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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020

        In the shadow of Enoch Powell

        Race, locality and resistance

        by Shirin Hirsch, John Solomos

        Fifty years ago Enoch Powell made national headlines with his 'Rivers of Blood' speech, warning of an immigrant invasion in the once respectable streets of Wolverhampton. This local fixation brought the Black Country town into the national spotlight, yet Powell's unstable relationship with Wolverhampton has since been overlooked. Drawing from interviews and archival material, this book offers a rich local history through which to investigate the speech, bringing to life the racialised dynamics of space during a critical moment in British history. What was going on beneath the surface in Wolverhampton and how did Powell's constituents respond to this dramatic moment? The research traces the ways in which Powell's words reinvented the town and uncovers highly contested local responses. While Powell left Wolverhampton in 1974, the book returns to the city to explore the collective memories of the speech which continue to reverberate. In a contemporary period of new crisis and national divisions, revisiting the shadow of Powell allows us to reflect on racism and resistance from 1968 to today.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2011



        by Elias Khoury, Leila Chammaa

        So wie für Lawrence Durrell das alte Alexandria die Hauptstadt der Erinnerung war, ist für Elias Khoury das wiederaufgebaute Beirut die Hauptstadt der Amnesie. Yalo, der aus einer christlich-syrianischen Familie stammt, wächst in Beirut auf. Jung gerät er in eine der Milizen des Krieges. Nach dessen Ende wird er Wächter eines Waffenhändlers. In den Hügeln außerhalb Beiruts überfällt er nächtens Liebespaare, raubt und vergewaltigt – und verliebt sich in eines seiner Opfer, Shirin. Sie zeigt ihn an. Er wird festgenommen und gefoltert. Man zwingt ihn, sein Leben aufzuschreiben, immer neu, denn nie sind die Folterer zufrieden – selbst wenn er zugibt und ausmalt, was er gar nicht getan hat. So gerät Yalo außer sich. Im Schmerz trennt er sich von seinem Körper und erfindet sich im Geist. Mit jeder neuen Fassung verändert sich die Beschreibung, sie reichert sich an, sie franst aus, verschmutzt, färbt sich, oszilliert, sie nimmt ein Sprach- und Eigenleben an: Yalo – ein libanesisches Leben in Zeiten des Kriegs und Nachkriegs. Elias Khourys sprachmächtiger Roman erzeugt – mitreißend und erkenntnisstiftend zugleich – einen Taumel.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2022

        Frauen 70+ Cool. Rebellisch. Weise.

        Von Nancy Pelosi über Helen Mirren bis Élisabeth Badinter. Mit einem Vorwort von Iris Berben | Mit zahlreichen Fotografien

        by Rita Kohlmaier, Iris Berben

        »70 and female is the new cool«, schrieb jüngst die New York Times über diese großartige Generation der Frauen 70+. Frauen, die sich mit Energie und Kraft Gehör verschaffen und durch ihre Haltung inspirieren: Sie sind längst in der zweiten Lebenshälfte angekommen – und aufrecht, ehrgeizig, willensstark. Sie sind entschieden in ihrer Haltung wie die Richterin Ruth Bader Ginsburg, sie sind Kämpferinnen wie Erika Pluhar und Tina Turner, und für sie alle ist »unbequem« zu sein ein Kompliment. Viele der Frauen sind Kult, sie sind Wegbereiterinnen und immer Vorbilder. Frauen, die wissen, wer sie sind, was sie geleistet haben und morgen noch bewegen können. Frauen, die cool, rebellisch und klug oder manchmal auch »schräg« sind, die ihren eigenen Kopf haben. Sie alle sind Frauen, die uns viel zu sagen haben. Mit Juliette Gréco, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Jane Fonda, Charlotte Knobloch, Letizia Battaglia, Erika Pluhar, Herlinde Koelbl, Margaret Atwood, Tina Turner, Vivienne Westwood, Nancy Pelosi, Annie Ernaux, Élisabeth Badinter, Elfie Semotan, Alice Nkom, Marina Abramović, Helen Mirren, Carla Del Ponte, Shirin Ebadi, Marianne Birthler.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2024

        The ethics of researching the far right

        Critical approaches and reflections

        by Antonia Vaughan, Joan Braune, Meghan Tinsley, Aurelien Mondon

        At a time when far, radical, and extreme-right politics are becoming increasingly mainstream globally - sometimes with deadly consequences - research in these fields is essential to understand the most effective ways to combat these dangerous ideologies. Yet engaging with texts and movements that do physical and verbal violence raises a number of urgent ethical issues. Until recently, this has remained understudied, as scholarship on the far right rarely delves explicitly and critically into the ethics of research. This book seeks to remedy this significant gap in an otherwise extensive and growing literature. Originating from a workshop series in 2020, in which an international group of academics at various career stages shared the ethical challenges and best practices they had developed in their research, this edited collection draws together insights from these ongoing conversations, offering urgent critical reflections on key ethical issues.

      • Fiction

        Khosro va Shirin

        by Farideh Golbu

        Khosro and Shirin is one of the best known and best loved romances of ancient Iran. A love triangle between a king, Khosrow, his lover Shirin, and her lover, Farhad, a sculptor. It is a tale of love, adventure, mystery, tragedy and heroism and has been told by Nezami of Ganja, one of the greatest poets of Old Persia.

      • Fiction

        Snail Day

        by Zahra Abdi

        The story is created by two narrators. The two women who have been living next door to each other, commence a bitter and end-less story in which each stand on both sides of the story. Afsoun, in the middle of the 80s, is “the girl next door" whom Khorso is in love with. In hesitation of letting himself to lose his heart to Afsoun, or leaving to go to the battlefield, he chooses the harder. He is missing after 11 days of being sent to the front-end.   The other side of the narration is left to Shirin, Khosro’s sister. Afsoun describes the sudden absence of Khosro, and Shirin, who observed the formation of a half-done love story, recounts this painful loss from her own perspective. The novel is not limited to the 80s and reflects Tehran today, and except for limited situations, it doesn’t travel to the past. The whole story is not grounded on an "absence". Khosro is absent, and this absence has brought about two new women from his beloved sister and his love. Women who, while maintaining their vulnerabilities and their pains, still thrive to answer their unanswered questions. Although SNAIL DAY is caused by the absence of Khosro, it is not the story of Khosro.   The third important woman in the story is Khosro’s mother. She aims to takes Shirin’s life under her control, similar to what she had been doing to Khosro’s life. She represents the dominant social behavior; she intrudes into the most personal matters of her children, and tires to oversee those matters. She represents the dominant ideology of the society (today and in the past). She has such a long and dominant presence whereby Shirin is obliged to shelter, not only in a fictitious love but in an imaginary life on the internet, out of sight of the ruling power.   Shirin, through the internet, is in a relationship with a young man, a randomly taped movie salesclerk, who sees her, in the real world, only every couple of days. As the wall between Afsoun and Khosro in the 80s, there is now an iron curtain between the two souls which works similarly.   The tick wall in the past, the present love in an unreal world, a mother who restlessly aims to control her grown-up children are all the fundamental metaphors of the story. The story also hints at a psychological melodrama. We can not believe that the absence of Khosro, if caused by any other reason, would have had a similar effect on Afsoun and Shirin.   Hence, SNAIL DAY doesn’t ignore the source of the psychological effect on the two main narrators; even though the story doesn’t spend even half of the focus on the reason of the “absence”, but still doesn’t ignore it.   SNAIL DAY is and isn’t the narration of a passionate love story. This state of suspense is accompanied by the uncertainty of the two main characters of the story. SNAIL DAY has certain questions – similar to those of Afsoun, Shirin, and Kosro – that it hasn’t found an answer to.

      • August 2018


        Eine Familiensaga

        by Constanze Schütt

        Paris 2016: Das Leben der jungen Claire befindet sich gerade durch tragische Ereignisse im Umbruch, als sie ein altes, verblassendes Foto von einer schönen, aber unbekannten, Frau entdeckt. Claire baut eine unerklärlich tiefe Bindung zu der Schweigenden auf Papier auf.Die Suche nach der Unbekannten führt die Protagonistin ins Schottland der 50er Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts. Von diesem Moment an wird die Vergangenheit die Gegenwart der jungen Claire nicht mehr loslassen und alles Dagewesene infrage stellen. Langsam – nur ganz langsam – offenbart sich ein düsteres Geheimnis: Ein lang zurückliegendes Verbrechen, dessen Augen noch immer über der Gegenwart wachen.

      • Children's & YA

        Heroes Atlas

        by Miralda Colombo

        One hundred and one inspiring stories of the notable men and women who shaped the world with their ideas, their genius, their creativity or courage. From super scientists to clued-up creatives, from writers to dreamers, these profiles explore the life of each personality in detail, with gorgeous illustrations. This educational book includes worldwide famous figures, as well as lesser-known personalities, but all very inspiring for children.

      • Botany & plant sciences
        June 2020

        Plant Health Management

        by Gireesh Chand

        The book carries documents contributed by faculty members from all across the country on emerging disease threat, design effective management strategies through various conventional and modern approaches. The chapters in the book provide a current and detailed account of biotic and abiotic constraints that affect the crops, with comprehensive coverage of occurrence, distribution, economic importance, symptoms of biotic and abiotic constraints, disease cycle, epidemiology and sustainable disease management strategies.

      • Biography & True Stories
        December 2020

        Amazonas con pincel

        by Victoria Combalía

        This book proposes a fascinating, clear and didactic journey through the life and work of women artists. Camille Claudel, Frida Kahlo or Dora Maar, among others, occupy the pages of this book illustrating a wide time period and their corresponding styles, from Impressionism to the 1940s of the 20th century.This work constitutes a corrected and enlarged part of Amazonas con brush, a book published in 2006. The texts seek a balance between the historical importance of the creators and the interest in their life, which sheds much light on the difficulties of being a woman and artist at the same time. For this reason, special attention has been paid to their working conditions, their success or neglect of their careers, and those who were able to encourage them or, on the contrary, silence them. They fought, like men, to express their vision of the world and renew artistic language, but in a social context far removed from equal opportunities. This book written by Victoria Combalía was in 2006 the first publication that was published in Spain focused on women artists.

      • The Arts: General Issues
        September 2017

        The Artist, The Censor, and The Nude

        A Tale of Morality and Appropriation

        by Glenn Harcourt, Pamela Joseph, Francis M. Naumann

        Thoughtful and rigorous, the book provides an excellent survey of contemporary censorship. – Publishers Weekly   This hybrid book examines the art and politics of “The Nude” in various cultural contexts, featuring books of canonical western art censored in Iran. Featuring American artist Pamela Joseph’s feminist appropriation of these images as well as Iranian and other Middle Eastern contemporary artists Aydin Aghdashloo (Iran), Boushra Almutawakel (Yemen), Ana Lily Amirpour (Great Britain/USA), Gohar Dashti (Iran), Daryoush Gharahzad (Iran), Shadi Ghadirian (Iran), Bahman Ghobadi (Iranian Kurdistan), Tanya Habjouqa (Jordan), Katayoun Karami (Iran), Hoda Katebi (USA), Simin Keramati (Iran/Canada), Mohsen Makhmalbaf (Iran/ Great Britain), Shohreh Mehran (Iran), Houman Mortazavi (Iran), Manijeh Sehhi (Iran), and Newsha Tavakolian (Iran/USA).

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