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      • Ernst Reinhardt GmbH & Co KG

        With over 120 years of experience Ernst Reinhardt GmbH & Co KG is a family owned, independent publishing company and has, as of now, 750 titles available. We specialize amongst others in the fields of psychology, education, gerontology and social work and publish an average of 45 new titles every year. Internationally known as quality research literature, our publications have been translated into over 30 languages.Reinhardt Publishing cooperates with professional institutions and associations such as the German Association for Psychology or the Association for Bodypsychotherapy and is a member of utb GmbH – a university-focused joint venture of 15 German  academic publishers.

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      • Mandalas for the Soul

        Mandalas for the Soul is a transformation, it has no gender or age, it has no race, it is for the soul, it is for spiritual beings, it is finding balance in your life as we all came here to live an earthly experience. Mandalas Books, Journals and messages from the universe were  all created to offer  an experience that let people  connect with their most sublime, wise and spiritual part at any time, this part of us that knows everything  and is always in a state of calm and freedom.

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        Children's & YA

        Broken Heart

        by Alexander Asatiani

        Cracked Heart tells the entire life story of a heart-shaped jewel box that becomes more and more precious for the reader, the older it gets. Even though it breaks and loses some of its external beauty, it gains a different kind of aesthetic when it’s put back together.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2015

        The souls of white folk

        by Brett L. Shadle

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        The Bridge: A Journey to Your Soul

        by Yoel Tordjman

        The Bridge, authored by Yoel Tordjman, is a journey through the inner workings of the human mind from a Kabbalistic perspective, which heals its readers’ souls as they progress through its pages.   Per the Torah, health begins in the mind. Each chapter of The Bridge addresses a different aspect of the human psyche that could potentially lead to disease. It then illustrates the keys to manifesting good health by creating bridges that connect all parts of the self into a coherent whole and to the main power source of the psyche.   By addressing the most relevant questions of our times—such as how to deal with uncertainty, overcome chronic stress, increase vitality, experience peace, and live one’s best life—the book is an invaluable tool to achieve happiness and peace of mind.   The Bridge is a collection of teachings by the author provided in response to people seeking his guidance. It was recorded by his son-in-law in writing, so that a wide audience of readers can have access to this essential knowledge.   Yoel Tordjman is an artist, educator, and mystic. Born in Paris in 1960, he has lived in Israel since 1989, first in Jerusalem and then in the ancient holy city of Safed (Tzfat), the original center of Jewish mysticism—the renowned City of Kabbalah. He is joyfully married with lovable children and grandchildren.   The author comes from a distinguished family of Jewish Torah scholars dedicated to community service. He has continued this legacy by serving as a community leader for forty-five years, during which time he has achieved far-reaching influence through his paintings and his unique voice. Among the eclectic body of work is a captivating collection of 613 mixed media paintings that convey the powerful vibrational messages of the 613 commandments (mitzvot)—a symbolic, magical number that corresponds to the organs of the human body. These paintings have a profoundly healing effect on those who meditate on them and share the spaces they occupy. Tordjman’s global vision is to exhibit all of his paintings across twelve international bridges, creating a spiritual art event that bridges the gap of humanity across every religion, race, and culture.   An email English-language edition on has been scheduled for publication in Fall 2024. 320  pages , 15x 22.5 cm

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge

        Pappbilderbuch mit abgerundeten Ecken für Kinder von 1 bis 3 Jahren

        by Attilio Cassinelli, Attilio Cassinelli, Vivien Danne

        »Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand, wer ist die Schönste im ganzen Land?« Schneewittchen natürlich! Doch das will die Königin nicht hören, also muss Schneewittchen flüchten. Zum Glück nehmen sie die sieben Zwerge auf – und auch ein Prinz wartet auf sie. Mit Attilios einzigartigen Illustrationen lässt sich der beliebte Märchen-Klassiker ganz neu erleben. Die beliebtesten Märchen und Kindergeschichten, leicht und verständlich erzählt im unverwechselbaren Stil von Attilio: kurze Texte, klares Design und helle Farben. Perfekt zum Vorlesen für Kleinkinder.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Die drei kleinen Schweinchen

        Pappbilderbuch mit abgerundeten Ecken für Kinder von 1 bis 3 Jahren

        by Attilio Cassinelli, Attilio Cassinelli, Vivien Danne

        Die drei kleinen Schweinchen sind groß und sollen zu Hause ausziehen. Sie bauen Häuschen aus Stroh und aus Holz – doch der fiese Wolf pustet sie einfach um. Der dritte Bruder hat eine zündende Idee: Er baut ein Haus aus Stein, da hat der Wolf keine Chance mehr! Das berühmte englische Märchen über kleine Schweinchen, die mit einer cleveren Idee dem listigen Wolf die Stirn bieten. Die beliebtesten Märchen und Kindergeschichten, leicht und verständlich erzählt im unverwechselbaren Stil von Attilio: kurze Texte, klares Design und helle Farben. Perfekt zum Vorlesen für Kleinkinder.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022


        Pappbilderbuch mit abgerundeten Ecken für Kinder von 1 bis 3 Jahren

        by Attilio Cassinelli, Attilio Cassinelli, Vivien Danne

        Während die Bärenfamilie einen Spaziergang macht, schleicht sich das kleine Goldlöckchen in ihr Haus. Die Tasse, der Stuhl, das Bett vom kleinen Bären sind alle wie für sie gemacht. Also Zeit für ein Nickerchen. Als Mama und Papa Bär mit ihrem Kind zurückkehren, staunen sie nicht schlecht. Die lustige Geschichte über eine Bärenfamilie, die von einem kleinen Gast mit blonden Locken überrascht wird. Die beliebtesten Märchen und Kindergeschichten, leicht und verständlich erzählt im unverwechselbaren Stil von Attilio: kurze Texte, klares Design und helle Farben. Perfekt zum Vorlesen für Kleinkinder.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit

        Your Soul Has a Plan

        Awaken to Your Life Purpose through Your Akashic Records

        by Lisa Barnett

        You were born with a plan that holds sacred contracts, soul talents, and karmic patterns to ensure you fulfill your life purpose. Now is the time to discover it! Get ready to take a journey of self-discovery while embracing the path your soul has laid out for you. With the help of the Akashic Record Keepers, receive answers to questions that, until now, have been unanswerable. In this book, renowned author and wisdom teacher Lisa Barnett addresses:• What a soul plan is• How to identify and heal trauma• The influence of past lives and soul families• How to release confusion and realign with your soul plan• What karmic patterns are, and how they support soul growth• How to move forward with purpose by embracing your soul gifts and talents   In each chapter Lisa shares wisdom from the Akashic Record Keepers, an exercise for reflection, and Akashic healing prayers to help you on your life journey. Break free from old patterns, move forward with purpose in understanding your soul plan, and awaken your inner joy.

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        Women are mysterious creatures. The behaviour and characteristics of women can often be perceived as enigmatic and unpredictable. The intricacies of their world are often misunderstood and disregarded, leading women to suppress their emotions. The book "Diam Dalam Gempita" presents 14 short stories addressing social topics such as taboo subjects, discrimination, stigma, freedom of speech, injustice, and the status and role of women in the contemporary era. However, there is no intention to falsely accuse an individual. In this context, both men and women are regarded as equals. Readers will be immersed in topics such as the chaotic yet majestic world of motherhood, the epic pandemic, the legal system for girls, the poverty of menstruation, child marriages, human trafficking, the technological capability to conquer humans, sex and intimation, and the role and struggle of husbands. The stories would open readers up to a whole new view of gender roles and how far we have come. A fluid and modern style of writing that is easy to read. Thought-provoking and bold, Diam Dalam Gempita delves into one’s realities.

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        Composition Biography: Thoughts and Confusion Carry Me

        by Said Bengrad

        The book is a story that combines childhood living in the 1960s deserts, before current forms of technology and virtualization. In this narrative text, it was not a matter of resurrecting a moment in a fleeting life in a non-stop chronology, but of shaping it into concepts that reconstruct it in an abstract way. The text does not present an individual story, but rather redraws the boundaries of an entire generation’s experience, a generation that saw the light after Morocco’s independence, with all of its subsequent achievements, failures, victories, and tragedies. The narrator in the text does not present ready-made theories; instead, he captures life in its events and facts and elevates it to an abstract level pending contemplation. The event in the text is an excuse for restoring life in the form of a “human experience,” and that is the outlet for returning academic knowledge to its role as an incubator for people’s concerns as depicted by their narratives, stories, and beliefs. What people experience by instinct; the story turns into another story constructed in the abstract. We do not simply live, we also contemplate our own living, and this is the sublime function of narration.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022


        by Attilio Cassinelli, Vivien Danne

        Rotkäppchen will der Großmutter einen frisch gebackenen Kuchen bringen. Doch das Mädchen hält sich nicht an den Rat der Mutter und nimmt den Weg durch den Wald. Dort begegnet sie dem listigen Wolf. Eines der bekanntesten Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm, erzählt in leuchtenden, klaren Bildern. Die beliebtesten Märchen und Kindergeschichten, leicht und verständlich erzählt im unverwechselbaren Stil von Attilio: kurze Texte, klares Design und helle Farben. Perfekt zum Vorlesen für Kleinkinder.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022


        by Attilio Cassinelli, Vivien Danne

        Der kleine Pinocchio gerät immer wieder in Schwierigkeiten. Gut, dass er die blaue Fee hat, die ihm immer im richtigen Moment hilft – zum Beispiel, wenn vom vielen Lügen seine Nase mal wieder viel zu lang geworden ist. Carlo Collodis weltbekannte Geschichten nacherzählt vom Star der italienischen Kinderbuchillustration. Die beliebtesten Märchen und Kindergeschichten, leicht und verständlich erzählt im unverwechselbaren Stil von Attilio: kurze Texte, klares Design und helle Farben. Perfekt zum Vorlesen für Kleinkinder.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Ich lese!

        by Attilio Cassinelli, Vivien Danne

        Der Bär vertieft sich am liebsten ganz ungestört in ein neues Buch. Auch das Eichhörnchen genießt die Ruhe beim Lesen: am Sonntagmorgen gemütlich im Bett. Der Maulwurf liest gerne nach einem dunklen Moment – wenn er seinen Kopf aus dem neu gegrabenen Tunnel streckt. Bei so vielen Büchern wird auch der Vogel neugierig – und schaut, was für eine spannende Geschichte der Wolf gerade liest … In vielen fröhlich-bunten Illustrationen zeigt Attilio, welchen besonderen Zauber Bücher entfalten – und unsern Alltag einfach aufregender machen. Ein Buch für alle, die nie auf Bücher verzichten könnten.

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        April 2022

        Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten

        by Attilio Cassinelli, Vivien Danne

        Lange hat der Esel seinem Besitzer gute Dienste geleistet, doch nun ist er alt und wird einfach vom Hof gejagt. Aber der furchtlose Esel hat noch große Pläne: Er will nach Bremen, um Musik zu machen. Auf dem Weg dorthin schließen sich ihm ein Hund, eine Katze und ein Hahn an. Und die vier abenteuerlustigen Freunde kann auch eine fiese Räuberbande nicht aufhalten. Die beliebtesten Märchen und Kindergeschichten, leicht und verständlich erzählt im unverwechselbaren Stil von Attilio: kurze Texte, klares Design und helle Farben. Perfekt zum Vorlesen für Kleinkinder.

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        Children's & YA
        December 2020

        The Soul

        by Richa Jha and Ruchi Shah

        The lonely writer Lekhan huffs and puffs every time the noisy street he lives in brings a new disturbance to interrupt his tales. Desperate to find a solution, Lekhan devises a plan which slowly leads him away from all the giggles and pitter-patter and chitter-chatter. The only problem remains is that his stories are silent, they do not cry anymore. Nor do they smile anymore. Richa Jha’s narrative sprinkles magic in the tedious effort to find and express into words, the soul of a story. Ruchi Shah’s vivid and curious illustrations bring to life an artist’s journey towards inspiration and drawing the best of their art from the world around them.

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