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      • Le Cheval d'août

        Le Cheval d'août is an independent publishing company located in Montréal (Québec, Canada) that specializes in fictional contemporary literature, from the novel to non-fictional genres. Passionate about new voices, original and pertinent forms, its catalog has quickly acquired a name for itself and has won the favors of critics and readers. Its authors have earned several distinctions, are translated in Canada and in Europe, and have seen their books enjoy a second life through various adaptations.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Ten Suns

        by Zhou Jing,Chen Yunxing

        Ten Suns was recounted by children's literature writer Zhou Jing, and contemporary painter Chen Yunxing re-engraving stories and characters in the style of Chinese painting. The integration of the poetry of the text and the thickness of the painting is a wonderful interpretation of ancient myths, which expresses the unique Chinese charm and Chinese spirit. The story in this book can be regarded as the prequel to the story of Houyi Shot Suns. The main story is why the ten suns appeared in the sky together. The author had a bold imagination and depicted the curiosity and naughtiness of the sun brothers. The story of Houyi was written through the surrival and death of the ten suns in the sky. This angle is novel and full of childlikeness.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2017

        Study on Zhou Dunyi's Journey of Life

        by Liu Yiping

        Zhou Dunyi (1017—1073) is a famous ideologist, philosopher and originator of Neo-Confucianism in the Northern Song Dynasty. Together with Shao Yong, Zhang Zai, Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi, they are called "Five Thinkers of the Northern Song Dynasty". This book is one of a series of books commemorating Zhou Dunyi with 17 manuscripts in it. The author experiences Zhou Dunyi's life journey by visiting 17 places where Zhou Dunyi ever studied, worked, teached, etc., and records personal feelings and reflection. It is the author's attempt to have a further understanding of Zhou Dunyi, Chinese traditional culture, as well as the Neo-Confucianism in the Northern Song Dynasty.

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        June 2015

        My Uncle Zhou Enlai

        by Zhou Erliu

        My Uncle Zhou Enlai honestly and sincerely records the bounds and influence of Zhou Enlai’s conduct, behavior and idealism from the perspective of author Zhou Erliu’s family history, personal experiences, and strong data proof. This new, over 200,000-word book is divided into seven sections including “The Zhou Family’s Social Standing”, “I and Uncle Zhou Enlai and Aunt Deng Yingchao”, “The Storms of Building the Nation”, “The Time of the Cultural Revolution”, “An Eternal Reminiscence”, “The Correction and Clarifcation of Historical Facts”, and “Carrying out the Wishes of the Deceased”. The author Zhou Erliu received nurturing and aid for many years from Mr. and Mrs. Zhou Enlai, and was the closest nephew to Prime Minister Zhou Enlai at work and in life. He was deeply influenced by them and possessed an innumerable amount of precious firsthand news and information, all these establishing the basis for the true emergence of Zhou Enlai in his book. This book has countless exclusive historical facts revealed for the frst time, including the influence of Zhou Enlai’s ancestors on him, a pillow side book from his last days along with his aspiration to write the novel Family Branch, his thoughts and views revealed in front of his family from the establishment of the New China to the “Cultural Revolution”, Deng Yingchao’s telling of the true cause for Zhou Enlai’s passing, and more.

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        Biography & True Stories
        May 2019

        Su Yu and Mao Zedong and Chen Yi

        by Zhou ShaoHua

        Su Yu and Chen Yi are the golden partner to Mao Zedong. The biggest confidant of Su Yu and Chen Yi is Mao Zedong. These three heroes were maintain closely relationships. The purpose of this book is to acquaint the achievements of the previous generation of proletarian revolutionaries with clues about the encounter between Su Yu and Mao Zedong Chen Chenyi for half a century.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

        Chen style Tai Chi- from beginners to masters

        by Chen Yibing

        Video presented by Chen YiBin- the prentice of national Tai Chi master Chen XiaoXing. It contains 32 patterns of Tai Chi, lead you to exercise and enjoy the life.     内容简介 国际太极拳大师陈小星入室弟子陈以斌亲身示范太极拳视频,扫码即看。陈式太极拳第十二代正宗传人,2013年受文化部、外交部、体育总局邀请天安门广场太极拳大型表演活动者和太极文化传播者!好功夫自有万钧之力,32个精华太极拳招式。既可锻炼身体,又能修身养性!

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2018

        Looking up at the stars in the abyss: the humbleness and pride of celebrities in Wei and Jin Dynasty

        by Bei Mingyu

        This book is a celebrity biography of Wei Jin Dynasties. The stories are authentic, which take us to review the Wei Jin Dynasties, and appreciate those interesting stories and souls

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        December 2018

        Ji Kang: The Prominent Celebrity in Wei and Jin Dynasties

        by Pi Yuanzhen, Huang Dingsan

        Ji Kang (223-262) was a renowned ideologist, litterateur, musician, painter in the Wei and Jin dynasties in Chinese history. The book serves as a biography of Ji Kang with the illustration of his life stories to introduce the lengendary life of Ji Kang and explore the historical implication.

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        The Collected Works of Zhou Zuoren

        by ZHOU ZUOREN

        Zhou Zuoren has always been called the "king of short prose". His essays are the culmination of Chinese vernacular prose. Contemporaries such as Lu Xun, Hu Shi, and Yu Pingbo have commented on it. He is erudite and knowledgeable, and his writings are all-encompassing. He is generally acknowledged as his literary style to be calm and dilute. His essays always permeate humanistic observations, which are both profound and forward-looking, and contain the plain and sincere of life, allowing readers to taste the classic aesthetics of prose in his dilute and simple texts, but also You can experience a rich life and harvest the wisdom of thinking.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2016

        Yuan Longping’s World

        by Chen Qiwen

        The profound reportage, Yuan Longping’s World, pays a tribute to a hero of our time -- Yuan Longping, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and a great scientist. The reportage has comprehensively and profoundly demonstrated the patriotism and scientific spirit of Yuan Longping, and objectively showed the rigorous but interesting daily life of Yuan and his team. The work has accurately describes the research principle and process of hybrid rice technology,analyzes and clarifies the generally concerned transgenic doubts about hybrid rice in the form of literature for the first time. It has been the most authoritative and deep-going biography of Yuan Longping so far, and even the most approved version by Yuan Longping himself. Chen Qiwen, author of the reportage, who lays emphasis upon field work and longitudinal interview, has worked for three years on this book, and nearly visited the paddy bases throughout the country, and even around the whole world.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2015

        Buyi Ethnic Group: The Bull King Festival

        by Tang Sulan, Chen Xunru

        Festivals of Chinese Ethnic Groups was co-authored by China's well-beloved authors of children's literature including Fang Suzhen, Tang Sulan, Wang Yimei, and was illustrated by celebrated Chinese illustrators such as Cai Gao, Chen Yadan and Zhu Xunde. This series covers intriguing, outstanding and poetic folk tales on festivals and customs from China's ten most representative ethnic groups. Showcasing their courage, gentleness and indomitable will, these delightful stories allow readers to learn more about the distinct and charming characteristics of these ethnic groups. Recommended as parent-child reading by CCTV during the Dragon Boat Festival, this series has won the Most Beautiful Picture Book 2017 prize given by China Library Journal. It was also nominated for the top picture books prize in China for the Chinese Government Award.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        Made In China

        by Zhou Meisen

        This novel focuses on reformation of a Chinese city through struggle and fate of people from three social classes: the leaders, the middle managers, and the common citizens.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        The Highest Interest

        by Zhou Meisen

        This political novel reveals inside story of achievement showing project. Through reflection of Chinese political system, it shows the most intense conflict of modern politics and the choice of politicians.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2015

        The Stories of Chen Yun

        by Liu Jintian

        The characters included in the "The Chinese Leaders' Stories Series" are all the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries who have made great contributions or created great achievements in the great struggle to create the People's Republic of China and the great cause of leading the people to carry out socialist economic construction. The vivid and detailed stories illustrate these great people from their birth time until their senior status and describe their fighting process, showing the reader a full and vivid image, reappearing their personality charm, political wisdom, and military talent. The series is a good model for cultivating the patriotism of Chinese young readers, and it also provides a great opportunity for readers to relive in the history and have experienced those leaders' great achievements. This book is the stories of Chen Yun.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        Unswerving and Brave Divisional Commander Chen Shuxiang

        by Zhi Zaifei, originally named Jiang Zhifei, is a writer, playwright, lyricist, and party history worker. He has published or released nearly 4 million words of various types of writings.

        Based on the spirit of Xi Jinping's speech at the 2014 Political Work Conference of the People's Liberation Army, the author, in the pursuit of the ideal, meticulously collected historical materials on Chen Shuxiang, the commander of the 34th Divisionof the Central Red Army's Rear Guard, and spent several years crafting this historical novel.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2014

        Ministers of the Great Qing Dynasty

        by Wang Yuewen

        This novel, through the creation of a group of ministers of the Qing Dynasty represented by Chen Tingjing, reflects the difficult choice of the officials in their personality, morality and behavior in a unique historical background, and recreates the situation of the officialdom some 300 years ago. On the basis of historical materials, the author presents the image of the celebrated upright, lenient, competent and iron-handed Minister Cheng Tingjing. Chen Tingjing, originally named Chen Jing, became a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations at the age of 21. As there were two candidates named Chen Jing, Emperor Shunzhi changed his name to Chen Jingting. From the moment he entered the officialdom, he was involved in constant confrontations with Mingzhu and Songgotu whose power later became second only to that of the emperor, and in open or secret struggle with Emperor Kangxi’s confidants such as Xu Qianxue and Gao Shiqi … In the 53 years of his official career, he consecutively served as Emperor Kangxi’s tutor, minister of the Ministry of Works, the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Revenues and the Ministry of Penalty, Grand Secretary of the Imperial Library, and editor-in-chief of Kangxi Dictionary before he died in post and was crowned with eternal glory. The plot of the novel is both lucid and heavy, giving enlightenment and caution to people of today.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2015

        The Stories of Zhou Enlai

        by Liu Jintian

        The characters included in the "The Chinese Leaders' Stories Series" are all the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries who have made great contributions or created great achievements in the great struggle to create the People's Republic of China and the great cause of leading the people to carry out socialist economic construction. The vivid and detailed stories illustrate these great people from their birth time until their senior status and describe their fighting process, showing the reader a full and vivid image, reappearing their personality charm, political wisdom, and military talent. The series is a good model for cultivating the patriotism of Chinese young readers, and it also provides a great opportunity for readers to relive in the history and have experienced those leaders' great achievements. This book is the stories of Zhou Enlai.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2015

        Chaoxian Ethnic Group: The Fivegrain Ceremony for Crows

        by Tang Sulan, Zhou Weizhao

        Festivals of Chinese Ethnic Groups was co-authored by China's well-beloved authors of children's literature including Fang Suzhen, Tang Sulan, Wang Yimei, and was illustrated by celebrated Chinese illustrators such as Cai Gao, Chen Yadan and Zhu Xunde. This series covers intriguing, outstanding and poetic folk tales on festivals and customs from China's ten most representative ethnic groups. Showcasing their courage, gentleness and indomitable will, these delightful stories allow readers to learn more about the distinct and charming characteristics of these ethnic groups. Recommended as parent-child reading by CCTV during the Dragon Boat Festival, this series has won the Most Beautiful Picture Book 2019 prize given by China Library Journal. It was also nominated for the top picture books prize in China for the Chinese Government Award.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Ten Thousand Miles of Changsha

        by Tang Xiaodu

        This is a collection of poems, including poems on the theme of "Ten Thousand Miles of Changsha" organized by the Propaganda Department of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee, as a gift for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. The book contains more than 100 poems by ten poets, namely Li Qi's "Changsha Ballad", Hu Xian's "Da Lu Ji", Shen Wei "Chen Xiang: Changsha Star", Wang Ziliang's "Changsha, Five Concertos", Sun Xiaojun "Changsha Group Poems", Zhu Yu "Changsha Spring", Wang Liming's "Changsha Poems", Na Ye "Changsha Poems", Wei Jin "In Changsha, in the Spring of Poems and Songs", Liu Xiangdong "Changsha Xingye". Changsha's historical and humanistic "ancient", landscape city "green", revolutionary hot spot "red", and innovative creativity "blue" are all shining brilliantly in these poems born in spring.

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