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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010

        Amsterdam und zurück


        by Marente Moor, Waltraud Hüsmert

        Es ist ein ganzer Haufen Russen, den es zu Beginn der Neunziger in Amsterdam an Land gespült hat. Die Sowjetunion gibt es nicht mehr, die Grenzen sind durchlässiger geworden, aber Heimweh ist trotzdem ein Thema für diese Jungs, denen Puschkin-Büsten und Salzgurken inneren Halt geben, die ihre Tage auf dem pittoresken Rembrandtplein verbringen, wo sie Aquarelle an die Touristen verscherbeln, und ihre Nächte dem Studium des Wodkas widmen. Witali Kirillow ist einer von ihnen, der Mann mit den meergrünen Augen. Längst ist sein Visum abgelaufen, seit dem Tag, an dem er »illegal« wurde, fährt er vorsichtshalber in der Straßenbahn nicht mehr schwarz. Doch das ist nicht das einzige Delikt in Witalis Leben. Acht Jahre zuvor, als Offizier an der sowjetisch-finnischen Grenze, hinderte er einen Kameraden nicht daran, sich in den Westen abzusetzen. Von der Familie gutmütig als »das größte Loch im eisernen Vorhang« verspottet, wurde er von der Armee hart bestraft. Seitdem läßt der Gedanke an den Flüchtling Witali nicht mehr los. Und schließlich, unterstützt von der rasant-energischen Jessie, macht er sich auf, um herauszufinden, was aus ihm geworden ist. Nur zwei, drei Pinselstriche braucht Marente de Moor, um in ihrem Debütroman die unterschiedlichsten Viertel Amsterdams lebendig werden zu lassen und vor allem die russische Szene der Stadt zu porträtieren: lauter Charakterköpfe, die – hochsympathisch und besorgniserregend tiefgründig – ganz nebenbei verhandeln, was Grenze, was Identität, was Heimat bedeutet. »Ein mitreißendes Bild – manchmal herrlich komisch, manchmal voller Nostalgie – von einem ungebärdigen Pulk Russen, die wie Schiffbrüchige in Amsterdam gestrandet sind.« Haarlems Dagblad

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Joe Biden

        Ein Porträt

        by Evan Osnos, Ulrike Bischoff, Stephan Gebauer

        Das erste deutschsprachige Buch über Joe Biden »Joe Biden ist zugleich der unglücklichste und der glücklichste Mensch, den ich kenne.« Das sagt ein Weggefährte über den 46. Präsidenten der Vereinigen Staaten. Der vielfach ausgezeichnete Journalist Evan Osnos begleitet den Politiker aus Delaware seit Jahren und hat ihn immer wieder interviewt, zuletzt im Sommer 2020. Diese und weitere Gespräche mit Angehörigen und Weggefährten wie Barack Obama bilden die Grundlage dieser brillanten Nahaufnahme des 1942 geborenen Biden, in dessen Werdegang sich die Veränderungen der politischen Kultur der USA spiegeln. Mit gerade einmal 29 Jahren wurde der Sohn eines Autohändlers in den US-Senat gewählt. Seinen Amtseid legte er ab, nachdem er nur wenige Wochen zuvor seine erste Frau und seine Tochter bei einem Autounfall verloren hatte. Nach Höhen und Tiefen führte ihn seine Karriere schließlich als Vizepräsident ins Weiße Haus. Joe Biden hat dramatische Schicksalsschläge und überraschende Wendungen erlebt. Vielleicht versetzt ihn gerade das in die Lage, eine zerrissene Nation zu einen, die Wunden der Trump-Ära zu heilen und einen neuen politischen Aufbruch zu ermöglichen.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2024

        The renewal of post-war Manchester

        Planning, architecture and the state

        by Richard Brook

        A compelling account of the project to transform post-war Manchester, revealing the clash between utopian vision and compromised reality. Urban renewal in Britain was thrilling in its vision, yet partial and incomplete in its implementation. For the first time, this deep study of a renewal city reveals the complex networks of actors behind physical change and stagnation in post-war Britain. Using the nested scales of region, city and case-study sites, the book explores the relationships between Whitehall legislation, its interpretation by local government planning officers and the on-the-ground impact through urban architectural projects. Each chapter highlights the connections between policy goals, global narratives and the design and construction of cities. The Cold War, decolonialisation, rising consumerism and the oil crisis all feature in a richly illustrated account of architecture and planning in post-war Manchester.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2020

        Learn to Write

        by Zhang Dandan

        This book pays attention to scientific tracing and refuses to repeatedly drill mechanically. Starting from brushstroke exercises, it gradually transitions to the writing of numbers, letters and simple Chinese characters, emphasizing the cultivation of correct pen holding and writing postures. Printed with rewritable materials, environmentally friendly and fun. It is recommended to use this book: After learning a knowledge point, complete the matching exercises, and then enter the next knowledge point. For the first time, mom and dad will teach the children. After the exercises are completed, the children will be the primary teachers and tell them this knowledge point. Be sure not to ignore this link. This is the best way to test your children's learning achievements.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        March 2020

        Quantitative Genetics, Genomics and Plant Breeding

        by Manjit S Kang

        Since the first edition of this book was published in 2002, the field of quantitative genetics, genomics and breeding has changed markedly. To meet this challenge, this new edition has only five updated chapters; the remaining 17 chapters are entirely new. This book presents state-of-the-art, authoritative chapters on 1) Genomics, Quantitative Trait Loci and Molecular Breeding (11 chapters) and 2) Multi-environment Trials and Plant Breeding (11 chapters). These chapters emphasise the application of genomics and genome editing techniques in the context of plant breeding, and the latest in examining genotype X environment interactions in the field through applying quantitative genetics techniques. There is a particular focus on using genomic information to help evaluate traits that can combat abiotic stresses, genome-wide association mapping, high-throughput phenotyping, bioinformatics and the use of big data and gene editing techniques. Chapters describe breeding approaches that help make use of alien germplasm and enable biofortification, and the intergration of statistical techniques. Examples are taken from across crop science and a very wide geographical base.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        Feline Reproduction

        by Aime Johnson, Michelle Kutzler

        Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world, and as homes become smaller, and single-person households become more common, it is predicted that the numbers being bred and kept will only grow. In Feline Reproduction, the global author team cover all aspects of reproduction in the queen and the tom. Beginning with basic anatomy and normal reproduction, it goes on to cover practical knowledge about pregnancy, neonatal care, breeding soundness exams, and semen cryopreservation. It also includes an overview of factors, diseases, and abnormal conditions affecting reproduction, such as infertility, causes of abortion and contraception. Covering both pet patients and nondomestic species, this book provides a thorough grounding in feline reproduction for the general veterinary practitioner, veterinary student, animal scientist, and experienced cat breeder.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Encountered the most beautiful education

        by Shang Nanhua

        A school education essay written by Shang Nanhua, the author of "Oh, Child" and prefaced by Gu Mingyuan. The main reader groups are teachers and parents. Telling stories about children’s school life, as well as some of the wisdom and experience of teachers’ school education, will help young teachers’ career advancement and parents’ understanding of their children’s school life and school education. The book is about 120,000 words, and it is currently planned for four chapters: without love, there is no education; teaching and educating people in the subtleties; without interest, there is no learning; students grow up in activities.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        May 2017

        Building Agricultural Extension Capacity in Post-Conflict Settings

        Case Studies

        by Paul McNamara, Austen Moore

        This book (a) investigates the experiences and issues involved with rebuilding extension systems (including public sector, private sector, and non-governmental organization (NGO) extension) in post-conflict settings, (b) evaluates the impact of different extension policy approaches and practice in such settings, and (c) identifies the key elements needed to effectively rebuild agricultural extension systems and programs in post-conflict contexts. The chapters include country-specific case studies that provide a descriptive account but also analyze strategies, successes and failures, and lessons learned. A synthesis chapter examines insights and lessons learned across post-conflict settings, and identifies the elements and investments needed to rebuild extension systems and programmes in these contexts. ; This book investigates the experiences and issues involved with rebuilding extension systems n post-conflict settings. It evaluates the impact of different extension policy approaches and practice in such settings, and identifes the key elements needed to effectively rebuild agricultural extension systems and programs in post-conflict contexts

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics

        Guide to the Research on Mathematical education II

        by Dianzhou Zhang

        This book is a mathematical discipline education research method books written by Zhang Dianzhou, academician of International Academy of Sciences for Europe and Asia(IASEA). Its publication is designed to help people understand math education for the forefront of progress in the study of mathematics education, raising the level of scientific research in mathematics education research, guidance for mathematics education research method of strategy.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2021


        An intellectual history of post-concepts

        by Herman Paul, Adriaan van Veldhuizen

        Postmodern, postcolonial and post-truth are broadly used terms. But where do they come from? When and why did the habit of interpreting the world in post-terms emerge? And who exactly were the 'post boys' responsible for this? Post-everything examines why post-Christian, post-industrial and post-bourgeois were terms that resonated, not only among academics, but also in the popular press. It delves into the historical roots of postmodern and poststructuralist, while also subjecting more recent post-constructions (posthumanist, postfeminist) to critical scrutiny. This study is the first to offer a comprehensive history of post-concepts. In tracing how these concepts found their way into a broad range of genres and disciplines, Post-everything contributes to a rapprochement between the history of the humanities and the history of the social sciences.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2016

        Language training for small moderators

        Children's Language Art Series Textbook

        by Guangzhou Aiyi Education and Training Institution

        This book is an extension of the "Children's Language Art Series Teaching Material-Language Skills Training for Little Hosts". Pinyin is added to facilitate learning and teaching. The teaching method is also more suitable for preschool children, through language training to exercise children's language expression ability. The book consists of two parts: basic knowledge and performance. Full color printing. The book core paper is 80 grams of Monken, which does not hurt the eyes.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020

        Read classics, learn to write scenery

        by Xiao Yuehong

        "Reading Masterpieces, Learning Writing" series, this series selects the extracurricular reading books specified by the new curriculum standard, through the guidance of famous teachers to guide the intensive reading, understand the outline of the masterpiece, select the fragments of the masterpiece that students are interested in, train the writing skills in the masterpiece study, and learn the masterpiece in Conception, material selection, writing, expression skills and language style, etc. will help students improve their writing skills. After each chapter of this series, it is planned to have a live webcast of high-quality lecturers with a QR code attached to the book, so that the vivid classroom will be presented to the readers in the form of audio and video. This book selects five extracurricular books, one extracurricular book is a chapter, and each chapter is divided into five parts: "Guide to Masterpieces", "Wonderful Appreciation", "As a Ring" and "Excerpt Appreciation". Through reading and deconstruction of classics, students can gain a lot of language accumulation and the magic weapon of writing.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2015

        A Piece of Childishness

        107 Education Notes of the Principle Mother

        by Shuo ZOU

        With a lovely childlike innocence, “the Principle Mother” Shuo Zou embraces every child with sincerety.She records her thinkings and feelings of education work in this handbook by using exquisite and warm brush strokes,and a kind and simple language.This book is gems of wisdom of the author who makes efforts to fulfill lifelong education,advocates the ideas of child education,and explores the system of childishness course.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020

        Read classics, learn to write people

        by Xiao Yuehong

        "Reading Masterpieces, Learning Writing" series, this series selects the extracurricular reading books specified by the new curriculum standard, through the guidance of famous teachers to guide the intensive reading, understand the outline of the masterpiece, select the fragments of the masterpiece that students are interested in, train the writing skills in the masterpiece study, and learn the masterpiece in Conception, material selection, writing, expression skills and language style, etc. will help students improve their writing skills. After each chapter of this series, it is planned to have a live webcast of high-quality lecturers with a QR code attached to the book, so that the vivid classroom will be presented to the readers in the form of audio and video.This book selects five extracurricular books, one extracurricular book is a chapter, and each chapter is divided into five parts: "Guide to Masterpieces", "Wonderful Appreciation", "As a Ring" and "Excerpt Appreciation". Through reading and deconstruction of classics, students can gain a lot of language accumulation and the magic weapon of writing.

      • Trusted Partner


        How to survive in a world where you can’t pay rent, can’t afford to focus, be healthy or to remain principled. Dijana Matković tells a powerful story of searching for a room of her own in the late stages of capitalism.


        It is a coming-of-age story for Generation Z. How to grow up or even live in a world where no steady jobs are available, you can’t pay your rent and can’t afford medical or living expenses. Moreover, it touches on how to be a socially engaged artist in such a world, and more so, a woman in a post-me too world? Dijana, a daughter of working-class immigrants, tells the story of her difficult childhood and adolescence, how should became a journalist and later a writer in a society full of prejudices, glass ceilings and obstacles. How she gradually became a stereotypical ‘success story’, even though she still struggles with writing, because she can’t afford a ‘room of her own’.   Dijana is a daughter of working-class immigrants, who came to Slovenia in the eighties in search of a better future. The family is building a house but is made redundant from the local factory when Yugoslavia is in the midst of an economic crisis. When her parents get divorced, Dijana, her older sister and mother struggle with basic needs. She is ashamed of their poverty, her classmates bully her because of her immigrant status, but mostly because of her being ‘white trash’. In the local school she meets teachers with prejudices against immigrants, but is helped by a librarian who spots her talent. When Dijana goes to secondary school, she moves in with her older sister who lives in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Her sister is into rave culture and Dijana starts to explore experimenting with drugs, music and dance. At the secondary school, she is again considered ‘the weird kid’, as she isn’t enough of a foreigner for other immigrant kids because she is from the country, yet she isn’t Slovenian enough for other native kids. She falls even deeper into drug addiction, fails the first year of school and has to move back to live with her mother. She takes on odd jobs to make ends meet. Whilst working as a waitress she encounters sexism and sexual violence from customers and abuse from the boss. She finishes night school and graduates. She meets many ‘lost’ people of her generation along the way, who tell her their stories about precarious, minimum wage jobs, lack of opportunities, expensive rent, etc. Dijana writes for numerous newspapers but loses or quits her job, because she isn’t allowed to write the stories she wants or because of the bad working conditions or the blatant sexual harassment. Due to the high rent in the capital, Dijana has to move to the countryside to live with her mother. She feels lonely there, struggles with anxiety and cannot write a second book, because she is constantly under pressure to make a living. She realises that she must persevere regardless of the obstacles, she must follow her inner truth and by writing about it, try to create a community of like-minded people, a community of people who support each other – all literature/art is social.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2012

        Lieber einmal mehr als mehrmals weniger

        Frisches aus der arschlochfreien Zone

        by Moor, Dieter

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2009

        Was wir nicht haben, brauchen Sie nicht

        Geschichten aus der arschlochfreien Zone

        by Moor, Dieter

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2015

        Als Max noch Dietr war

        Geschichten aus der neutralen Zone

        by Moor, Max

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