trash

        by Donald Willerton

        The plague of homelessness runs through it like a pulsing vein. There is murder―and bodies galore. There is unhesitating genocide. There is an escape from certain death that will haunt you.And yet The King of Trash is a story of tenderness, of ethical struggle, and of deeply bonded humanity.In his latest novel―and his first to move beyond the highly successful Mogi Franklin middle-reader mysteries―author Don Willerton intertwines modern-day themes of transcendent importance through a unique and intriguing tale of mystery, adventure, and courage.Early readers have sometimes had nightmares, but yet The King of Trash is ultimately redeemed by its heart. It begins with a newspaper reporter setting out to interview a former school mate who's now become one of the world greatest scientists―and one of its richest men. Before long, though, we are enmeshed in a web of awful and expedient “facts” building to a twenty-first-century morality tale in which no one can escape the hard and bitter decisions of the “real” world. And yet at the end, we learn, is the one central truth, the only remnant left to sustain Willerton's fascinating and vivid characters―and all the rest of us alive on Earth as well.

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