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      • Health & Personal Development
        June 2019

        The Body Shaper. Training and nutrition for women

        by Nacho Villalba

        The Body Shaper is the first book on strength training created specifically for the woman of the 21st century, who has very little time to train in the gym or can only do it at home. The Body Shaper is a revolutionary method very easy to understand and which is committed to a healthy lifestyle so that, regardless of your age, you can meet your goals. This book is about breaking down barriers and myths about strength training performed by women to achieve a shaped and toned physique. It includes both HIIT-type cardio and bodybuilding training programs to develop in the gym as well as functional circuits to train at home. In addition, it includes very simple but complete information on food and nutritional supplements according to age and has specific nutrition plans depending on each goal set. The author, Nacho Villalba, after more than 30 years of professional experience in the world of sports as a personal trainer and numerous recognitions and awards, has designed this new women's training system by launching it together with Romina Belluscio, model and television presenter. Romina Belluscio demonstrates, in the first person, the results with this new method: a molded and toned body, achieving an even more feminine physique. In short, The Body Shaper offers, in a very simple and concise way, hypertrophy and muscle toning workouts along with a meal plan to reduce body fat or gain muscle mass, as well as a greater knowledge about food and nutritional supplements. The definitive and revolutionary book for women's training. * * * The Body Shaper es el primer libro de entrenamiento de fuerza creado específicamente para la mujer del siglo XXI, que tiene muy poco tiempo para entrenar en el gimnasio o solo puede hacerlo en casa. The Body Shaper es un revolucionario método muy fácil de entender y que apuesta por un estilo de vida saludable para que, independientemente de tu edad, puedas cumplir tus objetivos. Este libro trata de derribar barreras y mitos sobre el entrenamiento de fuerza realizado por la mujer para conseguir un físico moldeado y tonificado. Incluye tanto programas de entrenamientos de musculación y ejercicio cardiovascular tipo HIIT para desarrollar en el gimnasio como circuitos funcionales para entrenar en casa. Además, incluye información muy sencilla pero completa sobre la alimentación y suplementos nutricionales según la edad y cuenta con planes de nutrición específicos dependiendo de cada objetivo marcado. El autor, Nacho Villalba, tras más de 30 años de trayectoria profesional en el mundo del deporte como entrenador personal y numerosos reconocimientos y premios, ha diseñado este nuevo sistema de entrenamiento femenino poniéndolo en marcha junto a Romina Belluscio, modelo y presentadora de televisión.Romina Belluscio demuestra, en primera persona, el resultado con este novedoso método: un cuerpo moldeado y tonificado, consiguiendo un físico aún más femenino. En definitiva, The Body Shaper ofrece, de forma muy sencilla y concisa, entrenamientos de hipertrofia y tonificación muscular junto a un plan de comidas para reducir grasa corporal o ganar masa muscular, además de un mayor conocimiento sobre la alimentación y suplementos nutricionales. El libro definitivo y revolucionario para el entrenamiento femenino.

      • September 2019

        El niño que no quiso llorar

        by Jiménez-Barbero, José Antonio

        Again facing his reflection on the mirror, and again the same idea coming to his mind, putting an end to his life. Inside his clenched fist, mum's sleeping pills, his only hope for escaping the hell esecially designed for him by his schoolmates. His little sister's love being his only reason to endure  a life of hardship, Santiago has become, after years suffering the cruellest of bullyings at school, a mere shadow of himself.   Otra vez frente al espejo, y otra vez con la misma idea, quitarse la vida. En el interior de su mano cerrada, las pastillas de dormir de mamá, su única esperanza para escapar del infierno que han fabricado para él sus propios compañeros de colegio. Sin más aliciente para seguir viviendo que el amor por su hermanita Teresa, Santiago se ha convertido, tras años de estar sufriendo acoso en su colegio, en una sombra de sí mismo. La llegada de Lucía, una niña nueva, extraña y diferente, logrará rescatarlo del universo frío e inhóspito en el que vive, y hará renacer en él la esperanza de volver a sonreír. Pero en el colegio, la persecución continúa y Nacho, su principal acosador, no ceja en su empeño de doblegar su espíritu de un forma u otra. Y Santiago, decidido a no dejarse derrotar, acabará transformándose en aquello que más odia.   The arrival of Lucia, a new classmate, different and awkward, will strike some degree of balance in his life, successfully rescuing him from the cold and barren universe he inhabits and triggering a new desire to smile again. But nothing changes at school: the bullying goes on relentlessly and Nacho, the worst bully, won't give up on his whim to break Santiago's spirit one way or the other. But Santiago, firmly determined not to be defeated, will inevitably turn into the thing he hates the most.

      • Adventure stories (Children's/YA)

        CRAZY CARS 3

        by Nacho Golfe

        We continue with the car championship by remote control more important of WORLD WORLD: THE CRAZY CUP!!! Adventure, action, friendship, family, speed and lots fun.

      • Adventure stories (Children's/YA)

        CRAZY CARS 1

        by Nacho Golfe

        Welcome to the championship of cars by control most important remote WORLD WORLD: THE CRAZY CUP!!! * 10 ORIGINAL CARS. * 10 SPECTACULAR PILOTS. * 5 EXCITING RACES. * 1 BIG CUP. Adventure, action, friendship, family, speed and lots of fun. ARE YOU GOING TO MISS IT?

      • Family & home stories (Children's/YA)


        by Nacho Golfe

        What would you be willing to do for your grandparents? Discover this adventure through time. This crazy gang of friends will travel to the Great Wall China or the mysterious Egypt to get their dream comes true: TO BE ROCK STARS! Fun, friendship, Alzheimer's and family. The story of a new superhero. The story of a grandson and his grandfather.

      • Adventure stories (Children's/YA)


        by Nacho Golfe

        This crazy gang will travel to Mexico City or Montreal to experience the OLYMPICS up close. Discover the true OLYMPIC SPIRIT! Fun, friendship, Alzheimer's and family. The story of a new superhero. The story of a grandson and his grandfather.

      • General fiction (Children's/YA)


        by Nacho Golfe

        This crazy gang will travel to the North Pole or the Mayan Empire in order to find a new friend for Captain Zheimer. A DOG ADVENTURE

      • Humorous stories (Children's/YA)

        CRAZY CARS 2

        by Nacho Golfe

        We continue with the car championship by remote control more important of WORLD WORLD: THE CRAZY CUP!!! * 10 ORIGINAL CARS. * 10 SPECTACULAR PILOTS. * 5 EXCITING RACES. * 1 BIG CUP. Adventure, action, friendship, family, speed and lots of fun. ARE YOU GOING TO MISS IT?

      • Adventure stories (Children's/YA)


        by Nacho Golfe

        This crazy gang will travel through history to save the world from the clutches of the evil Doctor Time. diversion, friendship, Alzheimer's and family. The story of a new superhero. The story of a grandson and his grandfather. The story of Captain Zheimer.

      • June 2018

        Until I can Find a Way Out

        by Hugo Salas

        A novel of fine sensitivity and elegance about relationships, sex, frustrations and love.   Fourth book by one of the most talented Argentine writers of his generation.   Karina is a forty year old university professor and mother of two kids she’s not sure she likes very much. Jeff is American and moved to Buenos Aires in the 80s. He thinks that at his age the best he can hope for is furtive encounters outside porn theatres or through the classified ads. Nacho is a model and escort approaching retirement who needs to make plans for when his body gives out. Set in the city and suburbs of Buenos Aires and Hollywood in the 70s, Hasta encontrar una salida, Hugo Salas’ third novel, is an exhilarating exploration of love, sex, relationships and all the frustrations that come with them.

      • Adventure stories (Children's/YA)
        November 2018

        Los Guardianes del Castillo

        by Nacho Golfe

        A new castle has appeared in the park. An adventure awaits you inside. It just takes a little imagination.

      • The Arts
        June 2018

        Con tinta en la boca (With ink in the mouth)

        Fotografía documental de Antonio Turok (Documentary photography by Antonio Turok)

        by Anna Susi

        Antonio Turok (1955, Mexico City), emblematic photographer of a generation, has collaborated in different media such as La Jornada, Aperture, Camera Work, Cronica, DoubleTake, Paris Match, Proceso, Stern, The Independent. He received a Guggenheim Fellowship, a grant from the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego, and a grant from the Trust for U.S.-Mexico Culture. He was awarded the Mother Jones Fund for Documentary Photography. He is the author of Imágenes de Nicaragua (Casa de las Imágenes, Mexico, 1988) and Chiapas. The End of Silence/El fin del silencio (Fundación Aperture-Ediciones Era, 1998). His presence in the various Central American uprisings of the 1980s led him to forge a sharp and profound look at the human condition, the conflict and armed movements. That is why years later the EZLN trusted him to enter the Chiapas jungle with his camera. Turok belongs to a generation of Latin Americans heir to great photographers such as Álvarez Bravo or Nacho López, of whom he was a student; Turok's generation is an active one that experienced technological and media changes in photography. That is why, historically, artistically and anthropologically, the understanding of the image from Turok's point of view is transcendental.

      • 2017

        Campfire Cooking

        by Jeff Morrison, Jean Paré and James Darcy

        Many recipes for camping including snacks, mains, sides, and desserts; make-ahead recipes; recipes for hiking and backcountry camping with limited ingredients; and recipes for the campground that are easily prepared and cooked in the outdoors. From yummy fireside nachos to campfire lasagna and from cheesy pull-apart garlic bread to Dutch Oven cobbles and a new variation on the camping favourite—S'mores!To learn more about this publisher, click here:

      • Adventure stories (Children's/YA)
        November 2018


        by NACHO GOLFE

        What would you be willing to do for your grandparents? Discover this adventure through the ages. This crazy gang of friends will fight with dinosaurs, gladiators and above all, against ALZHEIMER. Fun, friendship, imagination and family. The story of a new Superhero. The story of a grandson and his grandfather.

      • Fiction

        Learning to Talk to Plants

        by Marta Orriols

        “Aprendre a parlar amb les plantes” (Learning to Talk to Plants)by Marta Orriols – Debut novel (Literary/Upmarket) Original publisher/language: Ed. del Periscopi (Catalan, 2018)  Rights sold: Lumen (Spanish), Seuil (French), Ponte alle Grazie (Italian), DTV (German), Hakursa/9Lives (Hebrew), Prometheus (Dutch), Sonia Draga (Polish), Dom Quixote (Portuguese, excl Brazil), Pushkin Press (World English), United Sky (Simplified Chinese), Kastaniotis (Greece).   Paula, the narrator and main character, is 40 years old, she’s a neonatologist and she is alive. But her life-long boyfriend Mauro suddenly died in an accident. In the first pages of the novel, we are astonished by the intensity and the precision with which the narrator tells about losing a partner all of a sudden and how, before the accident, death was something so far away from them.    But after a few pages, when we feel we are reading a very good novel about mourning a loved one, a very unexpected revelation comes to light: Only a few hours before he dies, Mauro tells Paula that he is in love with another woman and that their relationship has come to an end. It is at this point when the novel becomes something new, original, powerful and different.   This unexpected death and the previous revelation leave Paula astonished and completely lost. The reader will witness how she walks a path that will confront her with her feelings of rage, fear, desire, grieve and the need to survive and reconstruct herself.   Deeply moving and surprising, Learning to Talk to Plants is a delicate and intimate novel written from the point of view of a woman who needs to come to terms with a life she can no longer recognize.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2020

        English with Fun - Letters and Sounds Activity Book 2

        by Fahed Al Hussaini

        English with Fun is a course for children between 3-5 years old and learning English for the first time.  The course develops the handwriting skills, letter and sound recognition, letter formation as well as simple sentence formation. It offers children opportunities to learn a wide range of lexical items and essential Sight Words. The course also includes a wide range of highly motivating activities that are based on fun, games, interaction and 21st Century Skills. Key features: Build confidence in recognizing letters and sounds Help children to recognize print in the environment Develop fundamental spelling and punctuation Empower children with lots of lexical items and essential Sight Words Develop language starting from “Letter Level” to “Word Level” and ending with “Simple Sentence Level” Link learning to real life outside the classroom Develop thinking skills as well as personal and social development through a variety of engaging activities Fun images and stories associated to letters and sounds

      • Children's & YA
        January 2021

        Lottie Loves Nature: Bee-ware

        by Jane Clarke, ill. by James Brown

        A Brand New Eco-Adventure Series for Young Readers. There are four book in the series.   Lottie loves wildlife and dreams of becoming a nature show presenter like Samira, host of her favourite programme "Every Little Thing". Lottie wants to encourage wildlife into her garden, but Mr. Parfitt, her neighbour, hates creepy crawlies and wants to rid his garden of all insects. So when he finds a bees' nest, he wants to exterminate them. Lottie has to save the bees! Lottie convinces Mr. Parfitt to call a beekeeper instead - because every little thing matters.   Nature Hooks: Bee and insect facts, how to make a bug hotel and butterfly feeder.

      • Children's & YA



        The adventures of a vampire little girl. YOUNG AVENTURE HUMOUR The adventures of a vampire little girl, Dracula’s daughter, who lives in her cattle. With an absent father who doesn’t understand her, she tries to discover her world and everything around her.   Surrounded by her friends such as her cat Luna, a naughty bat or her loyal servant, always there to clean up the mess. Non to mention her gang of friends, all of them little monsters that will look very familiar to you.   Enjoyable short stories with plenty of humour Message to strengthen family and friends’ values She’s crazy about books, comics and all kind of reading.

      • Children's & YA
        November 2020

        Maths With Fun

        by Fahed Al Hussaini

        Math with Fun is a course for children between 3 and 5 years old. This comprehensive research-based course helps children develop and master the basic mathematical skills as well as the legibility of numbers handwriting skill. Math with Fun is a course for children between 3 and 5 years old. This comprehensive research-based course helps children develop and master the basic mathematical skills as well as the legibility of numbers handwriting skill. The content is fully understandable, engaging, meaningful and relevant to the children’s life. It covers the following areas: Numbers, counting and cardinality Basic algebraic operations and thinking Data and measurement Geometry Problem solving and critical thinking

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